The Wandering Planet

Chapter 413: Armed jumping worm

After the stray earth sent more people to help manage the worm nest, Qiao Li gradually no longer had to worry about the situation here.

He only needs to be responsible for connecting other people's minds to Worm Nest Will, and the rest can be left to them to solve.

Qiao Li's long item was not in management and operation, and he was also happy to be a shopkeeper. After building a thinking network for controlling zerg with a jewel of the mind, he gave each item to other People did it.

Under the management of the coalition government, the development of worm nests is gradually on the right track. While more hatcheries are being built for the production of larvae, zerg buildings such as evolution chambers, explosive worm nests and thorn snake nests have also successfully hatched.

In addition to jumping worms and worker bees, worm nests can also produce poisonous insects and thorn snakes, but if you want to continue to improve, I am afraid to collect more information about Zerg technology.

On the other hand, the Wandering Earth Investigative Team is also further inspecting the surrounding situation and found that the nest group that has not been controlled by the worms is immediately sent over to take over, further strengthening the coalition government ’s zerg force on Chall.

Probably because other worms are also busy absorbing the nest to become their own territory. The battle on Char is currently in the stage of enclosure movement. The forces of all parties are taking care of occupying more land without masters. Too fierce border friction, no large-scale conflict erupted.

Thanks to the timely response of the stray earth and the long-term preparations for it, she did not lose on the starting line in this enclosure.

The coalition government easily occupied a large area of ​​land on Chale, laying a good foundation for the separatist rule between the swarms.

Foreseeable is that there will be no worms willing to accept the control of human beings except the Queen of the Blade, so I am afraid they will unite first and drive humans out of Chall.

After the end of this enclosure movement, the territory of the Wandering Earth on Chale will usher in the enemy on all sides. For this reason, the coalition government has to prepare for it.

In this way, the worm nest occupied by the stray earth on Charles has also become a new human colony. First https: // https: //

The coalition government sent a large number of people here, and they had to arrange for them to work and live. They couldn't live in those slimy zerg nests.

So there were buildings of both zerg and humans on the champ's fungus blanket. Worker bees and vehicle engineering mechas collected resources together. The zerglings were used as military dogs to follow the Wandering Earth Investigation Team.

Human beings and zergs live in such a harmonious relationship, which can be regarded as an unprecedented strange landscape.

The happiest of all is the scientists who study the Zerg technology. Now they can finally observe the evolution of Zerg, and want to cooperate with the experimental samples. They can even show them a dance. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Under such a good experimental environment, the scientists of Wandering Earth had a deeper understanding of Zerg, and gradually began to study how to design the next evolution of Zerg.

The chief scientist who currently comes to Chall for research is Dr. Iriel Hanson from the Hubrian.

After the war on Wandering Earth to resist the invasion of zergs, she officially joined the Central Academy of Wandering Earth.

The Hubellian is a device that ultimately cannot meet her research needs. As a zerg biologist, she is more effective here.

乔 When Qiao Li came to the human laboratory on the fungus blanket, Dr. Hanson was leading a team of scientists to study how to improve the gene of the jumping worm so that it could better cooperate with the human force.

Different from other insect nests, they are trying to strengthen the physical ability of jumping worms. Human scientists led by Dr. Hansen pay more attention to how to combine the powerful flesh of the worm with human technology.

For example, as a military dog, jumping worms are more reliable and powerful than any canine. Scientists are trying to improve the genes of jumping worms, further strengthen their hearing and smell, and are more suitable as military dogs to cooperate with the investigation team. .

On the other hand, scientists have also tried to equip jumping worms with firearms, so that they will not only rush into melee, but in most cases will only be reduced to cannon fodder.

As long as one of the opponent's claws used for melee is degraded on the back, Zergling can easily carry a machine gun or a rocket launcher, and it can move over complex terrain for rapid mobile strikes. It is far better than any armored vehicle and Human soldiers must adapt more to harsh environments.

The only problem is that Zerglings are not yet able to change bombs. They can only leave soldiers behind to help them refill and keep them from fighting alone for a long time.

Therefore, the current design scheme of the Armed Reptile is still being improved, but in any case, the Armed Reptile equipped with a firearm weapon is much more powerful than the original Reptile that can only open its teeth and dance. It can help the wandering earth in the future. Zerg gains even greater advantages in the Civil War.

Dr. Hansen is experimenting with a new generation of armed jumping worms. The first test is to use a heavy pulse rifle with a larger magazine capacity and an energy battery that can be replaced automatically, which can greatly enhance the continuous combat capability of armed jumping worms. .

I saw a jumper wearing a powered exoskeleton running fast with a heavy pulse rifle in the testing ground. While it was running, the heavy-duty pulse rifle was firing continuously, hitting the surrounding targets without fail, and it was a small armed chariot.

However, the key to the maneuverability of Zerglings is their ability to cross the terrain, as demonstrated in the World of Wandering Earth ~ ~ They can easily climb up the wall, drill into the ventilation ducts, and penetrate through all holes. Various complex terrains.

Strong maneuverability coupled with firearms equipped with powered exoskeleton will undoubtedly make these armed jumping worms a more horrifying combat unit and cheaper than human soldiers.

"Good job." Qiao Li could not help but applaud, "It looks like you have found the right way to make these jumping worms work."

Dr. Hansen, who is in charge of the project, shook his head humbly. "At present, their combat methods are relatively simple, far from meeting the complex needs of the battlefield, and it is far from truly replacing human soldiers in actual combat."

"It looks good to me." Qiao Li admired without hesitation, "but how did you teach them to aim and shoot?"

Judging from the experiment just now, the Armed Reptile did not look at any target at all, but the heavy pulse rifle on the back could hit the target without any errors, which is incredible.

Dr. Hansen 回答 replied: "We did not teach them to fire. The heavy pulse rifles on the back of the armed zergling use tactical eyepieces to aim and automatically identify the target for firing. The zergling only needs to move."

Even Qiao Li also forgot that the heavy pulse rifle is also equipped with tactical eyepieces. This makes the jumping worm even aim and shoot differently. You only need to run around with the heavy pulse rifle and the tactical eyepiece will automatically aim. Destroy the enemy.

This is really a perfect match, especially those ordinary jumping worms that need to be able to kite easily. The fighting power of the two sides is really not on a level.

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