The Wandering Planet

Chapter 335: Bad omen

Fortunately, there is a galaxy with stars not far from here. In order to gain a foothold in this world, Wandering Earth began to start the planetary engine to this unknown galaxy.

After using a period of sub-light speed to use the remaining biological energy on the crescent moon, Wandering Earth soon approached this new galaxy.

确实 There is indeed a star larger than the sun here. As soon as you park in this star's orbit, the stray earth can shine again.

During this time, Qiao Li was still thinking about the causes of various visions, and gave a few guesses:

1. The target of the mainline mission of this plane may be more than one galaxy. Therefore, the system does not let the stray earth directly penetrate into a galaxy, but needs to explore in this vast cosmic space.

2. The expansion of the space span will also inevitably lead to the extension of the mission time, so the system also gives more time constraints. It just means that this mainline mission will not be completed in three months, and maybe six months will still be very tight.

3. According to the above two points, the difficulty of this plane will be unprecedented, and what you need to face is the high-level cosmic civilization that spans several galaxies. If you are not careful, you may lose everything.

"It feels really bad."

The light vision is full of ominous signs, it is hard to imagine what will happen next.

不管 But no matter what, the first step of the stray earth in this world is almost finished.

"Mounted into the orbit of the star as soon as possible, and then turn on the world shield, after all, we don't know what is in this galaxy."

乔 Just as Qiao Li was preparing to remind other people in the earth ’s cab, the radar alarm sounded suddenly, and the entire earth ’s cab was covered by flashing red alarm lights for a while.

"A lot of unknown objects enter the atmosphere!"

The monitor's report made the atmosphere in the earth's cab suddenly become anxious. Although Qiao Li had made psychological preparations for what would happen, he did not expect to come so fast.

Luo Luofeng first responded: "Is it a meteorite? Why didn't you notice it in advance?"

The monitor responded: "The radar is completely unresponsive! We can only determine the existence of these unknown objects through severe friction with the atmosphere!"

"let me see!"

Qiao Li rushed to the screen for the first time, and she really saw a number of "Meteors" dragging long tails of fire into the atmosphere, but the envelope of the flames did not seem to be sparse and ordinary small meteorite, but more like a ball Giant sarcoma.

A long tentacle is dragged behind this sarcoma, making it look like an octopus wandering in space. The position of its head is a bloated and ugly pustule. It doesn't know what's in it. In short, it gives an extremely unknown hunch.

"this is······"

Biao Qiaolu had a subtle sense of sight on this picture. He was sure where he had seen this kind of thing, but this was definitely not good news.

"Issuance of a warning order, all residents enter the underground city to take refuge! When the ground defense forces are dispatched, no matter what falls, they must be controlled at the first time!"


After being the first to issue an emergency order, Qiao Li put on nano power armor and said to Luo Feng, "I will rush to the scene immediately, and the command here will be given to you."

Seeing Qiao Li's serious expression, Luo Feng realized that this incident might not be that simple. He nodded solemnly and said:

明白 "I understand, I'll leave it to you over there."

Biao Qiaolu quickly rushed out of the dungeon. At this time, hundreds of such meteors had appeared in the sky. It seemed that friction with the atmosphere could not prevent these sarcomas from reaching the ground.

What kind of freak can he physically enter the atmosphere?

One of the meteors landed near the dungeon, and instantly smashed a huge hole on the ground. A large smoky sky rose, making it completely unclear what was falling.

No matter what, the destructive power of these unknown objects is enough. For safety reasons, all residents are rushing to the dungeon to take refuge. This is not the first time whether it is practice or exercise.

Most people enter the dungeon in an orderly manner under the leadership of the police, but there are still a few very brave guys who can't help curiosity near the crater.

Among them, two young people who took selfies with mobile phones rushed to the vicinity of the falling point of the meteor for the first time.

"Tommy, isn't it good?" One of the young men persuaded his companion.

However, another youth still ran unscrupulously near the big pit, and turned on the flashing light of the crater still in the smoke. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to be famous, how could he let it go?

Xun Wang, who was just nearby, led the expeditionary team quickly to the scene and shouted at the two bold young men:

"Hey, you two, leave there right away!"

Seeing the arrival of the expeditionary team, the youth named Tommy not only did not show the slightest expression of joy, but looked disgustedly that Wang Lei had broken his good deeds.

As he raised his pistol again, preparing to take a few more photos before leaving, tragedy happened.

I saw a weird beast suddenly bursting out of the thick smoke, and threw Tommy to the ground with a thunderbolt!

It was a two-meter-long, fierce and deadly monster like a wolfhound.

生物 The front claws of these creatures are very developed, and there seems to be no skin on their bodies ~ ~ They have a purplish red body, and the texture and lines of their muscles are clearly visible.

The most interesting thing is that it has the back of this creature, two deformed sharp claws like a mantis sickle, allowing it to use its limbs to run, and can also use the two sharp claws on its back to harvest the enemy's life .

The tortured Tommy pierced his shoulders with the claws of the monster's back as soon as possible, nailing him firmly to the ground.

Tommy suddenly made the most screaming scream in his life, but the sound just came out. The monster bit his throat with a stab, and his screaming came to an abrupt halt, of course, his life disappeared instantly.

Another young man was frightened by this scene, his legs were soft and his hips fell to the ground, at this time the monster's eyes had turned to him, and he showed blood-stained fangs.

"Wow ah ah-"

With his terrified cry, more monsters began to crawl out of the pit, and a battle began.

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