The Wandering Planet

Chapter 418: Arrive in Wakanda

Queens fighters docked inside Wakanda's airport, and Black Panther and his women's guard team had been waiting for a long time.

The Black Panther greeted Qiao Ru and said, "Hello, Mr. Qiao Ru. I am Techara, King of Wakanda, you can also call me-Black Panther."

"Good to see you." Qiao Lu shook hands with Black Panther. "Thank you for the Zhenjin and your support for our one-ball, one-way policy."

"Wow, king! It's the first time I've grown up to see a real king!" Peter on the side was staring at the stars, and a villager looked like he was entering the city.

The black widow warned him coldly, "Shut up, kid, you're not here to travel."

"Oh, sorry!" Peter consciously covered his mouth.

After a brief meeting, Qiao Li asked about the status of the Avengers. According to the Black Widow, the Avengers should have arrived here first.

The Panther replied: "They are all busy helping Wakanda prepare for this battle, because our time is really limited. It can be said that the first goal of extermination on earth is here."

"Why?" Qiao Li couldn't help asking curiously.

The goal of annihilation should be infinite gems. Why is Wakanda without infinite gems the first target?

"Because he has power gems," said Black Panther as he walked. "Power gems contain endless energy, but few things can withstand their energy. If Exterminator wants to fully use the power of power gems, it will become A super weapon enough to destroy the entire earth, then he needs to collect a lot of materials, and you should understand what that means. "

"Zhenjin." Qiao Li immediately responded and said.

Just like Zhenjin and Mind Gems can make a super robot with powerful vision. It is self-evident that what power gems plus Zhenjin can produce.

If you let the extermination get Wakanda's vibrating gold, plus the power gem to provide energy, it is a doomsday weapon that can easily destroy the earth. The power of this weapon is absolutely unstoppable.

The Black Panther continued: "Once he succeeds, Destroyer can threaten to destroy the entire earth and force us to surrender infinite gems. So we must hold Wakanda, or the consequences will be unimaginable."

In the face of absolute power, everything else will be meaningless. No wonder the Avengers believe that Wakanda will be the first target of attack, and who can refuse an unstoppable weapons of destruction.

"So how big is the enemy ’s force? I don't think it will be less than the New York War." Qiao Lu followed the Panthers and asked.

"It's worse than we thought." The Panther said without looking back:

"According to the Star Lord, it is very likely that Exterminator has also acquired another infinite gem, the soul gem. This gem allows the user to drive the soul, even the soul that has died. So what we have to face besides extermination There may be an army of undead in addition to the tyrant's own army. It is impossible to determine how large the number will be, and what kind of combat effectiveness. "

The biggest role of soul gems lies in this. In the final battle, the Avengers can resurrect half of the people who have been wiped with a single finger, mainly relying on the power of soul gems.

This also means that Destroyer will have a more terrible army, and enemies who have died before may be easily resurrected by him.

Peter couldn't help whispering, "Why it all sounds bad."

"Where are we?" The black widow asked calmly.

"Wakanda will do his best to resist the invasion, and other countries have promised to provide maximum support. However, we still don't know how great the odds can be. The power of infinite gems is really inestimable."

Jolly immediately promised: "If necessary, we will also use space gems and mind gems to compete with this. If you can use infinite gems to defeat them, then do so."

Each side holds two infinite gems, so at least the situation is not so imbalanced.

Except for the infinite gems, Exterminator itself is a terrible opponent, and the situation is still not optimistic.

The crowds entered Wakanda's palace while they were talking, where Jolly finally saw Captain America, Gears of War, Crimson Witch, Quicksilver, Eagle Eye, and Star Lord, Iron Man Tony, Hulk Hawk, Thor Sol and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy are still missing.

Captain America happily stepped forward and greeted, "I'm so glad to see you here, Joe Law."

"I promised you," said Jolly. "What about Tony, Banner and Sol?"

"Tony and Banner helped in the lab, and Sol and the Guardians of the Galaxy went to Nidawi to build a weapon that would be sufficient to fight tyrants."

It seems that everything is proceeding in an orderly way. Tony and Banner help Wakanda develop technology further, and Sol is going to get the Storm Tomahawk and come back to find the tyrant.

Jolly looked behind Captain America, and Star Jue was sitting there in a despondent mood, looking desperately with his head in his hands.

No way, the two infinite gems obtained by this time are related to him. It can be said that it was precisely because he was robbed by the annihilation of the infinite gems, and then forced Kamora to tell the whereabouts of the soul gems. An infinite war takes place.

From this point of view, Xingjue once again pitted everyone, but compared to the feat of hitting Reunion 4 in another timeline, his encounter this time is understandable.

"I'm a fool! Trash! Waste!" Xing Jue said in pain on the table:

"I thought that selling that thing to collectors would earn us enough money for a lifetime, but I didn't expect it to be a power gem. When Democracy came, Kamola begged me to kill her, but I didn't None of this has been done ... "

Seeing Xingjue so blame ~ ~ other people are not good at all.

The tyrant without infinite gems is not easy to mess with, even the Nova Legion will be easily blood washed by him, and the Guardian of the Galaxy alone is even more helpless.

After all, the timeline has changed so much that everything that happens later becomes unpredictable.

For example, from the point of time, realistic gems should appear earlier than power gems, but they are reversed on this timeline. Thor's Thor's Hammer hasn't been crushed by Hella, but he can go directly to Nidawi to take the Storm Tomahawk.

Of course, all of these changes are related to the arrival of the last wandering earth. Even if it was not directly caused, it was inadvertently triggered by the butterfly effect.

With so many changes, even Jolly, a traverser, can't guess what will happen next.

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