Chapter 166 Self-Pairing Exam!!

After listening to the final exam instructions told by the tea pillar teacher, some people in the class have quickly thought about it, and the pairing test is obvious, and the focus is on finding a partner.

As long as you can form a partner with the master, then this exam can basically be said to be stable, and you don’t have to worry about the written withdrawal of the school.

“May I ask the teacher, what is the total passing line set by the school?”

Hirata quickly stood up and asked slightly nervously.

He thought completely differently from others, and there were indeed several students in the class who had very good grades, such as Tianyu Yuxue, Gaoyuanji, Yukimura, Wang Meiyu and others.

But there are indeed more people who are not good at learning, accounting for two-thirds of the class, and the entire class is extremely polarized.

If the passing line is too high, it is undoubtedly very difficult to pass the exam for all employees, and it will even drag down those who are good at learning.

Hirata didn’t want to give up, after all, everyone was a member of the class.

Even Tianyu Yuxue was a member of the class.

When he was on the uninhabited island, Hirata knew that Ye Xue was not a good person who was willing to be a good person, and as a boy, he also seriously doubted whether Ye Xue was deliberately deceiving Matsushita Chiaki and others.

But he still treats Ye Xue as a member of the class, and even takes the initiative to help cover!

When it comes to the Favorer exam, he is sure that Karuizawa will go to find the overnight snow after Karuizawa so that he can solve Karuizawa’s problem.

After the end of the sports festival, Karuizawa proposed to break up and did not need to continue pretending.

Hirata also did not have any doubts, and took the initiative to take on the wrong side, mainly because he saw that Izawa seemed to be very happy, and did not have the look of fear anymore.

Although it is not known what means Yukiyuki used, or what kind of deal he made with Karuizawa, it was enough.

As long as he can bury the problem underneath, even if Yuyuki is a heinous villain, Hirata will help reconcile for the sake of class stability.

This tool is really easy to use.

However, Cha Zhu did not give an accurate answer, “It is still early, the school will set the total passing line score after the final exam, but I can give you a reference, the passing line in previous years is seven hundred points.” ”

Hear the words of the tea pillar.

Not only Hirata was relieved, but also Ike Hiroji and others were relieved, and this score was not too high.

Usually, the passing line of the exam is above forty points, and the eight subjects are three hundred and twenty points, as long as you work hard, two people are seven hundred points, it is still easy to achieve.

As if seeing what everyone was thinking, Cha Zhu said coldly, “Don’t be happy too soon, the final exam will also ask you to challenge the exam from other levels.” ”

“That… What’s going on? ”

Looking at the somewhat anxious class, Hirata hurriedly made a round scene.

Cha Zhu nodded and explained, “Every special exam is a competition between classes, and you should all be strangers, and this time is no exception.”

The four hundred questions of the final exam need to be thought out and made by yourself, and then handed over to other classes to answer, of course, when the final exam is taken, the test paper you answer is also the test paper from other classes.

For example, if you give a question to Class D, and the final class score is higher than that of Class D, you can plunder 50 class points from Class D, and if you are below Class D, you will be refunded by 50 points.

Then I received the exam questions of Class A, and if the final total score was lower than Class A, you would be robbed of fifty points, and if you were higher than Class A, you could get fifty points back. ”

After a slight pause to leave some time for students to think, Cha Zhu took the initiative to add, “If it is a situation where Class A and Class D attack each other, they will be divided into winners and losers at one time, and at that time the number of class points will become a hundred points.” ”

The inferior students panicked in an instant, not only losing a hundred class points, but also facing the withdrawal of school.

Hirata is also ugly.

If it is written by the school, the total score of seven hundred is actually not difficult.

After all, the difficulty of the school is there, but if other classes come up with the problem, they can expect to face what kind of difficult trap questions and so on.

Not to mention Ike Hiroji and others.

Like whether some middle and upper class students can get through smoothly is a problem.

In the end, Chi Kuanji was a little flustered, “Questions are written by students, I have never heard of such a thing, if there is a question that students can’t answer, what to do.” ”

“Don’t worry about that.”

Cha Zhu explained this, “Although it is for students to ask questions, the school owner will also check them, and if there are questions that are beyond the scope of teaching or cannot be answered, we will correct them.”

In addition, whether you are asking questions from teachers, consulting with other classes, senior grades, or using the Internet, it is your freedom.

As long as the final deadline, the middle sentence of December, one week before the final exam, the exam questions are handed over to me for confirmation, and the expiration is not waiting. ”

In other words, this time the students were completely unable to exceed the outline.

There is a school inspection, as long as people who study well pay more attention to trap questions, they can still get good results.

“Teacher, isn’t this too messy?”

“Time is too tight, what if it is not completed on time?”

Hirata was a little embarrassed to speak.

It is now the middle of November, only one month away from the final exam, four hundred exam questions is equivalent to more than ten questions a day, want to plunder points from other classes, the exam questions naturally can not be perfunctory.

Every day to go to class, club activities, study meetings, want to write the question itself also requires a very high academic strength, so the burden is already very large.

The school also considered these things, and Saeda replied, “In case the questions and answers are not completed on time, the school will take out the low-difficulty test papers prepared in advance and provide them to other classes instead of your exam papers.” ”

The low-difficulty test paper is undoubtedly perfect equivalent to directly abandoning the exam and giving away a hundred class points in vain.

However, Hirata was not very concerned about this, he was more concerned about whether the whole class could pass the exam together, “So, teacher, how is the decision about pairing?” ”

“I’ll tell you this after the results of the exam come out.”

Sabana continued to add the rules of the exam, “Also, the day before the exam, you should tell me the class you want to attack, and if it overlaps with the wishes of other classes, the school will call the representative to draw lots.”

In the end, it is natural to prohibit cheating, and as soon as it is discovered, it is immediately disqualified and withdrawn with the collocation.

If there is a situation such as illness and other inability to take the test, the school will conduct an investigation to calculate the estimated score from the past examination, and if there is no legitimate reason for the absence, it will be treated as a zero score.

The above is the pre-explanation of the small test and the final exam, and the rest needs to be thought for yourself. ”

At this point, the final special exam instructions are over, and Saeki leaves the classroom neatly, leaving time for everyone.

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