The original owner has a wide vocal range, and can sing both high and low pitches. The voice is clear and warm, and can control most of the songs.

With the help of Yan Qin, a talented composer, he has nothing to deal with.

However, the script of the variety show required this, and Lin Sui also cooperated with the performance.

It was Lin Sui's mentor Yun Huan who came into the singing room first, and Lin Sui communicated with her. Yun Huan was an expert, so she immediately knew that Lin Sui hadn't encountered any trouble, so she made a cutscene.

After Yun Huan left, the door of the karaoke room was pushed open again.

Yan Qin seemed to have carefully tasted the score he had written, expressing that the score was still a little flawed.

"This section can be better, add a little sound from this section, and then add some changes."

Yan Qin pointed to a certain place in the score, sat by the piano, played the section where the chorus came into play, and made an arrangement.

Yan Qin looked at Lin Sui while playing, he faced the camera, faced Lin Sui's playful eyes, he had to work very hard to ensure that he did not smile and make people suspicious.

He calmly showed the appearance of his instructor and expressed his adaptation ideas.

Lin Suizheng did not face the camera, nodded in agreement while bending down, holding the music score and said to Yan Qin: "Here, raise the key and remix the sound?"

With the movement of bending over, Lin Sui's profile came into the mirror.

Yan Qin nodded solemnly, and gave him a look of approval: "That's right."

The scene looked exceptionally harmonious, effective guidance and communication in the professional field, and extremely fast sensory resonance, but no one knew that the student's hand was pressed on the instructor's leg at the place covered by the piano.

The fingertips touched casually, but the expression on the young man's beautiful face remained the same, as if he was listening carefully and accepting the guidance.

Yan Qin's legs were tense. If his reason hadn't been reminding him that there was a camera facing his face not far from the piano, he might have been unable to resist pressing him on the piano, just like that It's like at dusk.

Yan Qin left one hand from the piano, chatted with Lin Sui about modern pop music in a low voice, and at the same time played a demonstration for Lin Sui with one hand on the keys.

In fact, the hand he put down had already pressed the back of the young man's hand, wandering, covering, and intimately gripping.

But the hand he used to demonstrate was still pressing the keys firmly, making it impossible to see the clue.

In the blind spot of the camera's viewing angle in the karaoke room, under the radio equipment carried on the body, this is a secret communication that no one knows about in the dark, and it is the joy of a bold and indulgent adventure.

The staff who pushed the door raised the board to indicate that they can enter the next process.

It was still a three-person competition system, and Lin Sui stepped onto the stage when it was his turn.

"Today is still an original song, the name is "White"."

He nodded slightly towards the upper right corner, indicating that he could start.

Stepping into the prelude, the ground is surging with inorganic white.

Zhou Lu listened expectantly to the scene holding a small glowing sign at the bottom. This is the number of public judges she got from a lottery. Fortunately, the recording time was Saturday and she happened to be on Saturday alone. Flew over early, just for today.

When the lights on the field dimmed, Zhou Lu listened quietly.

This is a song that subverts the inherent definition, and the arrangement is full of strong future science fiction.

Humans often think that black is an indescribable symbol. It hides dirt, covers everything, and brings sensory horror, mystery, and a sense of dominance.

In fact, white is more domineering, and everything under its color has nowhere to hide.

The cover of snow is more terrifying than the cover of mud. Human beings praise it with purity and beauty, and brush off the dust for it.

The young man's slightly indifferent singing voice and quiet eyes are like a pure white monarch who gave orders, watching the dirt rolling with cold eyes, and then being completely cleaned.

When the electronic sound of the chorus advances, it makes people's scalp tingle more and more.

Zhou Lu recalled many sci-fi movies he had watched in a flash. Those large areas of dazzling white that represented the sci-fi color appeared in his mind. Coupled with the lighting of the stage, Zhou Lu inexplicably had the idea that the youth on stage was a data composition. The mastermind emulates human feelings.

The remix of the chorus is too emotional, coupled with Lin Sui's bass, it makes Zhou Lu very attractive, and he can't wait to record it and go home for loop, but it's a pity that he can't take pictures or record.

She scored full marks immediately, without hesitation at all.

After listening to the song for most of the day today, she was actually a little tired. After listening to Lin Sui's song, she became more and more tired.

But when the voice of the instructor's comment sounded, she immediately regained her spirits.

Emily: "My comment on this song is the same as before, that is, it is perfect, there is nothing to be picky about, it is even at the level of a debut single, and there are some familiar feelings, as expected, there should be Teacher Sui An's handwriting."

Emily's voice was full of ridicule, and the chorus advanced, raising the tone of the whole song at once, with Suian's unique style.

Every piece of music created by Suian has no fixed style and is unpredictable, but in some songs, you can find his very personal way of composing and arranging music, commonly known as Suian's style of showing off skills.

Emily has worked with Suian before. Before the cooperation, she has studied all his songs, just to achieve this cooperation opportunity. In the end, she also succeeded in getting out of the circle with this song, and won last year's Golden Melody Award, so when the chorus appeared, she discovered the traces of Sui An in the song "White".

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