Chapter 170: Horikita who loves to learn, the determination of the Star Palace!!

Dig North and Tea Pillar are also very aware of this.

If the goal of the class is duplicated by other classes, it is still decided by lottery, and in the end it can only depend on luck.

Then the crowd discussed some details about the exam, and two pots of black tea were drunk.

At six o’clock in the evening, the four girls prepared a sumptuous dinner together.

After dinner, Di Bei was ready to send guests, and said coldly, “Let’s go here today, I still have some words to discuss with Ye Xue alone, you go back first.” ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kukuhoku felt the playful look in Karuizawa and the others.

She blushed and added in a tone of voice, “This is my agreement with Ye Xue, during the special exam, he is my deputy, so he must also listen to me!” ”


Karuizawa dragged a long note.

Looking at the digging north bell tone with a playful face, I didn’t expect this guy to be so cute, obviously I wanted to stick to the night snow, and I had to hold on to find an excuse.

Saeki was even more surprised, although she knew that Digita and Nightshade were already together, but she was also the first time to see Digita’s shy and strong side, if not very liked, how could that cold Horihoku show such a side “Well…”

Feeling the gaze of several people, even Horikita blushed like blood.

Karuizawa was not like this before, even more shy, and now he dared to tease her, and he didn’t know if it was Yukiyuki who did something or if he was damaged by Kushita.

However, Horikita was also slightly able to understand Karuizawa’s thoughts.

Communicating with people, Horikita also slowly began to understand her, although deliberately imitating all the behaviors of the night snow, but Horikita Suzune is also sixteen years old, and the values and personalities have been basically formed, and it is impossible to want to be exactly the same.

However, such Horikita is just right!

“Well, don’t bully the ringtone!”

Yuyuki waved a few people away, and Karuizawa and the others did not care too much about Horikita’s exclusive behavior.

Anyway, in their opinion, it is impossible to monopolize, one person simply cannot cope with the night snow, and it is only a matter of time before Horikita compromises!

“Then I’ll go first, and then contact me if there is anything unclear.”

Chazhu Saeki fled in a hurry, although he had already made up his mind, it was not clear why Ye Xue had not found her so far, but he was still a little nervous when he really wanted to be there.

After a few people left, Ye Xue raised an eyebrow and looked at Di Bei with some playful taste, “Then, what does Suzune want to discuss with me?” ”

“Of course it’s learning!”

There were only two people left in the room, and Horikita became more generous.

She walked over to the night snow and withdrew her burgundy coat, her shirt falling to the ground one by one, revealing her shoulders as white as snow.

Horikita also bowed down and buried his head in service.

“Lingyin really loves to learn.”

Ye Xue looked down and touched her little head.

At the instigation of Kushita, Karuizawa did become more and more well-behaved, but the most active was actually Horikita Suzune, but she was more enthusiastic about improving herself and learning various skills.

In just one month, Horikita had completely surpassed Kushita’s skills in this regard, just to make the night snow more satisfied.

While enjoying the guidance of Horikita to study, while playing with her hair, the night snow played with the taste, “Then why doesn’t Suzune want to be with the little Kirito Terrier?” ”

“I’m enough alone!”

Horikita Suzune snorted a few times in response.

“Obviously, you can’t do it, is this your strength again?”


Horikita raised her head and pursed her lips, holding the dark sword with the vicious lines engraved with it a little reluctantly, but she was indeed holding on.

It had long been clear that she was definitely not the opponent of Ye Xue with her own strength, let alone let alone satisfy Ye Xue, even she was a bit overwhelmed.

She was a little reluctant, “Although this is the case, I always feel that Kushida has some malice toward me, and it feels a little wrong, don’t you mean that she can be trusted, what the hell is going on?” ”

“Then wait until you find out for yourself.”

Ye Xue raised his chin, and Horihoku did not ask much and continued to bow his head and serve.

“No sound?”

Outside the door, Karuizawa whispered softly against the door.

And just behind her, Kushida said with a little cry and laughter at her child’s heart, “Kei, are you so interested in Horikita?” ”

“Of course.”

Karuizawa looked back at the two of them and said, “Don’t you think it’s funny that the cold Horihoku Suzune would have such a performance?” ”

“Rest assured, I’m afraid it won’t be long before you can get a closer look at Horikita’s performance.”

Kushida was a little helpless, and Karuizawa was like an ordinary little girl who was interested in many things.

“I said you two were pretty much done.”

“If you continue to continue, I am afraid that someone will find out.”

Sasuke Sasuke smiled bitterly and looked around.

She didn’t expect that one day she would make such a move to listen to the corner, or with her own students, as if she was back in high school.

“That’s what it says.”

The time is almost up.

Karuizawa also leaned over to the tea pillar and put his arm around her and teased, “Saeda Sauce doesn’t seem to have been eaten by the night snow yet?” Tell me, what is the situation between you and the night snow? ”

“Who knows, I don’t know what he thinks.”

Saeki rolled his eyes, and the three of them walked to the elevator.

As for Ye Xue’s agreement to be promoted to Class A as a partner, Cha Zhu naturally did not have so naïve to believe Ye Xue’s lies.

I was already ready to be eaten dry and wiped clean by the night snow.

It’s just that the mentality is completely different from before, and there is no sense of nasty.

Looking at the energetic Karuizawa and Kushida around him, Saeda suddenly felt that it was good for everyone to live together.

Just without the three of them knowing.


In the safe passage, the Star Palace had a ghostly light in its eyes, and watched with a vicious look on her face as Saeki and the others entered the elevator.

Since the Sports Festival, she has been staring at the tea pillar Saeki almost all the time this month.

But I didn’t find anything unusual, in addition to the softer face, the tea pillar still worked as before, and she would go to the bar with her for drinks, or the two of them to spend the night together.

I thought I was just thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, today finally found out that something was wrong, Cha Zhu refused her invitation back to the dormitory building as soon as school was out, and walked into a dormitory that did not know who it was!

Using the identity of the teacher, the Star Palace quickly found out through the house that this was the dormitory of the North Suzune!

Forced to endure the anxiety of waiting outside.

I didn’t expect that waiting for more than three hours!

You can also see the intimate interaction between Karuizawa and Saeki the tea pillar.

“Heaven and night snow!”

The House of Stars gritted its teeth.

More importantly, the relationship between the tea pillar and the Heavenly Night Snow seems to be better!

Although it seems that nothing has happened yet!

But hearing Karuizawa’s question, the tea pillar did not have any disgust!

It’s simply unforgivable.

Obviously, she had already warned the Heavenly Night Snow, and since she was still so ignorant of lifting, then don’t blame her Star Palace for being ruthless.

It’s snowing at night, waiting to drop out of school!

In the middle of the night, the night snow naturally does not know this.

At this moment, he was wrapping his arms around Horikita’s soft body, lying on the bed and teasing, “Suzune, it’s not over yet!” ”


Di Bei pursed his lips, and his delicate little hand drew a circle on Ye Xue’s chest, and he pleaded with some difficulty, “At least, let me rest.” ”


Ye Xue pinched her nose and playfully teased, “Lingyin, don’t you mean that I have you alone is enough?” Is this a concede? ”


Horikita reluctantly broke free of the palm of the night snow, buried the small head in the night snow’s chest, and hummed, “Please, give me some more time, I will definitely be able to do better.” ”

She didn’t believe it, didn’t the Internet say that only tired cattle didn’t have ploughed fields, as long as the skills were strong enough, even if Ye Xue’s physical fitness was strong, it would definitely not be her opponent.

“I don’t believe it, since you deliberately provoked my desire, of course you must be responsible.”

“We’ll see.”

Di Bei pursed his lips and hugged the sheet and stood up, gritting his teeth, “Recently I tried to learn Chinese cuisine, I will first go to make you a supper, if you still want, just wait until you are full and then continue it.” ”

With that, Horihoku rushed into the kitchen.

Moving on, she felt as if she was dying, and she could only recover her strength in this way and delay the next time.

“It’s so cute!”

Ye Xue touched his chin and looked at the kitchen playfully.

I didn’t expect that Suzune had learned to ask for help, and still liked to hold on so much, wanting to get his praise.

This kind of posture of not accepting defeat in any way, he liked it too much.

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