If this matter is publicized and guided, the status of the entire team will be greatly reduced. Lin Sui doesn't care about being gossiped by others, but if he wants to interfere with the status of his teammates, it won't work, let alone Yan Qin.

As the owner of the CE club, he visited the owner of that club and had a 'kind and friendly' conversation with him.

This boss's industry is not limited to the e-sports circle. Lin Sui's venture into the venture capital industry is very familiar with the situation of many companies, including his other industries.

Lin Sui made a move to make his order, which should have been smooth, suffer a little twists and turns, as a warning to him.

After weighing the pros and cons, the other party revealed the matter.

If it weren't for not staying here for too long, Lin Sui wouldn't just teach this little lesson, but fortunately, that person is quite sensible.

Yan Qin also heard the news, and when he knew that Lin Sui had been resolved, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He also doesn't care about his own reputation, but he is worried that his teammates are not in good shape because of their affairs, and he doesn't want Lin Sui to be criticized for being with him.

"It's so kind of you."

Yan Qin hugged Lin Sui's shoulder and rubbed his neck.

Yan Qin took the opportunity to boast to Lin Sui, wanting to let Lin Sui know that in his heart, he is really dazzling and beautiful.

Lin Sui did not deny this sentence, but just looked out of the window, through the sky, to a more distant unknown place.

He has been walking in the vast sea of ​​people for decades, and no one told him why he should be a good person, and what is the point of doing those things. It is obvious that he can live better if he is a wicked person.

Until he met Yan Qin.

Chapter 179

The pre-match preparation time passed quickly. The venue of DW Global Finals this year was set in Norway. A few days before the match, all CE members flew to the venue to adjust the time difference.

Before departure, Lin Sui asked Yan Qin if he needed to contact Yan Xingsen.

Although this father is not very competent, but on the eve of the important moment in life, Lin Sui is not sure whether Yan Qin needs this recognition and support.

Yan Qin, however, seemed to have heard a ghost story, shook his head again and again, and told Lin Sui not to think about Yan Xingsen again on the plane, so the matter was exposed.

The global finals of DW is divided into group stage and knockout stage. There are 16 teams in six major regions. The lottery is divided into four groups with four teams in each group.

Each team plays two games against all other teams in its group, with the top two teams in each group advancing to the knockout round.

The eight teams entering the knockout round will play a BO5 competition system, and then proceed to the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals in turn.

The competition is extremely fierce, and those who can enter the World Championship are the top seeded players in each major region.

According to the points, the three teams participating in the DPL division are G and CM.

It was supposed to be SRE, but because their performance in the summer playoffs was too unsatisfactory, the points were overtaken by the steady CM, so they failed to get the tickets for the World Championship.

When we were in the country, we were all competing with each other, but when we were outside, we were one. We naturally huddled together to keep warm, and the three teams all stayed in the same hotel.

All CM members still looked calm, but they still looked a little more nervous and excited than before.

This is not the first time for HNG to participate in the competition, but it has not achieved good results for three consecutive years, so it is inevitable that it will not be able to sleep.

Everyone sat together and chatted, praying that they would not be divided into one when the lottery was drawn.

"Last year and the year before last, I was with my own people. I hope there will be no civil war this year."

HNG captain Xue Ran smiled wryly. Last year they were sent back by CE, and before that they were sent back by SRE. When they came out to play the game, they ended up in a civil war. They were suffocated to death.

The CM assistant said: "No, I have a hunch it won't."

CM mid laner: "I urge you to trust him, the little Taoist can pinch and count."

CM assistant waved his hand: "Believe in science."

Then he said: "But before I came out, I made a divination in front of the ancestors of Sanqing, and the divination said that we are all good."

The superstitions of the Chinese people are sometimes very strange. At this time, it is better to believe it than to believe it, so everyone relaxes a little.

Yan Qin whispered next to Lin Sui, "Will you go when the lottery is drawn?"

In the past, he was the one to go, but this year with his wife, Yan Qin felt that it would be better for him to go, regardless of whether Lin Sui was the boss or not.

Lin Sui shook his head: "You go, my luck has never been very good."

These words are not self-deprecating, but Lin Sui's eyes are somewhat cold.

His luck has always been bad, and he always holds bad cards.

"Stop whispering, both of you, and join in the fun together."

Seeing the two of them sticking together again, Guabi couldn't help but extend his hand to greet them.

Lin Sui turned his head and found that everyone gathered next to the assistant CM, asking him to read palms.

"Master, calculate my marriage for me."

Guabi's face was full of anticipation. Although he is not particularly rich now, he still has enough food and clothing. Watching his teammates distribute dog food every day, and the coach continues to stimulate him, he also wants to know where his spring is.

The little Taoist pondered: "You can't force things like fate, Brother Gua, let nature take its course."

Guabi was depressed: "It's really like listening to what you say, like listening to what you say."

Some people make the little Taoist priest healthy, but the CM captain can't stand it anymore.

"It's better to ask him than to ask me. Come here and I'll give you a pulse. If you are worried later, go for a medical examination. You can't rely on metaphysics for this kind of thing."

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