Chapter 125 Fierce Ibuki, I am not a prostitute!!

“It hurts”

“It’s really bad, it’s just three people together, it’s inexplicably wonderful,”

“Ah, just imagining it makes me feel sick to death, and I will never forgive you the next time I dare to do this.”

The next morning.

Shinmuro Makoto cursed a few words in disgust, and his footsteps left the room with some strange steps, and he also warned Ye Xue very viciously that he would not allow this next time.

“I still just learned that yes, that guy really has such an interesting side, Kushida has a sweet smile on his face and rests his head on the shoulder of the night snow.”

She and Shinmuro Masumi had known each other for the first time, and originally thought that the Shinmuro was also a guy with the same appearance as Di Bei, but she did not expect to be unexpectedly interesting.

Even if the old miserable who was bullied by Ye Xue was miserable, the Divine Chamber True Cheng would never admit defeat on her lips, even if the Night Snow used various methods to induce her, the Divine Chamber True Cheng simply turned passive into active, and did not give the Night Snow the opportunity to be arrogant.

“Okay, little orange terrier, you should go back first.”

“No, I’m not enough yet.”

“Obedient, obedient!”

“Cut, got it~”

Kushida muttered disapprovingly.

Ye Xue could only bully and bully her, and although he seemed to be very satisfied with Shinmuro Makoto’s actions, it obviously did not meet the definition of cuteness.

Kushida Kirito is the world’s most adorable woman in Ye Xue’s mind.

“Then I’ll help the night snow prepare breakfast ~”


The night snow was somewhat speechless.

Kushida was still so clingy, she unwillingly cleaned the room and left the room with a bento box.

The most important thing Kushida should do now is to deal with the social problems left behind in the past few days and revert to the trusted little angel of Kushita.

But everything that is done now is for the sake of the night snow, no longer for the trust of others, although the psychology will be a little bored, but for the night snow, these are not unbearable things, as long as the night snow is a timely reward.

Kushida cleaned the room completely before leaving the bedroom three times in one step.

Ye Xue also casually ate some bread and continued to sleep back in the cage.

After all, he was not ironclad, and from five o’clock in the afternoon yesterday to this morning, he only had a little rest during the quarrel with Shinroku Makoto.

When I woke up again, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon.

After a simple wash, Nightshade plans to stop by Patras Cafe in advance for a bite to eat.

Leaving his bedroom, he came to the elevator entrance with a spring breeze smile on his face, and when he looked up, the top of the elevator showed that the elevator was parked on the 10th floor.

The 1st to 6th floors are boys’ dormitories.

On the 6th to 12th floors are girls’ dormitories.

Indicating that the arrow is down, the card is descending, and the night snow presses the elevator switch and waits for the elevator to fall.

But after a while, the elevator fell.

With a clang, the elevator door opens automatically.

“Oh well”

Ye Xue was just about to step into the elevator when he saw Ibuki sigh with some disgust.

She is wearing a white dress today and a blue coat on the outside, although her personality is more like a boy, but Ibuki is also unexpectedly feminine.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

“Don’t talk to me!”

Ibuki’s slender little hand tightened the strap and scolded.

There was no one else in the elevator, the corner of Ye Xue’s mouth walked to Yi Chui’s side, she took a slight step back, seemed to think of something and shrank back without flinching, Ye Xue played with her heart and wanted to force her into a corner, she also squeezed back with the same force.

There is no idea of conceding defeat at all.

Sniffing the faint fragrance, it seemed that she did not have the habit of using perfume, and just as the two of them were squeezing together, the elevator finally reached the first floor.

The two squeezed out of the elevator at the same time and walked towards the Beech Tree Shopping Center.

Although the school is not large, it takes about ten minutes to walk to the shopping mall.

Ibuki clutched the bag belt and secretly looked at the man next to him from time to time.

After going to the uninhabited island, every time I went to sleep, I couldn’t help but think of the picture of the night snow kissing her, and the hateful and vicious bad thing I saw in the tent, which was really annoying.

About five minutes later, Ye Xue stopped and looked at Yi Chui playfully, “What have you been following me?” ”

“Huh? Do you think I want to walk with you? ”

Ibuki stared at him with fierce eyes and explained, “This is the only way to the Beech Tree Shopping Center, you don’t think that your handsome is amazing, less narcissistic.” ”

“Then you go first, although you are very beautiful, it is always a little uncomfortable to be stared at by such a fierce look.”

Night snow doesn’t matter to give way to the road.

Yi Chui clenched his fists and demonstrated, “Why do you want me to go first, and if you want to go, you should go first.” ”

Even such a small thing is not willing to lose.

“Feel free to do as you like.”

Ye Xue didn’t care to count his shoulders and continued to walk, Yi Chui also followed behind him as if pressing F Jian, and as soon as Ye Xue’s footsteps stopped, she also stopped.

It was very interesting, and there was still some free time away from the time agreed with Sakayanagi to spare.

Ye Xue simply stopped in place, and Yi Chui just stopped at him with his bag belt and stared at him fiercely, as if he was being bullied.

“Why don’t you go?”

After a moment of stalemate, Ibuki asked impatiently.

Ye Xue glanced at it, “It’s also very pleasant to be able to stay with such a beautiful girl, if you get to the center of the beech tree you will leave, then it is better to stay with me for a while.” ”

“Huh? It’s unbelievable, how can you have such a thought, Ichinose is not your girlfriend, she is much more beautiful than me. ”

It’s rare for a girl to admit that she’s inadequate, and Ichinose is a little nicer looking than Ibuki.

Yuyuki played with the taste, “That’s just your personal subjective judgment, in my eyes you and Ichinose are very beautiful, or echo my aesthetic.” ”


As if frightened by his statement, Yi Chui leaned back and hurried up, “Since you are so idle, then share the victory and defeat with me!” ”

“What wins and loses?”

“There was a reason for the rain on the uninhabited island, I couldn’t play all my strength, now compare with me again.”

On rainy days, the muddy environment of the uninhabited island is indeed not very friendly to Ibuki, who is good at kicking.

But the gap between the two is definitely not able to be explained in this way, and Ibuki, who has been practicing martial arts for many years, should know this very well.

Is it the psychology of losing, or even she herself does not know why she said this.

“I’m really idle.”

Halfway through, Ye Xue turned to play with the taste, “But there is no advantage in competing with you, and Ibuki you are not my opponent.” ”

“No better than how to know, are you afraid of the night snow?”

“Radical Method?”

Ye Xue chuckled, “But unfortunately I am a person whose interests are paramount, and there are no practical benefits, so this kind of radical method is useless to me.” ”

“How about giving the other person 10,000 points as long as he loses?”

Ibuki sneered and said defiantly, although he knew that Ye Xue’s strength might be stronger than hers, but if he was in a relatively fair venue, he would at least not lose so badly.

“Well, come with me, and we’ll find a convenient place to compete.”

Nightshade takes Ibuki to the Patra Cafe and deliberately glances at it, not seeing the figures of Sakayanagi Yusuki or Shinmuro Masumi.

Then in a deliberative tone, he found Yuhime Mizushima and easily borrowed it to the warehouse of Patras Cafe.

“It’s so easy to borrow, do you know that woman very well?”

Ibuki furrowed her eyebrows a little puzzled.

Ye Xue skimmed his eyes and said, “You rarely communicate with me, this kind of hand-raising work, as long as you have a good attitude, few people will refuse, well, but I do know Mizushima.” ”

“That’s it.”

Yi Fu frowned, she didn’t know how to judge this reason, she really didn’t have any friends in the class, and she was also extremely disgusted with Dragon Garden and others, of course, she was also extremely disgusted with Ye Xue, anyway, she was a little disgusted with everything around her.

“Are you ready?”

Coming to the warehouse, Ibuki directly set up a posture, threw the girl’s beloved bag to the side, saw Ye Xue nod, and kicked it directly without hesitation.

Even if it is Ibuki, is it well equipped with safety pants?

With a playful mind.

Nightshade grabbed her ankle in her arms with her backhand, and Ibuki, who had lost her balance, fell into her arms, and Nightsnow kissed her.


Eyes round.

Ibuki couldn’t believe it.

Some were surprised that the gap between the two was so large, and as for Ye Xue’s move, there did not seem to be much surprise, as if it was expected.

“What do you bastards do?”

After struggling for a while, he found that the strength of the night snow had finally weakened, and Ibuki quickly pushed away the other party and scolded.

Ye Xue didn’t care to spread his hands, “Since you lost, of course, you have to accept punishment.” ”

“No kidding, we obviously said we would bet 10,000 points, but we didn’t allow you to do this to me.”

Yi Chui stared at the night snow very much, as if if he couldn’t get a reasonable explanation, it would definitely not be finished with you.

Ye Xue sneered and said dismissively, “Unfortunately, I didn’t agree to it, but I have already received enough benefits, ten thousand people points are not needed, next time remember to do a good job of enlightenment and challenge me again.”

“You bastard, don’t underestimate me.”

Ibuki took the terminal out of the bag next to him, walked to the night snow and stared at the night snow with unyielding eyes, and in desperation, the two exchanged contact information, and soon received a transfer of 10,000 points.

Ye Xue said helplessly, “Let it be, when you count the shortcomings, you can tell me, the next time you want to challenge, you will not be so simple to let you go.” ”

“You are less self-righteous, next time I will not lose.”

Yi Chuo’s face turned red, and he glared at him fiercely and ran out of the warehouse.


Looking at her slender back, Ye Xue touched her chin.

He was not a prostitute.

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