The Villain Runs Wild

Chapter 185: Ghost Langjun x twins

    The scene in front of her blurred for a moment, then became clear again, Lin Sui seemed to remember that there was such a thing.

    He used the dust removal technique to clean himself up and walked out with the youth.

    He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, and his mind seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton. He felt a little strange, but he couldn't go deeper. Hearing the call ahead, he quickened his pace and saw Dongfu The sunlight outside narrowed his eyes.

    Dawn Frost Sword became bigger, carrying people towards the destination.

    The secret realm of Queling is in Queling Mountain. The mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and blue birds are hovering in it, and some magnificent greens are revealed in the clouds.

    Lin Sui held her heart and her eyes became more and more empty.

    Lin Sui shook her head with concerned eyes from her side.

    The inside of his chest is sour and unusual, making him feel happy and dazed, how could this be?

    The flying sword is like a shooting star, and stops before the secret realm of Queling.

    There is a group of people there, sitting or standing on the utensils.

    Lin Sui looked at the person in the lead, feeling vaguely familiar, and even seemed to know what he was going to say next.

    "Jianzun, the secret realm of Queling is not allowed to enter unless Jindan and cultivators are allowed to enter. You can't break this rule."

    Others echoed: "That's right, why does this place bring his Taoist companion."

    Someone sneered: "The mere furnace, the trash who can't cultivate, dares to enter the sparrow realm, but there is a good man next to him."

    "I'm afraid it's not for him to go in to find the treasures of heaven and earth to wash the marrow, but the cauldron is the cauldron, why bother."

    Lin Sui looked at the person beside her, and felt something in her heart.

    The sharp sword qi descended from the head of the person who spoke, forcing those people to defend in a hurry.

    The Morning Frost Sword was piercingly cold, rubbed the head cultivator's neck, shaved off the broken hair on his forehead, and pinned it straight in front of the Queling Secret Realm gate, leaving behind a sharp sword meaning.

    Black-robed Jianxiu's thin lips slightly parted, and he said, "Open."

    Lin Sui lowered her eyes, her eyes gradually becoming clearer.

    Here are his memories.

    Yan Qin is always like this, he doesn't like to talk very much, and he never likes to argue with people, he prefers to express his attitude directly.

    He will never change his decision because of what others say, just like this time he is going to break the established rules and take him into the secret realm of Queling.

    He doesn't listen to the rules of those people, as long as he reaches his purpose, that is to bring him in.

      It is said that everything is from the heart and goodness, and there is no need to announce it widely.

    He is like a sword hidden in an inconspicuous scabbard.

    Lin Sui seemed to be looking at him with some greed and nostalgia, looking at the shadow in her memory.

    He knew that the situation in front of him was not right. As a ghost, he didn't need sleep.


    What Yan Qin has done for him is more than this one.

    The scene and sound in front of him gradually blurred, Lin Sui was a little flustered, he tried desperately to recall this scene, but just like the memory of every time he woke up from a dream, the figure in front of him became Blurred, no matter how you look at it, you can't see it clearly.

    I know I can't keep it, but I still want to catch it.

    In another place, Yan Qin, like Lin Sui, fell into a dream unknowingly.

    He forgot who he was, why he was in this place, and what happened, he just remembered that he was very happy.

    There was a noisy scene in front of him, scorching red everywhere, and the guests next to him sent their blessings to him.

    "Congratulations to the ghost, today's wedding candle is really a pleasure."

    Yan Qin nodded in a trance, yes, he remembered that today is his big day, and his lover and himself forged a good relationship.

    In his mind, a personal name appeared vaguely, the smile on his face could not be concealed, and the corners of his raised lips never came down.

    He took a big step into the new house, and the figures inside were vaguely visible in the layers of gauze tents.

    Yan Qin's heart beat faster and faster, he lifted the annoying gauze and saw that face.


    It really is his Miao Shanjun, Lin Sui.


    He can hug him however he wants, after all they are married.

    Yan Qin reached out to touch him, but the beauty didn't move, just looked at him with a smile.

    Yan Qin held his hand, feeling inexplicably empty.

    He has been able to perceive various emotions and desires since he was a child.

    The illusion is broken, and the dream will wake up naturally.

    Yan Qin looked around with interest, wondering if the thing he thought was delicious was doing something weird, and that thing had such a skill.

    He went to see Lin Sui, but saw that Lin Sui had no smile on her face, and her brows were filled with thoughts.

    How can this happen, isn't it a good dream?

    Lin Sui suddenly opened her eyes, where there was still the scene of the cultivation world, it was still the small courtyard, and in front of him stood a curious Yan Qin.

    It was him, but not him.

    Lin Sui knew that she shouldn't be so clear, because the person in front of him was just a fragment of Yan Qin, but he really wanted to see the whole of him.

    After that, Lin Sui didn't know.

    He still didn't think of a good way to solve the psychological obstacle, he couldn't open his mouth to beg for forgiveness, and he didn't even have to open his mouth, he knew that Yan Qin would forgive him.

    But he couldn't let go of himself, so he would only torture himself and Yan Qin constantly.

    And after Yan Qin's soul returned to his place, he would be completely killed by Heavenly Dao.

    It would be great if it could destroy the way of heaven, Lin Sui did not want to die, he did all this because he did not want to die, how could he die just to escape Yan Qin.

    The blue beads in his spiritual platform were soaring, and the system sensed his killing intent, and almost looked down and said: [You can't kill me. 】

    【You know, I can let you die at any time, if not for the son of luck, do you think you can still live? 】

    Small lightning bolts scattered from the soul, the system just stopped the electrocution with a cold snort.

    Yan Qin felt dissatisfied when Lin Sui looked at him in a trance, this person was clearly looking at him, and it seemed that he was looking at who he was looking at.

    The look in his eyes is not like joy, but far more than joy, which makes his heart aches.

    It was only later that Yan Qin knew that the emotion was called "missing".

    Before he had time to ask what Lin Sui dreamed about, he saw a pained look on Lin Sui's face, and she fell softly on the couch.

    "What, did that thing do it?"

    Yan Qin held his shoulders, his eyes pierced through the sky in the yard, and ghosts overflowed towards the outside world.

    "It's nothing to do with him, but this village is really weird."

    Lin Sui sat up after a while, her face still pale and miserable, lining his dark eyes, giving people a particularly gloomy feeling.

     Even if it can make people dream well, it can even make ghosts fall asleep.

    Lin Sui tried to think about whether there was such a thing in the original plot, and suddenly heard what Yan Qin said in front of her.

    He looked up in surprise, not knowing which game he was playing.

    Yan Qin thought he didn't hear clearly, so he repeated: "Let's get married."

    "Did you dream about this?"

    Lin Sui knew that Yan Qin would definitely not mention this matter for no reason. He didn't even know what love was. How could he suddenly think of getting married? Impressions, needless to say, must be dreams.

    Yan Qin nodded without concealment, stared at Lin Sui and said, "We get married, I can give you ghosts every day, and I won't eat you."

    His logic is very simple, he has given two promises as a ghost, one is to give ghosts, and two, he will never eat him, thinking that Lin Sui should be at ease with him marriage.

    I saw Lin Sui smile, not a shallow smile, but heard something funny and laughed for a while.

    Yan Qin was displeased by his laugh, and asked in a muffled voice, "Aren't you willing?"

    "Xiaoyan Langjun, no one would ask for a kiss like you."


    "Then how do I ask for a kiss?"

    "You'll have to figure it out for yourself."

    Lin Sui let down his hair lazily, turned around and took out the black umbrella.

    He didn't want to talk about this topic. He didn't agree to Yan Qin's marriage proposal in the previous life. How could he agree to such a stupid, no-skill, seemingly unfeeling proposal? It was robbed.

    Yan Qin didn't understand, and after thinking for a while, she didn't understand, she saw the red snake in the corner of the yard, walked over and picked it up.

    "Wake up."

    Danshu was enjoying himself in a gentle village, but all the beauties in front of him were empty, leaving only a ghostly face that made him have nightmares.

    He woke up instantly, the whole snake bounced out, and it fell into a human shape with a look of horror.

    "Where is my beauty? Where are all my beauties?"

    "I have something to ask you about those dreams."

    Danshu, who couldn't beat him, dared not speak, so he had to say, "What do you want to ask?"

    “How do I ask someone for a kiss?”

    Danshu tutted a little embarrassedly: "If you ask me how to get along with people, I can answer 180 questions, but how to ask for relatives, I really don't know."

    "After all, getting married is not like the usual love between men and women. Although it also pays attention to your love and my wishes, it is completely different."

    Yan Qin: "It's not that men love women, it's men love men."

    Danshu: "...Just like you, I suggest you don't ask for a kiss. Why didn't Miaoshan-Jun beat you to death?"

    Yan Qin said seriously: "He can't kill me."

    Danshu: " are the worst student I have ever brought."

    Yan Qin scorned: "I can't answer this question, how dare you call yourself my teacher?"

    Danshu got a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, angry for his wooden head.

    Too bad! Deceiving the snake is too much!

    Danshu: "You don't understand love at all, why do you want to marry him?"

    Yan Qin looked at him inexplicably: "Why do you need to understand to marry him, I just thought, I also want to ask you why you say I don't understand love, I want to be with him, Why isn't this called love?"

    This is a bit confusing, but Danshu understands it.

    Instead, he was stopped and stood there thinking.

    Yeah, does that count?

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