Although this is just a puppet, Yan Qin would still feel weird if Lin Sui ordered him to do something.

Can't tell, it should be a negative emotion, Yan Qin didn't delve into it, and turned to think about what Lin Sui said today.

When he was in the main body, he had asked someone to investigate Liu Chengcheng's incident. At first, he only learned a superficial result. After in-depth investigation, he found that there was something he didn't know.

It's true that the child's words offended first. This is a mistake and cannot be refuted. Yan Qin also admitted that Lin Sui should apologize for her actions.

But Liu Chengcheng caught a few alphas and made them take retaliatory actions, so that the child's test scores were very poor. This thing does exist.

Yan Qin felt that this matter should be ended like this. After all, Lin Sui did not provoke Liu Chengcheng again, and Guan Ying's gauntlet was also issued, so there was no need to keep provoking.

Lin Sui's temperament was not good, and Yan Qin felt that he had restrained himself without saying some unpleasant words at the time.

He admits that he is partial, but who is he partial to his own children?

Yan Qin sorted out the evidence at hand, and secretly sent some of Liu Chengcheng's actions to Guan Ying's inbox.

The love of young people is enough to mix oil with honey, don't involve his people.

The next day, Lin Sui saw someone taking pictures of Guan Ying and Liu Chengcheng arguing on the forum link Zhao Yu gave him, and clicked close without interest.

The threshold of the First Military Academy is very high, and the usual training is also very strict. In addition to various theoretical classes, there are also practical classes. Lin Suiguang is busy with classes and dealing with her private business transactions. busy.

Occasionally inhaled Yan Qin's pheromone, but he didn't do too much.

After all, things like sweetness are not given every day.

Yan Qin felt that Lin Sui's interest was weakening, which was what he expected. After all, Lin Sui seemed to be a shy person, and he would not be too concerned about anything. He even thought about the so-called stand-in. Was it his first delusion.

Lin Sui will not kiss him when she smells his pheromone, let alone step on him.

This is a good situation, maybe Lin Sui won't need him in the future.

Yan Qin thought so in his heart, but the corners of his mouth couldn't rise.

He even thought that Lin Sui was interested in other people outside, but after careful observation, he found that Lin Sui didn't seem to go out to mess with AA, which only showed that Lin Sui was really tired of him.

Ann: "Sir, your mood seems to be..."

"I'm very good."

Ann: "Really? I don't believe it."

Yan Qin feels that she is very good, everything is on the right track, everything is going in the direction she wants, what is he dissatisfied with?

Yan Qin opened Ann's core program and displayed the data in a split screen.

Ann: "Sir, I shut up! Don't turn me into a home robot!"

"Am I happy?"

"You look very happy. I have never seen you in such a good state. Even if we won four consecutive battles, you are not in high spirits now!"

Yan Qin let out a sigh of relief and went to the training room.

Ann muttered in her heart as she watched his distant back.

It is shameful and terrifying for the evil human beings to make AI lie.

In mid-December, Dabi, a freshman from the First Military Academy, was in sight.

Every freshman can participate in the registration. The combat department and the maintenance department are based on a lottery system, and the design department is rated in rounds according to the name.

Finally, the top three teams of each department will be divided into three teams for the final championship competition.

The first place in the competition not only has rich bonuses and resource rewards, but also can stay on the honor wall of the First Military Academy and become a future career.

884's task is to let Yan Qin win the competition, and the reward is that his spiritual power will be restored to A-level.

Yan Qin signed up early in the morning. He thought that according to Lin Sui, a person who likes winning so arrogantly, he should have signed up long ago, but he did not expect that when the list was announced the day before the competition, he did not see Lin Sui's name.

Yan Qin had already made a plan to compete with Lin Sui and might be threatened by Lin Sui. Thinking of that scene, there was still a little bit of expectation, but Lin Sui didn't participate, which was unreasonable.

Yan Qin returned to the dormitory, but did not see Lin Sui's figure.

At this time, Lin Sui had already boarded the interstellar train to the sixth star.

The show he was using as an excuse was tomorrow, which happened to be the same day as the Freshman Big Competition.

Lin Sui knew that Yan Qin had a mission to win the championship. He didn't plan to cause trouble for Yan Qin at this stage, so he would not go through the motions.

Lin Sui closed her eyes in cyan sunglasses, next to the child Stork who was still frightened.

"My mother specially gave me an order to give me a better result in the competition. It's better to be in the top three, and it's better to take the first place."

"I hope that when I go home, she will be gentler and remember that I am her own son."

Tong Stork choked up, but for the sake of his brother and his own ideals, he had no hesitation!

Compared with designing mechas, he still prefers designing toys and prefers biology, but it is a pity that his mother only allows him to enroll in military academies.

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