It was a six or seven-year-old boy, and he shouted anxiously: "Uncle and aunt, Er Niang asked me to report that several big worms have entered the village. Let us all hide quickly and don't go out."

As he spoke, he walked in and closed the door.

But he was young and not big enough to reach the latch.

Lin Sui and Ruoyi silently glanced at each other when they heard his address.

Although Lin Sui has a good-looking face, his face is not feminine, so he should not be recognized as a woman, let alone Ruoyi.

Ruoyi had been watching the situation quietly, and raised his hand to help the little boy close the door.

Only then did the child heave a sigh of relief, but he climbed up to the firewood pile next to the courtyard wall, reached the wall and poked his head to look outside. After a few glances, he jumped down immediately.

"If there is only one long worm, everyone is not afraid, but several are scary."

"Auntie, let's go into the house. You just got married, and there is no fish or meat in the house. Don't worry, the worms will follow the smell. My mother just said at home that the weather is good now. Auntie, if you are pregnant now Then you can catch up with confinement in winter, which is very comfortable.”

The child said to himself, staring straight at Lin Sui's stomach, as if there was already a little brother or sister inside.

Lin Sui raised his brows when he looked at her: "I can't get pregnant."

Needless to say, Yan Qin still hadn't finished digesting the ghostly aura that Yan Qin forcefully fed him.

If he has this ability, according to Yan Qin's ability... Tsk, fortunately he can't.

"Why?" The little boy looked puzzled, and then looked at Ruoyi suddenly, his young and tender face was full of complexity, "Uncle, is it because you can't do it?"

"My mother said that the daughter-in-law Ma at the entrance of the village couldn't give birth to a baby because old Uncle Wang was injured. Uncle, you were injured too?"

Ruoyi didn't care about anything the little boy said, but he heard a muffled laugh from the side.

He couldn't help turning his head, and saw a pair of smiling eyes, the ghost's pale face was slightly red, and those eyes were dyed the color of water.

This scene was really funny to Lin Sui, he never thought that one day Yan Qin would be told no by a child with a pure and innocent face.

"Husband, are you injured?"

Lin Sui's provocative call has a deliberate elongated soft tone, which is full of jokes.

Ruoyi doesn't know about human love, but it's not that he doesn't know anything about these things. He has beheaded a lot of foxes and ghosts, and those pink skeletons are all blatant, and even he knows a lot of things.

But he naturally didn't take these things to heart, and he didn't feel ashamed or interesting.

Even after being teased like this, he still looked indifferent, his brown eyes were like Wugou glass, he didn't respond to the joke, his flawless face like a white jade carving showed a cold indifference.

Lin Sui knew that the good face had no desires, but he couldn't help being slightly disappointed.

In fact, Shanmian is a bit like the original Yanqin. At some point, the feeling of being untouched by the world is exactly the same, but it is different after all.

Yan Qin would not be unresponsive, if he was like this when he first met, he would be a little shy, and if he heard such teasing words after getting acquainted, if he didn't show it at the time, he would definitely become a bit fierce afterwards.

"Little Daoist, you are really boring."

Lin Sui lazily folded his arms and leaned against the pillar, with a somewhat dispirited look on his face.

Ruoyi looked away, noncommittal.

When he saw Lin Sui's disappointed eyes just now, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, which was fleeting, as if he had just noticed it and disappeared.

If you didn't think about it, there was another knock on the door at this time.

"Uncle, aunt, come out quickly! The long worm bites people, Uncle Tong rescued the third sister-in-law and the others, and told everyone to kill the long worm, and people couldn't hold it anymore!"

The voice was very familiar, it was clearly the voice of the little boy who just came in.

Lin Sui looked aside, and the little boy disappeared into the yard at some point.

The voice floated away, as if heading towards the next house.

If he opened the door, Lin Sui would have already left through the wall.

There was a faint cry from the street, and the sound became louder and louder. It wasn't a single person crying, but a group of people crying.

As Lin Sui walked out, many things in his memory or dream were vague. Those men and women whose faces could not be seen were crying at the entrance of the village, and beside them were the corpses of several tigers.

"The village head has worked hard for us for most of his life, and now he is still doing it for us..."

"There are no mountain gods in this world at all. If there were, why didn't they show their spirits during the severe drought before and now the big worms? Only Uncle Tong worked hard for us, and now..."

They were all mourning for the same person, and Lin Sui and Yan Qin watched their statue erected a monument.

Humans do not have the ability of demons and ghosts, but beliefs can create gods. Therefore, there were monsters before and after mountain gods appeared, all because of human thoughts.

Lin Sui understood that the Bailu Mountain God was probably born in this way.

The scene in front of me has changed again and again, which is about how the people in the small village live and work in peace and contentment.

A figure emerged, different from the kind-hearted grandfather on the statue and the previous image on the road. He looked like a thin man with a peaceful face and deep-set eyes.

"This is my hometown. The folks regard me as a patron saint and let me become a mountain god after death. This has been the case for several generations. Now that the world is in chaos and demons are rampant, how can I not protect them."

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