Chapter 121 Horikita decided not to give up!!

“What the hell am I doing?”

Horihoku sat on a cushion with his hands on his knees and buried his head in his legs.

This has been the case since I returned to my room.

Although I had already made up my mind, after all, I already knew what kind of guy Ye Xue was.

But when he really saw Kushida and Ye Xue together, there was still an indescribable anger in his heart, and even now he was still extremely irritable.

However, from the perspective of rational thinking, she did not seem to be qualified to accuse Ye Xue’s practice, after all, her position was also three, and it was not much better than Kushita.

The mind knows this, but there is still some discomfort in the heart.

“I shouldn’t like that guy.”

Although I don’t want to admit it, but aside from Ye Xue’s personality, his strength is indeed desirable.

Remembering the scene of kissing with Ye Xue, a faint joy will also gush out of your heart.


The doorbell rings.

Di Bei adjusted her mood and got up to open the door, there was no doubt that there was only one person who would come to her bedroom.

Horikita’s door opened.

Watching her appear in front of her with a plain face, the corners of Yuyuki’s mouth cocked, and sure enough, Horihoku would not make a fuss like a girl.

She wrapped her hands around her chest and took the lead in opening her mouth coldly, “Ye Xue, do you know what you are doing?” Dormitory specification 5 will not forget, right? ”

“Is that all there is to it?”

Ye Xue looked around, he had observed that no one around him rang the doorbell, but he was not sure if anyone would pass by.

Talking here is not a good choice, Horikita pursed his lips a little reluctantly, obviously he wanted to preemptively attack, but he also understood this and helplessly gave way.

After taking off his shoes in the entryway, Ye Xue also stepped into the dormitory of the north for the first time.

There is no cute decoration like girls, just simple cleanliness and cleanliness is obviously based on practicality.

Di Bei wrapped his hands around his chest again, and his figure stood straight in front of him, staring at Ye Xue coldly, “Dormitory norms are fifth, it is forbidden to have improper relations between men and women, and you don’t have anything to say about Ye Xue?” ”

“What are you talking about? Are you talking about the little orange terrier? We didn’t do anything! ”


Horikita’s face instantly cooled down, and he sneered, “Don’t be kidding, do you want to say that I read it wrong?” Night Snow, I don’t even dare to admit what I’ve done, I really misread you. ”

“As long as both sides don’t admit it, there’s no problem, can they?”

Ye Xue raised an eyebrow and sat down on the bed, skimming the small low table with empty eyes, “Is there a guest coming, and you can’t even pour a cup of tea?” ”

Horikita pursed his lips and walked into the kitchen with some reluctance.

Originally, he also wanted to use school rules to restrain Ye Xue’s behavior, hoping that he would not do that kind of thing in the future, but he did not expect it to be resolved so simply.

This damn guy knows what she’s thinking, so he can’t let her go.

Ye Xue also took this opportunity to look at the room.

The ground was spotless, and it seemed that Horikita was also quite disciplined in daily life, and there were still a few wet tissues in the garbage can.

No matter how good she is, Horikita is still a girl.

“What are you looking at in someone else’s room, not knowing how impolite it is?”

Horikita placed two glasses of drinking water on the table and sat on the floor with a cushion.

Nightshade picked up the wet tissue from the trash can and sat down across from her, “Have you cried?” ”


“Then this paper…”

“Nothing is nothing!”

Horihoku looked at each other coldly for an instant, as if to tell him to say one more word and kill you in three days.

“All right.”

It seems that Horihoku is not as frank as it seems, and Yuyuki casually counts his shoulders and throws the tissue into the trash, “Well, if Suzune wants to break up with me now, it is okay.” ”

“No, don’t underestimate me, since I agreed, I will not break the agreement.”

Horikita calmly brought drinking water into her mouth, and everything seemed to show that she did not care about Kushita.

“It’s right.”

Ye Xue did not hesitate to appreciate, and some doubts, “Then you still have to continue to perform your girlfriend’s duties, speaking of which, it is now noon, I have not even eaten breakfast, the ingredients you purchased are still in my bedroom, should you help me to make lunch.” ”

“Don’t go!”

“I will fulfill my girlfriend’s duties, and in the future, if Yexue wants to eat the food I have prepared, she will come to my room, and change the clothes and find an opportunity to send them.” ”

If you want to limit the time you can use to go to Kushida and other people in this way, you are still simply jealous.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter!

It can only show that he has occupied a certain position in the center of Horikita.

“Then shouldn’t you give me a spare key card, because if I find out that I often come in and out of your bedroom, I will be in some trouble?”


As if ready to go, Di Bei slapped the green key card on the desktop and said coldly, “The only person who will feel trouble is someone like you who is weak-minded.” ”

“Then I’ll go get the ingredients.”

Ye Xue nodded and took the key card and left the dormitory.

It seems that he is indeed the only one who will be weak-minded.

Horikita was completely indifferent to this aspect, nor did he care about the views of others.

“That… Horikita classmate? ”

Looking at the bowl of red beef soup in front of him, Ye Xue had some toothache and hesitated to catch the chopsticks.

Horikita said calmly, “Night Snow, what are you waiting for, it’s cold if you don’t eat it anymore, it’s a very shameful act to waste food, you shouldn’t do such a thing.” ”

“Nope. You did it on purpose, didn’t you say you didn’t care? ”

“Spicy? It seems that your eyes are not very good, which is the reason why there are more tomatoes, well, eat it. ”

Night Snow pulled the corners of his mouth.

Did you fail my respiratory system?

However, it is better to let the north of the excavation outlet gas, and Ye Xue carefully picks up a piece of beef and sends it into his mouth.

“Very spicy~”

As if his tongue hurt as if he had lost his sense of taste, Ye Xue panicked and drank the drinking water in front of him, feeling that it was still a little insufficient, and picked up the water cup in front of Horihoku and drank it.

That’s a lot better, how many peppers this guy put in.

The corners of Horikita mouth are slightly cocked.

“Well, there’s so much left, eat it in the night snow, don’t waste it.”

“Don’t be too proud!”

Looking at Horikita, who was full of pride, Yuyuki instantly stepped forward to give her a French veneer.

This guy wouldn’t think that was the end of it.

Horihoku quickly dodged and said lightly, “I will fulfill my girlfriend’s obligations, but this kind of thing is obviously not in this list, or wait until we get married.” ”


Ye Xue was a little surprised, “You have already thought about what happened after marriage?” ”

“Yes, I will never break the agreement and I don’t have that kind of thought, you seem to be very hungry for my body, then marriage is the natural end.” 」

Horikita said with a single face.

Nightshade was a little playful, “But I still have a girlfriend of Nozose.” ”

“Although the timing is not quite right, I will let her give up.”

Horihoku stared firmly into the eyes of the night snow.

“That’s it.”

Ye Xue touched his chin.

Let’s not talk about Ichinose for a moment.

Sure enough, the current Horikita is not good enough.

“I don’t want to hit you too hard, but it’s almost impossible to marry me.”

Ye Xue casually shrugged her shoulders and explained, “I treat the person who is the Heavenly Imperial Chaebol, naturally I will find a person who is the right person to marry, or a very good woman, it is not an easy thing to marry me, Lingyin is still at ease when my girlfriend is better.” ”

The room was quiet.

Horikita also knew that Yukiyuki was telling the truth.

Although her family environment is not bad, she can be regarded as an upper-class person of Sakurajima, but she wants to be far from the Tengo family.

She took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, “Rest assured, I will be good enough to match you.” ”

“That’s really worth looking forward to.”

Ye Xue casually smiled and did not refute it, picked up a piece of beef and casually sent it into his mouth to add, “Also, in fact, I also like to eat spicy.” ”

“Shameless brother.”

Di Bei scolded darkly, sullenly eating, it turned out that the other party had been tricking her into playing.

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