Yan Qin's heart settled down instantly, and he hugged Lin Sui's waist and murmured: "It doesn't hurt."

He didn't care about the pain just now, and sucked Lin Sui's lips greedily, as if he wanted to swallow him into his stomach in another way.

Yan Qin didn't ask where Lin Sui went, nor how he came back, let alone what happened here, but just impatiently doing what he wanted to do.

No matter there are stumps everywhere, in this thick blood, his ferociousness is more and more overflowing.

Under the coffin were his bones, and on the coffin was the ghost king who he couldn't wait to eat the flesh and devour the bones.

Their ears and temples rubbed together, their snow-white legs contrasted with the heavy coffin.

The paradoxically unparalleled beauty caused the blue butterfly to spread its wings and fly away in the shock.

Lin Sui didn't have time to speak, but he didn't need to speak. His fingers curled up and left almost invisible marks on the coffin. If it wasn't for being held down by Yan Qin, he would have been knocked out of the coffin.

This is the born evil son who has been stripped away, the evil ghost who becomes more violent after death, and the inflated and crazy desire.

Qingjue Meixue's voice is cold, so it doesn't matter to ghosts.

The heavy snow in front of him didn't stop, Ruoyi left the inn.

He doesn't like to use the technique of shrinking the ground to an inch, because it consumes energy, so it doesn't matter now.

He walked forward on his own, feeling a burst of evil spirit.

However, this evil spirit was biased towards favor, so he didn't look up.

The flagon fell from the branch and he caught it just in time.

"Alas, I'm sorry, I didn't hold it steady and fell down."

A young man was hanging upside down from the branch above, as if he was drunk and a little confused.

When he saw Ruoyi, his eyes widened in surprise, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death. I said how can a ghost become a human again."

The young man jumped down from the tree with a smile on his face, and took the jug from Ruoyi's hand.

"I once met a ghost who looked exactly like you. That ghost was interesting, but it also taught me something. If I can meet him again, I can tell him a new answer to that question. "

The young man continued to pour the wine into his mouth, but when he realized that he had finished drinking, he put away the jug in a state of dismay.

The young man is the red snake Danshu, or the red python is more suitable.

He has transformed from a snake into a python, but his brows are a bit sad.

If you're not interested in what he has to say, keep walking.

Dan Shu seemed to have been troubled for a long time, and wanted to talk to someone, but Ruoyi ignored him, and used the magic method to chatter beside him.

"I found my fate, and I have experienced the calamity of love in the world. I knew it was a calamity of love, so I spent every day in the romantic place, thinking that I understood love, but when the ghost asked me, I feel like I don’t understand anything.”

"I was going to go home, but I met her on the way home. She is not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, but in my eyes, no one can compare to her."

"She doesn't like me. Even though I am good-looking and try to please me, she still doesn't like me because she has a sweetheart."

"At the beginning, I thought that's not the case with men and women, and love is not the same thing, but later I realized that there are people hidden in people's hearts, and they can't be squeezed in. Those who laugh at being loyal and ridiculous are the most ridiculous."

"I just watched her marry another woman. I want to get rid of that day and turn a snake into a python, but I still want to be that little snake. I don't want to understand this."

"The happiest is the one who doesn't understand love."

Ruoyi walked forward, turning a deaf ear to the noisy voices around him until he heard a whisper from the snake demon.

"I don't know if that ghost has found Mr. Miaoshan. According to his behavior, it's normal if he can't marry Mr. Miaoshan, but..."

Ruoyi stopped in his tracks: "But what?"

Dan Shu looked dumbfounded: "Ah? Are you listening to me?"

Seeing Ruoyiqing's cold eyes, Dan Shu continued what he said just now: "But I am willing to see Mr. Miaoshan."

Ruoyi couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, it seemed that layers of snow had fallen on his heart, freezing him unconscious.

Is he willing to be with others?

Chapter 191: Gui Langjun x Twins

When he arrived in Wucheng, Ruoyi saw a ghostly aura soaring to the sky somewhere.

The ghostly aura in that area was so thick that it almost covered the sun with clouds.

Ordinary people can't feel anything, at most they think it's cold and cloudy over there.

If he went straight there, he didn't know if Mr. Miao Shan was there, but his intuition told him that was the direction.

Dan Shu's drunken mind was half sobered by the ghostly aura, and he hurriedly followed.

The courtyard is deep, and the high gate is closed.

Ruoyi jumped into the wall, and saw the gloomy ghostly aura above the black coffin, and the faint white.

Without blinking, he pinched the curse with one hand and drew the sword behind his back with the other.

The sword moved towards the black coffin, but halfway through the journey, it was difficult to move forward, and it froze in midair.

On the other side, as soon as he climbed over the wall, a spell came oncoming, knocking him to the ground directly, and the Taoist Qingqi formed a restraint, and when he approached, he shone with dangerous light.

Dan Shu muttered: "Don't let people join in the fun."

But it was dangerous to think about it inside, so Dan Shu found the nearest tree, hung it on it, and continued to drink.

Yan Qin sensed the annoying Taoist aura, covered Lin Suihu in his arms, and looked out with a pair of blood red eyes full of hostility.

The ghostly aura dissipated, and two faces that looked exactly the same but completely different faced each other.

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