The Wandering Planet

Chapter 401: monster hunter

The giant thunder beast raged in the city. The machine gun bunker and the siege tank were only the size of its soles. They would be trampled into broken copper and rotten iron after one foot, and they could not stop this behemoth at all.

The thunder beasts that appear here are significantly larger than those encountered on the planet Antura before Qiao Li, and the body is covered with another layer of reinforced bone plates, making it thicker and harder to kill.

After all, the thunder beast that appeared this time was an elite army transferred from the main nest of the zerg by the queen of the blade, and it was nothing like the thunder beast that had just hatched from the planet of Antura.

In the game, the difference between the Thunder Beast upgraded with three attacks and three defenses, and the white board Thunder Beast without any upgrade is almost two different creatures. .

This group of thunder beasts that have evolved their armor shells to the apex can not only withstand the fusion strike of the Tyrann Empire, but also survive a large cruiser of the battle cruiser and survive. It is the deserved king of land in the swarm. The defense ability surpasses any armored tanks, and ordinary weapons simply cannot help them!

The deformed super heavy train gun of the Apocalypse tank hit a thunder beast. The impact of the explosion instantly formed a large pit on the ground. The rolled air and dust were thrown high into the air, mixed with numerous smashed jumps. The bug fell back to the ground.

However, the huge body of Thunder Monster rushed out in the dust of the explosion, and the head shell that was hit by the front of the super heavy train gun just collapsed. The damage was still protected by multiple bone plate structures, which was difficult to cause any fatal injuries. .

Even the impact of the explosion was absorbed by the muscle fibers specialized by Thunder Beast, which did not cause any serious internal injuries. The excess organ structure in Thunder Beast also made the damaged organs insignificant. After being hit by the cannon Can still continue to charge forward.

As the Thunder Beast rushed towards the Apocalypse tank that fired at it in an unstoppable manner, nothing seemed to be able to stop it.

However, suddenly a green figure fell from the sky, and landed on Thunderhead's head shell like a cannonball, slamming his head into the ground with unparalleled strange power!

"Hulk, smash!"

The comer is Hulk, the Hulk in the Avengers. He may not be called a giant in front of the huge thunder beast, but in pure brute force, Hulk is not lost to this giant.

Huo Ke hit thunder beast with one punch, and each punch plunged it into the ground for a few centimeters. The place that was originally destroyed by the Apocalypse tank gradually recessed, no matter how hard the bone plate was, The Hulk punched hard.

Crimson Witch and Thor the Thor also entered the battlefield. They were the first monster hunters found by Qiao Li.

Wanda stopped the Thunder Beast with a strong mental force, and Sol put the hammer of the Thunder God on the Thunder Beast, and he couldn't move, no matter how hard it struggled.

While the Avengers showed their magical powers to help deal with the swarm, the second batch of monster hunters also entered the battlefield with the transport of anti-gravity helicopters.

It was a mecha hunter after the transformation of the stray earth, including the vengeful wanderers and the phoenix guerrillas supported by the Pacific Rim plane. With the assistance of the Central Academy of the Wandering Earth, it has undergone a large-scale magic modification and is no longer the original mech. hunter.

The most important transformation is that the mech hunters are all equipped with phase fragmentation cannons obtained from the immortal of the Protoss, and the caliber has been almost doubled to match the body of the mech hunter hundreds of meters high.

This weapon fires antimatter that is covered with pure energy. The huge energy generated by annihilation can penetrate almost any armor. It has always been the main weapon of the Protoss against the Thunder Beast.

The only drawback is that during the firing of the phase fragmentation gun, the energy wrapped in antimatter will gradually dissipate like sugar coating, resulting in a very limited range of this weapon, which must be fired at a short range. And the recoil is extremely large, it is impossible to control without a certain weight.

Coupled with the need for anti-matter engines for energy supply, it is undoubtedly extremely wasteful to use on a tank, and even the worst result is that Thunder Beast rushed over and hit his face before it had time to fire.

It needs to be equipped with such a heavy anti-material weapon, and it must also ensure sufficient frontal confrontation capabilities to ensure that it will not be defeated by a thunder beast in one fell swoop. There is no doubt that there are only mech hunters dedicated to fighting large creatures.

Storm Crimson, Dangerous Wanderers, Cherno Alpha, Eureka Raiders, and Mech Hunters such as Vengeance Wanderers and Phoenix Guerrilla one by one appeared, striding in front of the Thunder Beast, and raised the Wandering Earth to them The anti-heavy phase fragmentation cannon, the antimatter engine inside the body roared and started.

"How can you use Protoss weapons?" Renault couldn't help but ask, something that was almost impossible for humans to imagine.

Jolly said lightly: "We have mastered psionic energy too, it's that simple."

Each mech hunter is assigned a psionicist who has been specially trained to use phase fragmentation cannons. After mastering psionics theory, making and using psionic weapons is no longer impossible.

In particular, the power of phase fragmentation guns mainly comes from antimatter annihilation. Using psionic energy just to launch it out is easier to grasp than weapons that rely solely on psionic energy.

Sure enough, after seeing the mech hunter equipped with the phase fragmentation gun, Thunder Beast launched an assault recklessly, trying to destroy the phase fragmentation gun before firing.

However, the mech hunters are not afraid of these behemoths, and even they will be even larger by the thunder beasts, and they will still be able to fly after being equipped with a heavy phase fragmentation cannon, and they will not be easily knocked by the thunder beasts.

The vengeful wanderer driven by Pointe Coster even resisted the charge of the Thunder Beast, and in the process of being bumped back by his huge body, he phased the fragmentation cannon against the Thunder Beast's head to fire.

When the phase fragmentation cannon hits the thunder beast, the energy wrapped on the antimatter cannon disappears instantly, just like the sugar coating on the outside of the poison completely evaporates, and the real destruction begins.

Losing the constraint of outer energy, the antimatter that collided with the positive matter immediately began to annihilate, and it was the indestructible armor shell of the thunder beast!

As long as positive matter comes into contact with antimatter, it will annihilate ~ ~ no matter how hard positive matter is, it is inevitable.

This is the working principle of the phase fragmentation gun, using anti-matter annihilation designed super armor-piercing projectile!

After successfully penetrating the thunder beast ’s armored shell, the huge energy generated by the antimatter annihilation was also released, and the violent explosion generated blasted the thunder beast from the inside. No amount of extra organs could save the huge and fragmented mass. Body.

There was a sudden rain of blood nearby, mixed with numerous broken internal organs, which stained the entire street.

The Vengeful Wanderer stood up from this **** storm, raised the phase fragmentation gun to prepare for the next Thunder Beast, and simultaneously used other weapons to fire on the swarm.

The hunter and the prey have been decided at this moment, and the Thunder Beast can no longer shake this defense line composed of mech hunters!

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