The Wandering Planet

Chapter 238: Planetary engine light prism

After being knocked down once, Raleigh no longer had a slight enemy, and clenched his short sticks with both hands, ready to take a serious test with Liu Peiqiang.

After all, Asako was still watching, Raleigh didn't want to be ugly in front of her.

He said to Liu Peiqiang: "Okay, I admit that it was me who looked down on you just now, but now I won't."

"If this is a battlefield, you are dead just now. What kind of driver are you even without this alertness?" Liu Peiqiang taught him again.

This sentence happened to Raleigh's pain. It was because of his neglect that he caused his brother to be killed by a monster. It was a lifelong regret for him.

He clenched the short stick in his hand and gritted his teeth. "I swear this won't happen again."

"Then let me see."

Liu Peiqiang has fully entered the instructor mode. In his opinion, Raleigh does not even have the most basic qualities of soldiers.


Raleigh drank with a short stick and attacked Liu Peiqiang. Under his strong muscles, the stick seemed to turn into a sharp katana, and severely and fiercely split at Liu Peiqiang.

Raleigh was obviously a little calm because of his past pain.

This is also the first reason that Liu Peiqiang thinks he is unqualified. His irritability is a taboo on the battlefield.

Pant Coster also saw that Raleigh's shot was obviously a bit too heavy. As soon as he wanted to speak to stop the competition, Liu Peiqiang already counterattacked.

He saw Raleigh's heavy split with one hand.

Then Liu Peiqiang took advantage of the eight-pole boxing iron mountain to lean against, and while Raleigh accepted the move, he knocked him out on one shoulder.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Raleigh's body could not help but recede seven or eight meters, and then fell to his knees, covering his chest, and could not breathe for a while.

Liu Peiqiang yelled, "The internal test of the army is not where you vent your anger. Give me rules and come back!"

Raleigh gradually recovered from the suffocating chest tightness. Obviously, Liu Peiqiang already had mercy on his hands. Otherwise, it would be more than just feeling chest tightness.

He wanted to stand up and fight again, but was stopped by Punt Coster:

"Enough! I've seen everything I need to see."

Anyone with a good eye can see that Liu Peiqiang's strength is far more than Raleigh. It is almost like an adult playing a child against him. The two sides are not at the same level.

It doesn't make sense to continue the test. Sure enough, the driver of the storm still needs Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang.

Pointe Coster turned to Jolly and asked, "How about you? Would you like to come down and make a gesture?"

Qiao Li shook his head and said, "No, I'm just his co-pilot. It's enough to help him fight."

Liu Peiqiang couldn't help but give him a glance, for he was so open to talking nonsense.

However, Qiao Li is right. If there is no other person who can have a sympathetic relationship with Liu Peiqiang, then Pantcoste can only choose him as the co-pilot of Liu Peiqiang. Finding other people will cause the mech combat power to decrease.

With no other choice, Jolly didn't go up again.

It can be said that this time it was his turn to soak up Liu Peiqiang, and successfully passed the formal driver selection.

After the three brothers of the Wei family had seen Liu Peiqiang's skills, and learned that Qiao Li's performance was one enemy three in the simulated battle, they also reluctantly gave up the position of the official Red Storm driver.

The combination of Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang is above them in all aspects, which can only be said as a matter of course.

In this way, Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang officially became the current red drivers of the storm, and they will also participate in the subsequent bombing missions.

It's just that they have no intention of letting the wormhole be bombed by a nuclear bomb. It can even be said that Qiao Li just wanted to stop the incident, so he became the current red pilot by the way.

The goal of Stray Earth is to counterattack the pioneer civilization behind the wormhole, so maintaining the wormhole is more important to Qiao Li than blowing up the wormhole!

At the same time, large-scale military operations on the Wandering Earth began.

The Hawaiian No. 1 engine on Wandering Earth was selected as the frontline base of this expeditionary expedition, and the place where it will launch is also the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Rim.

In order to make this planetary engine a mobile war bastion of the stray civilization of the pioneering counterattack civilization, the coalition government carried out a large-scale military transformation, including but not limited to a large number of super heavy artillery, infantry machine gun positions, vertical missile launch bays, and fighter aircraft Takeoff and landing track, etc ...

All this is to build it into a super mobile fortress like a land battleship. Without knowing what the true strength of the pioneer civilization is, the Wandering Earth must be the first to make its best weapon. Besides.

The ground-based defensive artillery that was originally used to deal with the interstellar warships was also transformed into the main gun of this planetary engine fortress. Instead of using tens of thousands of meters of gun barrels, a thousand kilometers was built on top of the original engine. High prism tower, used as the main weapon of this mobile fort.

That's right, this is a pyramid of light!

It uses the huge heavy nuclear fusion chamber inside the planetary engine to provide energy, and uses the principle of light energy reflection and concentration enhancement to emit a huge plasma beam that should have been ejected through a prism into a devastating blue laser. The tactical requirement of 360-degree dead angle shooting on ground targets!

Since this light prism is built on the top nozzle of the planetary engine, plus the planetary engine as the base ~ ~ its height has reached a terrible 12,000 kilometers!

Its range is more than hundreds of kilometers, and a round of plasma laser scanning can kill a tank formation!

If necessary, the light prisms can also transfer energy between each other, concentrating the energy generated by one planetary engine to the next planetary engine, and emitted by the last planetary engine light pyramid, which is devastating. Terrible lethality.

All of these are super weapons designed to cope with the possible existence of pioneer civilization. Level 10 or higher monsters, even if this monster is as high as a planetary engine, then the stray earth can pass through several planetary engine beams. The tower destroyed it.

Yes, if necessary, Wandering Earth will use more than one planetary engine, and several planetary engines will be required to counterattack the pioneer civilization at the same time, which has also been considered by the coalition government.

After all, there are 11,000 seats on a stray planet like this planetary engine!

Pioneer civilizations should be fortunate that they are not invading the stray earth, otherwise, what they need to face may be the concentrated bombing of tens of thousands of planetary engine light prisms!

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