Chapter 102 Preferred Exam!!

Just stepped into the room.

I saw the Star Palace teacher crawling on the table with a pained face, and the giant pandas were squeezed into a ball on the table.

Opposite the table are three tables and chairs, and Horikita Suzune sits in the middle with a black line.

Yukiyuki hurried into his seat, and Kushida looked at Horikita Suzune visibly dissatisfied, but didn’t say much to sit on the other side.

“This teacher, the people have arrived, it’s almost time to start.”

Horikita Suzune said with a cold face.

From the moment she entered the door, she saw this Class B guide crawling on the table and never got up, is such a person really a teacher?

“Sorry sorry, the teacher drank too much last night, his head hurts~”

Star Palace covered his forehead and looked a little headache and handed three pieces of paper with some folds to the three people, “This is the rule of this exam, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask me at any time.”

Once again, I felt the unreliability of the Star Palace.

Taking the paper, Yukiyuki was a little curious about how Ichinose had accepted such a teacher.

But the basic rules of the exam are written on the paper. Summer group special exam instructions.

This exam is based on [preferential] assigned to each group. Answering the questions to the school in the prescribed way will definitely get one of the four results.

Rule 1: The school will send an email to inform students at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the test start. At the same time, the fact of being selected will also be conveyed to those who have been selected as “preferential persons”.

Rule 2: The exam schedule is from tomorrow to 9pm four days later (with a day of complete freedom)

Rule Three: The team members should meet twice a day in the designated room at the designated time and have an hour’s discussion.

Rule 4: The content of the discussion is entirely up to the discretion of the group.

Rule 5: Regarding the answer part, after the end of the test, the school will only accept the answer of [Who is the Preferential Person] from 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm on the same day, and each person is limited to answering the question once.

Rule 6: The school only accepts answers to questions that students use their mobile phones to send letters to the designated mailbox.

Rule 7: [Preferential Person] has no right to answer.

Rule 8: Answers to a level other than the cadre group to which you belong will be considered invalid.

Rule 9: The school will inform all students by email at 11:00 pm on the last day of the test results.

The above rules are written in detail, and the night snow quickly swept away the other two.

Horikita Suzune frowned solemnly and carefully read the rules, Kushida seemed to have no interest in the exam, did not look at it, but took out a small mirror to tidy up the makeup, from time to time pursed his lips and muttered to make cute movements.

Horinomiya also gathered in front of Horihoku at this time, holding her shoulder and saying with a mouth full of wine, “I heard that when the uninhabited island exam was held, it was Horikita who found the leader of Class A and Class C.

“Teacher, can I trouble you to stay away?”

Smelling a smell of wine, Horiko was uncomfortable, “What does it mean, and how many groups will be divided into groups, when is the discussion time designated by the school, and the trouble teacher will explain in detail.” ”

“It’s really good to be young, it’s good to be young, it’s a lifeline for adults.”

The Star Palace triumphantly said what only the uncle would say.

Feeling the wordless gaze of Horihoku and the others, Hoshinomiya coughed softly, “Really, then there is no way, teacher, I will officially explain this special exam.”

This special exam, which I prefer to call the Favoritor Test, is a group of twelve students selected from each class, and your group can be called the Tatsu Group or the Dragon Group.

Group name, in order of twelve branches, it may be more convenient for you to understand it with the name of the twelve zodiac signs, the time specified by the school is 1 p.m., 8 p.m., other times can be free to move, August 13th is the intermission, what questions? ”

Although every question asked by the Star Palace will be answered, it is really difficult to be called an excellent teacher, and if you do not understand it quickly, you may suffer a big loss.

If you don’t know that she is also like this in Class B, you will definitely think that the Palace of Stars is targeting Class D.

But the people present were all the elites of each class, except that Kushida didn’t care much about the exams, and Horikita and Yuyuki quickly understood.

Getting the answer he wanted, Horihoku nodded and looked again at the paper in his hand.

What follows is what the school says is the four outcomes that are doomed.

Result 1: Except for the group members and students belonging to the class of the preferential person, if everyone answers correctly, the school will pay all group members individual points. (Students who belong to the Favoritor’s class will each receive the same points)

Result 2: Except for the Privileged Recipients and the students belonging to the Privileged Recipients’ classes, if no one in the group answers or answers the questions incorrectly, the school will pay the Privileged Recipients 500,000 individual points.

No matter how you look at it, this is a fairly favorable rule for the favored. Horikita Suzune frowned a little puzzled.

Without waiting for her to ask, the Star Palace took the initiative to speak, “There is still Oh on the back.”

Turning to the back, Horikita’s puzzlement was also answered.

Result 3: If someone other than the preferential person does not wait for the end of the exam to give the answer to the school in advance, and the answer is correct, the class to which the student is a student will receive 50 class points, and the school will pay 500,000 individual points for the correct answer.

Conversely, classes that are recognized as preferential treatment will be punished by deducting 50 class points. The group exam will end at this point in time. Again, with preferential treatment. If the student in the same class answers correctly, the school will treat the answer as invalid and proceed to the examination.

Result Four: If someone other than the preferential person gives the answer to the school in advance before the end of the test, and the student who answers incorrectly and misunderstands the answer will be punished by 50 class points.

While the Preferred Candidate earns 500,000 Individual Points, the Class to which the Preferant belongs will also receive 50 Class Points. The exam ends at the time when the answer was wrong.

In addition, if the student in the same class as the priority person makes an incorrect answer, the answer will be considered invalid and will not be accepted.

The full picture of the exam has surfaced in front of everyone’s eyes.

However, there was too much information that the Star Palace did not take the initiative to inform, and Horikita frowned and said, “Star Palace Teacher, regarding the result one, how many points will the school pay.” ”

“All staff half a million personal points, preferential treatment of one million personal points, very good right, I also seem to be a preferential person, the teacher’s salary for one month is not as high as the preferential person, Horikita students do not think that the school is very excessive?”

Star Palace grievances Baba confided in several students, “Teacher, I also want to buy some beautiful bags~”

Looking at the teacher who was spoiling the younger age, Horikita Suzune took a dismissive attitude with a black line, “What is the standard of the school grouping, can you tell us?” ”


Star Palace muttered with his mouth on the side of his head, and put his hands crossed on his chest, “Don’t tell you~”


Can’t say!

Although he could understand the meaning of the Horino Palace, Horikita Suzune only felt a headache

Fen, originally thought that the tea pillar teacher was enough to do it, did not expect that there are adults like the Star Palace.

Night Snow also had some doubts.

The Star Palace seemed to have an inexplicable curiosity or temptation to Horikita and these two people had things he didn’t know?

Horikita Suzune said coldly, “Can the Star Palace Sensei tell us about the members of the Dragon Group?” ”

“Yes and no”

The Star Palace quickly took out three identical lists from the drawer and handed them to several people, “This is the list of your dragon group, but including the rules just now, you can’t take it out Oh ~ It’s best to write it down here ~”

Night Snow took over the list, and what he expected was not big.

Tatsu Group (Dragon) – Examination list

Class A: Yasuhira Katsugi, Ryoko Nishikawa, Nobuji of Field, Koharu Yano Class B: Sayo Ando, Ryuji Kanzaki, Sail Ichinose

Class C: Sho Ryuen, Takumi Oda, Hidetoshi Suzuki, Masashi Enda Class D: Tennomiya Snow, Kushida Kirihime, Horikita Suzune]

Looking at the list in hand, Horikita frowned instantly, the list of the dragon group gathered the big guys of each class, but some were curious about why Yosuke Hirata, the central figure of the D class, was not in this group.

Doesn’t the school think Hirata is the leader of Class D?

It is also unlikely, the night snow is put aside for the time being, Hirata is undoubtedly better than Kushita.

How did the school select such a list, and what were the criteria for selection?

Looking up at the Star Palace, even if he asked, he still wouldn’t say, “Does the Star Palace Teacher have other things to pay attention to?” For example, if you violate the law, please go to the trouble of saying it all at once. ”

“Oh yes, almost forgot~”

Taking out three identical documents from the drawer again and handing them to several people, the Star Palace tried to pass the level.

It is forbidden to steal other people’s mobile phones, threaten and intimidate others to confirm preferential treatment, or to send answers to other people’s mobile phones without authorization, otherwise they will be punished as withdrawal.

Of course, those who lie about being threatened may also be expelled from school, and the school has also made it clear that it will conduct a detailed investigation into any suspicious behavior.

Finally, after the completion of the exam, it should be disbanded, and communication with other classes is prohibited for a certain period of time, and violators will also be withdrawn from school.

“It seems that there is still a rule that has not been written down.”

Star Palace hurriedly added, “You will go to the designated room of the school tomorrow at one o’clock in the afternoon and eight o’clock in the evening, and it is forbidden to leave the room during the examination time, in case of any physical discomfort, you must contact your respective class instructors immediately, you know?” ”

Horikita no longer wanted to take care of the unreliable teacher of the Star Palace, “No matter what means are used, it is our freedom, right?” ”

“That’s right~” Star Palace did not care about her attitude, but was very happy to hold her in his arms, “Horikita is really very cute, do you want to transfer to our B class, I like you too much.” ”

“Trouble teacher, answer my question.”

Horikita said with a helpless face.

“Except that self-introduction is necessary, everything else is your freedom.”

Seemingly very fond of Horikita’s arrogant and cold personality, Horikagemiya holds Horihoku in his arms like a large doll.

Coldly pulling away the hands of the Star Palace, Horikita had learned how to deal with this teacher who did not have any majesty.

“I have no problem, can I go?”

Horihoku glanced at the night snow, saw the latter shrug his shoulders casually, and immediately turned around and walked outside, not wanting to stay with the Star Palace for a moment.

“Oops ~ good envy Saeda sauce, Horihoku is really too cute ~” Horinomiya held his cheek and looked at Horikita’s back with love.

“Teacher of the Star Palace, we will go first.”

Ye Xue also hurriedly bid farewell, and Kushida also followed with an expression that was finally over.

“Heavenly Emperor ~ can’t judge the sail sauce Oh~”

Hearing the mischievous voice of the Star Palace, Kushida looked back at her and left with the night snow without a word.

As soon as he left the door, Horikita Suzune waited outside the door.

She frowned and skimmed her eyes, and quickly looked at the night snow, “I have something to say to you.” ”

“I know what you’re trying to say, so let’s wait until tomorrow morning when the Preferred One is confirmed.”

Shrugging his shoulders casually, Yuyuki left directly with Kushita, who looked back at Horihoku and smiled inexplicably.

“What does she mean?”

Horihoku frowned, he really didn’t understand the meaning of Kushita’s smile, he was obviously still very hostile to her before, how could he suddenly feel that Kushida seemed to suddenly become kind to her, what was the situation?

But more crucially, Ye Xue must have been deceived by Kushida

She didn’t believe that Kushita’s kind of persistent person had become better skin overnight.

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