Chapter 178 New Panel Members!!

Although most of the class attended the workshop, there were some loners who liked to act alone.

For example, Yukimura, although he accepted the task of writing the question, was really unwilling to guide everyone to study, or felt that Ike Kuanji and others were too noisy, and guiding them was equivalent to wasting time.

There are many more similar Lone Rangers.

“In other words, Hasebe is not willing to participate in the study meeting?”

The night snow opened its mouth quietly.

After attending today’s study meeting, he returned to his dormitory with Kushida and Karuizawa.

Horikita Suzune also has to be in charge of the task of writing the problem with Sae, and there is no time to run with him every day.


Wrapping his neck around Yuki’s neck from behind, Kushida buried his little head in his shoulder and whispered, “Originally, she wanted to try to participate yesterday, but after yesterday’s study meeting, Hasebe really still felt that she couldn’t stand Ichibashi’s classmates.” ”


Karuizawa peeled the orange with his small hand, and asked curiously, “Does Hasebe hate Ichibashi?” Is there any reason to hear Yay for the first time? ”

Although Karuizawa is a leader of girls, she and Kushida are not of the same order of magnitude as Kushida in terms of being trusted.

Despite the rumors at the beginning of the school, many people have some vigilance against Kushita.

But after so long, she had more or less mastered some of the little secrets of the class, but now she was really serving the night snow.

These little entanglements between girls, Ye Xue also has no right to speak.

Kushida Yu nodded his chin and said indifferently, “Isn’t Ichibashi a little strong?” Hasebe’s personality is more casual, and the two people really feel that they can’t get along with Ichihashi Ruri and Shinohara for a long time, and they are also the kind of strong personalities, and they don’t know how Aya Koji chose such a guy to be a spokesperson. ”

However, Ichihashi’s personality also has some say in some moments, so he can express Ayakoji’s views without hesitation.

“Little Kirito actually knows Hasebe classmates so well, he can’t see that the two of you have a good relationship.”

Karuizawa took the peeled orange petals into his mouth and handed one piece to the night snow.

Ye Xue took it with his mouth, and he was also a little curious, “Speaking of which, how good is your relationship with Hasebe Kogi Terrier?” ”

“Mat friends or something?”

Although he said so, Kushida did not seem to care about the relationship between the two of them, “Although I don’t care much, Hasebe should trust me very much, no matter what she says, she hates the eyes of others, and I deliberately do not contact her in class.” ”


Karuizawa said with some doubt, “I also hate the boys’ obscene gaze, but not to this extent, right?” ”

“That’s not it.”

Kushida smiled evilly, “She not only hates the boy’s sight, but also the girl’s line of sight!” ”

“Eh, why?”

Karuizawa had some doubts. It is normal to hate the sight of boys, after all, many girls do not like to be watched with downstream eyes.

Kushida didn’t respond, just stood up straight and pressed Ye Xue’s head with strong capital and Chao, “Understand? ”

“That’s right!”

Ye Xue nodded in understanding.

According to the ranking of Haruki Yamauchi and others, Hase’s Tsukihime Division was the first in the class, not even inferior to Ichinose.

That is simply a man’s dream, it is inevitable that from time to time to cast attention to the eyes, girls are probably very jealous of the amazing scale.

In this environment for a long time, Hasebe is very sensitive to anyone’s line of sight and hates everyone’s line of sight.

Understanding this, Yuyuki nodded, “Then meet with Hasebe tomorrow.” ”


Kushida said with a sweet smile on her face that she had received, and Karuizawa didn’t refute anything with a soft peck, she believed that Yuyuki knew what she knew and wouldn’t pull some bad guys to join the group.

And as long as the number of people in this group is larger, the more secure her situation will be.


Soon, the doorbell rang.

Without thinking, Yukiyuki also knew that it was Sakura Airi, and she nodded to Kushida and the two of them nodded in response.

They have a mission this time.

Opening the door, it was Airi Sakura standing outside the door.

“Eh? Night Snow, is there anyone else? ”

Looking at the several pairs of shoes in the hallway, Sakura Airi’s face stiffened.


Yuyuki nodded and explained, “Kushida they have something to discuss with me, well, don’t care, just do as usual.” ”

“Eh… Forget it, I won’t bother you today. ”

Sakura stood there a little hesitantly, she didn’t have glasses or that rustic hairstyle tied now.

Although he can be quite casual and bold in front of the night snow, Sakura is still a little scared at the thought of showing himself in front of others.

What’s more, she only wanted to show her best side to Ye Xue, and the others should forget it.

“That’s it.”

Yuyuki put her arm around Sakura’s shoulder and dragged her into the room.

“It’s almost time to make new friends in Airi, don’t you feel lonely always chatting with me?”


Sakura Airi was momentarily panicked.

This is to introduce her to new friends, if it was before it can still be considered the care of the night snow.

But now she wondered indeed, had she recently gotten into the middle of the night snow and was reluctant to approach her?

Step into the hallway and into the bedroom.

Seeing Karuizawa and Kushita, Sakura Airi lowered his gaze to the spot and did not dare to speak.

Only the night snow was there, and she dared to be bold at will, but in front of outsiders, Sakura was instantly afraid of it.

Seeing this beautiful girl in front of him, Karuizawa also said with some doubt, “Night snow, what is this?” ”

“Hui, are you serious?”

Ye Xue was a little speechless, and put his arm around Sakura Airi’s shoulder and introduced, “This is Sakura Airi, it’s been almost two semesters, you can’t even recognize your classmates.” ”


Karuizawa was stunned.

She naturally knew Sakura Airi, but she couldn’t associate the beautiful woman in front of her in a pleated skirt and black stockings with Sakura Airi.

“Is this guy really Sakura’s sister?”

“Hui, you’re talking too much!”

Kushida was a little speechless, and looked at Sakura with a sweet smile on his face, “Sakura classmates came to find Ye Xue to tutor and study, we just happened to be looking for Ye Xue, let’s study together today, right?” ”


Sakura Airi’s face was red from the neck to the root of the ear, and if it wasn’t for the night snow pulling her over, she would have wanted to turn around and flee.

This outfit was seen, and sure enough, he was still very shy.

It was only slightly strange that she did not feel the danger of school from Kushita.

Was it all their own delusions before?

“I’m sorry too!”

Karuizawa scratched his head and gave way to a position to pat the position next to him, “Sakura, my academic performance is not very good, let’s study together!” ”

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