The Wandering Planet

Chapter 295: Ecological monitoring station: Antarctica

The blue light beams emitted by the planetary engine passed through the layers of shadows in the superspace, and finally fell on a white ice field.

Immediately after he hit the ground, Qiao Li felt a cold wind on his head, and the temperature displayed by the nano-sensor on the armor suddenly dropped to minus 80 degrees.

If there is no global climate anomaly like the stray earth here, then it must be Antarctica.

Although he encountered a strong cold current upon his arrival, this time the investigation team did not find any enemies around.

It seems that the remote location of the teleportation point is also beneficial, at least without encountering a large number of zombies as soon as it comes up from the last biochemical crisis.

"No obvious threat was detected, the teleportation point is safe!"

Finally, everyone in the investigation team was relieved. In any case, the first step in exploring this plane finally took off smoothly.

But Qiaolu reminded them: "Don't relax your vigilance so quickly. Our enemies are not necessarily creatures. Don't relax because we can't detect biological signals!"

智 In this world of overwatch, intellectual weapons are more dangerous than human beings. This base may be inaccessible, but it may not be necessary for intellectual equipment.

培 Liu Peiqiang ordered the members of the investigation team: "You heard it, stay alert! Protect the transmission point until the reinforcements arrive!"

"Yes, sir!"

The investigative team members immediately began to skillfully set up positions and set up a line of defense to surround the transmission point. All this is done very easily without enemy interference.

At the same time, after observers from Wandering Earth finally existed in this world, a communication connection was finally established between the two planes.

Qi Qiaolu immediately contacted Wandering Earth Command and explained to them where the investigation team is currently located:

"According to geography experts, this is the South Pole of the Earth. The temperature is indeed quite low. In this season, even the polar regions are too abnormal. At present, no hostile targets have been found, and the second batch of troops can be prepared. Transmitted. "

Luo Luofeng nodded and said: "Received, ready for the second transmission. Since it is an uninhabited Antarctic, we can immediately establish a front-line base."

At present, it seems that there will really be no one here to stop the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force from establishing a frontline base. It seems that the pressure of the investigation team this time will be much less than the last time on the biochemical level.

However, the bad news immediately followed, and Ding Yi, who was at the Wandering Earth Command, said to Qiao Lu:

"Because it is unclear how the intelligence signal sent by the intelligent pupil will affect the mechanical life, this time we cannot let Moss support you in the past. Similarly, it is best not to dispatch the Transformers. Hope You understand. "

"I understand."

In any case, it is not a wise choice for the mechanical life forms on the stray earth to come to this level of intellectual crisis.

Even if it is not said that they may be affected by the intellectual pupil signal, just letting them see the opposition between this person and the intellectual weapon may make them linger.

As far as possible, avoid artificial intelligence or Transformers from contacting this Overwatch world, so as not to have any bad influence on them.

This time, humans can only rely on themselves.

However, the absence of Transformers does not mean that Wandering Earth does not have a large mechanical force capable of providing fire support!

As the blue teleportation beam dropped again, the entire ice sheet shuddered, and a strong ice mist was shaken at the teleportation point.

In the shadow of the ice fog, a tall figure slowly appeared.

I saw a heavy mech that was as big as a hill slowly stepping out of the ice mist, and every step you made you could feel the ice field under your feet trembling slightly, it was like Gleague who came to the villain kingdom. Like Buddha, everyone can only look up to its huge dark green body.

This is Cherno Alpha, the Russian mech hunter after the wandering earth's transformation. This time, it will temporarily assume the task of providing heavy fire support to the investigation team.

I have to say that the Cherno Alpha is extremely heavy and has a heavy mech hunter with a head like a bunker.

When it is officially in place to provide fire support, this line of defense is already unbreakable.

Next, mobile base vehicles and carrier engineering mechas were also transferred in turn. On this inaccessible polar ice field, the construction of the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Army was carried out in a rush.

All of this went very smoothly, and sure enough, the location of the teleportation point was a little far away.

同时 At the same time as the construction of the front base was carried out smoothly, the investigation team's investigation also gained something. A soldier of the investigation team relied on the flying device of the steel battle suit to fly around and reported back:

"I found a scientific research station at eight o'clock, about 150 kilometers away. The equipment is complete but it looks a bit deserted. I don't know why."

"Research station?"

It's no surprise to find a scientific research station in Antarctica. Human beings have never stopped exploring the mysterious continent of Antarctica. For the scientific and technologically advanced Overwatch, it is even more common to explore the polar regions.

I was just an abandoned Antarctic scientific research station, which in any case reminded Qiao Li of a role in Overwatch.

"Let's go and see."

Qi Qiaolu immediately formed a team ~ ~ and a team quickly rushed to find the direction of the scientific research station.

科 This scientific research station is built in a huge ice valley, which is almost integrated with the surrounding ice layer. If it is not too close to the transmission point, I am afraid it will be difficult for the investigation team to notice.

The most conspicuous place is the radar signal tower towering in the center of the scientific research station. But the signal tower was obviously damaged, and there was a trace of obvious fracture in the middle, which completely fell to the side of the ice layer, which was obviously beyond repair.

Strangely enough, at the top of the radar signal tower, a huge icicle protrudes from the ice layer, fixing it and no longer tilting, which is why it has not completely collapsed yet.

Beside the radar signal tower, a flag of Overwatch was fluttering in the wind. Judging from the condition of this banner, it seems that someone changed a new banner not long ago, so it is not as worn as anything else.

迹象 Every indication shows that this is indeed the place where Qiao Li thought—Ecological Monitoring Station: Antarctica, where Overwatch member Xiaomei used to work!

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