A voice came indistinctly, and gradually became clear in the ears.

"Ah Sui, the Que Ling Secret Realm is open today, it's time to get up."

Lin Sui sat up in a daze. Underneath was the white jade bed, and beside the bed was a young sword repairman with gentle eyebrows.

The Chenshuang sword is around him, refracting the bright sky.

Chapter 185: Gui Langjun x Twins

The scene in front of him was blurred for a moment, and then became clear again. Lin Sui seemed to remember such an incident.

He used the dedusting formula to clean himself up, and walked out with the youth.

He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, and a ball of cotton seemed to be stuffed into his mind. He felt something strange, but he couldn't get to the bottom of it. Hearing the call ahead, he quickened his pace, and squinted his eyes when he saw the sunlight outside the cave. .

The body of Chenshuang Sword became larger, carrying people towards the destination.

The secret place of Que Ling is located in Que Ling Mountain. The mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and there are blue birds hovering in it, revealing some magnificent blue in the clouds.

Lin Sui pressed his heart, his eyes became more and more empty.

Looking at him with concern, Lin Sui shook his head.

The soreness in his chest cavity made him feel joyful and in a trance, how could it be so?

The flying sword was like a shooting star, and stopped before the Que Ling secret realm.

There was already a group of people sitting or standing on the ritual vessel.

Lin Sui looked at the leader, feeling vaguely familiar, and even seemed to know what he was going to say next.

"Jianzun, you can't break this rule unless you are a monk with a golden core.

Others echoed: "That's right, why did he bring his Taoist companion to such a place?"

Someone ridiculed: "It's just a piece of trash that can't cultivate, but it dares to enter the Bird Plume Realm, it's just that there is a good man by its side."

"I'm afraid it's not for him to go in and find the treasures of heaven and earth for washing the marrow, but the natural furnace is the furnace, so why bother?"

Lin Sui looked at the people beside him, feeling something in his heart.

The fierce sword energy came down from the head of the speaker, forcing those people to scramble to defend. Some people did not defend in time, and the robes on their bodies were pierced by the sword energy, and they were even injured.

The Chenshuang sword passed through the head monk's neck with a cold air, cut off the broken hair on his forehead, and nailed it straight in front of the gate of the Que Ling secret realm, leaving a sharp sword intent.

The black-clothed swordsman slightly parted his thin lips, not allowing everyone to comment, "Open it."

Lin Sui lowered his eyes, his eyes gradually cleared up.

This is his memory.

Yan Qin is always like this, he doesn't like to talk very much, and he never likes to argue with others, he prefers to express his attitude directly like this.

He never changed his decision because of what others said, just like this time he was going to violate the agreed rules and take him into the secret realm of Bird Ling.

He doesn't follow the rules of those people, as long as he achieves his purpose, he is taken in.

He is like ink stone, like black jade, his mind is impenetrable, restrained and restrained, he walks every step with his own rules of conduct, and never announces what good deeds he has done. For him, everything is from the heart and kindness, No need to spread the word.

He is like a sword hidden in an inconspicuous scabbard, its brilliance bursts out, and it only lasts for a moment, but it is unforgettable.

Lin Sui seemed to be looking at him greedily and nostalgicly, at the shadow in his memory.

He knew that the situation in front of him was not right. As a ghost, he didn't need to sleep, and it was impossible for him to dream of falling into such a memory that he couldn't remember clearly a long time ago, but he didn't care.

What he thought he had forgotten was actually clearly remembered by his brain, and was revealed in his dream.

What Yan Qin has done for him is not limited to this one.

The scene and sound in front of him gradually blurred, Lin Sui was a little flustered, he tried desperately to recall this scene, but just like the memory every time he woke up from a dream, the figure in front of him became blurred, making people see it no matter what unclear.

Knowing that he couldn't keep it, he still wanted to grab it desperately.

In another place, like Lin Sui, Yan Qin fell into a dream unknowingly.

He forgot who he was, why he was in this place, and what was going to happen, and only remembered that he was very happy.

There was a noisy scene in front of him, the scorching red was everywhere, and the guests next to him sent their blessings to him one after another.

"Congratulations, Ghost Monarch, it's really a pleasure to have candles in the cave today."

Yan Qin nodded in a trance, yes, he remembered, today is his big day, and his lover and himself have a good relationship.

A name vaguely appeared in his mind, the smile on his face could not be concealed, and the corners of his lips never came down.

He walked into the new house with big strides, and the figures inside could be seen faintly among the layers of gauze curtains.

Yan Qin's heart beat faster and faster, he lifted the annoying veil and saw that face.

Eyebrows with appropriate shades, sentimental eyes, red lips, a romantic look that looks like a smile but not a smile, and a beautiful skin with jade bones.

Sure enough, it was his Miaoshan Monarch, Lin Sui.

When Yan Qin saw him, his heart itched very much. It seemed that they would be together forever after they got married. They had already become ghosts, so naturally they were not bound by the lifespan in the world and could be together forever.

He can hug him as much as he wants, after all, they are married.

Yan Qin reached out to touch him, but the beauty didn't move, just looked at him with a smile.

Yan Qin held his hand, feeling inexplicably relieved.

He has been able to perceive various emotions and desires since he was a child, and he naturally discovered that the person in front of him is only skin and bones, but an illusion.

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