The Wandering Planet

Chapter 235: Newton and Herman

Although Stray Earth's plan to use the planetary engine as a mobile fortress to counterattack the pioneer civilization has been formulated, there is still a big problem that remains to be solved: how can we make the tens of thousands of meters of planetary engines pass through such a small Pacific wormhole?

If this problem cannot be solved, then the planetary engine can only be used as a defensive weapon, and it will not play a huge role in counterattack pioneer civilization.

Finding the answer to this question is the responsibility of Qiao Li and the Homeless Investigation Team.

In this matter, Qiao Li also has a clue.

If in this Pacific Rim world, the person who knows the monster best is Dr. Newton who dares to try to connect with the monster's brain, then the person who knows the wormhole best is He who works with him at the broken dome base. Dr. Herman.

Dr. Herman's job is to study the cycle and frequency of wormhole openings, to establish mathematical models to predict the time and number of each wave of monsters that will follow.

Regarding when the wormhole will be opened, how long it will be open, and how many monsters it can pass, it is within his calculation range.

So if you want to find a time and method that allows the entire planetary engine to pass through the wormhole, his research can undoubtedly help a lot.

This is another reason why Jolly tried to infiltrate this broken dome base. Both his research and Dr. Newton's research are very useful for the next action of the wandering earth.

And the knowledge in their heads cannot be known through hacking.

After being successfully selected as a Mech Hunter pilot, Jolly had a legitimate reason to visit Dr. Herman and Dr. Newton.

As candidate drivers for the next wormhole mission, they naturally have the right to know the causes and consequences of this mission, and this requires consulting Herman and Newton on many things about pioneer civilization.

Their two studios are located at the corner of the broken dome base. As an underground resistance army, Pantcoast naturally has no way to provide them with a superior working environment. They can only share a room for work.

One side of the studio is Dr. Herman's big blackboard. You need to climb up and down with a ladder to have enough space to complete a calculation.

On the other side is Dr. Newton's anatomy laboratory, which is filled with monster organs and surgical equipment, and some intestines fall to the ground from time to time.

One of them had to endure the whispering whispers of the other during the calculations, while the other had to endure the strong smell of formalin and the **** and horrifying pictures during dissection.

This caused them to look at each other unpleasantly at first, and when one side was conducting research or explaining, the other side was always ridiculous.

In fact, both of them were right, and Qiao Li also needed to get key information about pioneer civilization from them.

Dr. Herman is a suit-shoe, holding a small cane, looking a little nervous, a standard engineering male figure like a paranoid.

When Jolly came to him, he was still writing math formulas on the blackboard, muttering to himself:

"Zero minus two ... XY minus two ... 42!"

On the side, Dr. Newton was wearing a messy white shirt, with a slightly crooked tie, and a geeky geek.

He seemed to have been accustomed to Herman's nervous talk to him from time to time, and said to Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang who came to ask:

"If you're looking for Herman, just wait. He needs a while to wake up again."

After that, he continued to dissect the monster's body, and ignored both Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang.

These two guys are just half a catty, both of which can't listen to people.

Perhaps this is the so-called genius.

A few minutes later, Herman finished the calculations on the blackboard, and suddenly said to himself excitedly:

"In the beginning, the monster attack interval was twenty-four weeks, and then shortened to twelve weeks, six weeks, two weeks. The last Sydney attack was only one week apart. After four days, we every eight hours You will see a monster until they appear every four minutes ... wait, who are you? "

He then noticed the existence of Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang, and they were still completely new faces in this base.

"We are the new driver of the storm." Liu Peiqiang introduced himself, "want to come to Dr. Herman to ask you what is the frequency of monster attacks and the wormhole opening cycle."

Talking about his research content, Dr. Herman immediately continued to chatter:

"As I said just now, monsters will appear more and more frequently, and within seven days we will encounter double attacks, and then it wo n’t be long before they become four, eight, and sixteen. That's it. "

Jorut interjected: "That is to say, this wormhole opens regularly, and it will grow bigger and bigger until there are enough monsters to destroy all humanity."

Herman said excitedly: "That's right, but it also brings good news."

He went to the table on the side and used holographic projection to draw two planes. Then he drew a esophagus-like structure between the two planes to connect the two planes.

"This is the wormhole we call the" throat ", which directly connects our world and the monster's world. I speculate that the increasing throughput will force the wormhole structure to stabilize and keep it open for a sufficient time. Allow the nuclear bomb to blow up from inside. "

In his demonstration, the nuclear bomb was like a candy that slid into the esophagus-like wormhole from above, exploding at its narrowest throat, destroying the entire wormhole.

This is what Pantcoast wants to achieve ~ ~ Blast the wormhole with a nuclear bomb to isolate the monster from the invasion.

However, this result was not what Qiao Li wanted. He further asked: "If the throughput of this wormhole is increasing, is it possible to let a bigger thing pass through the wormhole, not just a nuclear bomb? "

Qiao Li considered the use of it, and said as seriously as possible:

"For example, when will it expand enough to allow something as large as Everest to pass?"

Dr. Newton aside laughed: "Then you must swallow your throat, how can we throw Everest in?"

"Assumption, I mean hypothesis."

Qiao Lu said with some guilty conscience, but in fact this is not necessary at all, because if they told the two doctors that there are industrial wonders higher than Everest in the world, they would only think that Qiao Lu is just kidding.

How could such a thing exist in the world? Herman and Newton couldn't imagine it!

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