The Wandering Planet

Chapter 470: Adam and Eve

After Qiao Li repelled the mechanical life, 9S was able to stand up again under the repair of the auxiliary robot.

It is just that he is good at frontal combat, and now he has lost his flying mech, and he still has injuries on his body, the combat effectiveness is even more greatly reduced.

The only good news is that his best hacking skills have not been affected. He can still work by hacking into the mechanical life form, not to mention that it will only hinder him.

After clearing the mechanical lifeforms at the entrance, the group entered the resistance camp.

As you can see from the outside, there is also a mess inside the rebel camp, there are traces of raging war, and the bodies of mechanical life are everywhere.

It is just puzzling that although the remains of mechanical life are everywhere, the corpse of the robot is not seen at all.

After experiencing such a fierce battle, it is impossible for the Resistance to lose nothing, and even the trail of blood left on the ground is the artificial blood of the Yoyo Army, indicating that the human body was taken away.

While everyone was wondering what the mechanical life would do to take away the corpse of the artificial person, a hidden safe house opened suddenly, and a seriously injured artificial person emerged from it. It was exactly the person in charge of the resistance camp. Nimonen.

"You are ..."

2B rushed forward and asked, "What happened here? What about the others?"

"This group of guys rushed in suddenly, and we tried hard to fight, but their weapons were too strong. The Resistance and the Yeye troops who came to the rescue were all destroyed, and I hid in the safe house under the cover of my companions. They brought the corpse of the artificial man deep into the camp, not knowing what they wanted to do. In any case, please stop them, and do not let the conspiracy of the mechanical life form succeed! "

Anni Mourning said with all her last strength, that she chose to be alive in order to pass information to those who came to support.

2B nodded and said, "I see. You need to deal with your injury first."


So Qiao Li and his team continued to go deep into the rebel camp. Sure enough, they found a sphere formed by the accumulation of countless mechanical life-forms. Among them were numerous corpse corpses, like a giant cocoon. Something is bred in it.

A large number of mechanical lifeforms, plus the corpse of the entire human resistance camp, is to make such a thing like a cocoon. And now that the sphere has been opened, I am afraid that the contents are already out of the cocoon. Qiao Li, they are still one step behind.

Fortunately, all the mechanical life invaders who invaded the resistance camp were self-sacrifice to complete this huge cocoon, and they were consumed as sacrifices like the collected corpse corpse.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to imagine that they paid such a large price, what exactly was born, I am afraid it will not be an ordinary mechanical life!

Both 2B and 9S have increased their vigilance to avoid being attacked suddenly.

It's just that the other party didn't conceal their own existence. Two silver-haired men appeared from the shadows. Their appearance is very similar to humans, just like the artificial intelligence robot of the Yoyo army.


2B initially thought that they were survivors of the Resistance Army. After all, they were exactly the same as artificial intelligence robots in appearance, and mechanical life forms were not like individuals like humans.

"No, this guy ... is a mechanical being!"

However, through the hacking skills, 9S immediately distinguished that the other party was using a network of mechanical life forms, not an artificial person standing with them at all!

As Qiao Li thought, after such a long battle, the technology of Yoyo troops has already been thoroughly understood by the mechanical life forms. Even the individual Yoyo forces such as 2B and 9S, the mechanical life forms have been able to To copy it, it just needs a little human body as material.

Among the two silver-haired men in front of him, the long-haired man began to introduce himself:

"Welcome to our birthplace. My name is Adam. As you can see, it is a mechanical life form that mimics the birth of human beings, but using the technology of your Yayoi troops."

Another short-haired man said impatiently: "I said ... can you kill them?"

"Eve, calm down, I haven't finished talking yet."

"Cut, I see, brother."

Adam and Eve are really full of bad names. Especially when both men were obviously men, but they had to call one of them Eve, so that Jolly felt instinctively disgusted.

The rocket raccoon, who was unobstructed by the side, rolled with a smile: "Hey, did you hear that? A big man, actually called Eve? Are you trying to get started? No, let me laugh for a while, hahaha ····· "

"Don't laugh, Rocket, you can't make me serious anymore." Qiao Lu could not help but said.

"Is it funny?"

After all, Adam was just born. Even if he absorbed a lot of knowledge through the network of mechanical life forms, he still couldn't understand human emotions.

"Ahem." Qiao Lu cleared his throat and said, "Rest assured, we are strictly trained, no matter how funny, we won't laugh—"

The Rocket Raccoon continued to add jealousy to the side: "No, it's so gay, I'm going to be laughed to death, hahaha ...

"Unless you can't help it," Qiao Lu added with a smile, even he was infected with the laughter of the Rocket Raccoon.

"Humans are really interesting and totally incomprehensible!"

Adam did not mind that his naming taste was so teased, but was more interested in Qiao Li who could laugh in this case.

Eve on the side was getting more and more impatient. Regardless of Adam's words, he rushed to 2B and 9S.

"Just need to leave humans, then these two guys can kill!"

The wreckage of mechanical life on the ground is like attracted to it by magnets ~ ~ in Eve's hands, they form a giant mechanical arm, clenched their fists and blasted them towards 2B and 9S!

Qiao Lü was trying to help him, but Adam had already rushed to him.

"Sorry, Eve is such a character, let him vent a little."

"So you come to be my opponent?" Qiao Lu asked with a gaze in his eyes.

Adam said undeniably, "Let me teach the power of humanity."

"You'll appreciate it." Jolly stretched out a psionic blade from his arm.

So the battlefield was divided into two parts, Qiao Li and the Rocket Raccoons deal with Adam, 2B and 9S against Eve, the first confrontation with advanced mechanical life!

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