The Wandering Planet

Chapter 490: Pascal Village

Back in time, although 2B was instilled with a lot of strange knowledge before 6O came, Qiao Li knew nothing about it after all, only to see 2B's shy look and feel very fresh.

Qiao Lu asked her: "Next I'm going back to your world to deal with the follow-up affairs, 2B, can you wear this suit?"

It's a bit nasty to say, but the clothes of the Yori forces are really quite bold. Black gothic dresses are not long at all, and there are slits that go straight to the waist, exposing white skin like thin snow.

Even if it has a white gym suit in it, it still makes people want to go wrong.

In addition, on 2B's delicate face like a doll, there is a black eye mask that completely covers both eyes, and the visual reverse effect produced is even more stunning.

Qiao Li is relatively accustomed to this 2B dress, but if it is seen by ordinary people, what physiological reaction is produced, it will be quite awkward.

"I don't have any other types of clothing to change for the time being." 2B replied embarrassedly, and she would not consider such trivial matters in the past.

"Really, when I return, I'll take you to buy some new clothes."

It wasn't appropriate for 2B to dress like this on the wandering earth, and Qiao Lu decided to help her change into a new dress.

However, now it is necessary to finish the follow-up affairs of Neil World first, and all the next areas are military controlled areas. Do n’t worry about being noticeable for the time being.

Once again through the transmission beam of the planetary engine, Qiao Li and 2B returned to the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force in Neil World.

At this time, the military action to recapture the earth from the mechanical life form is continuing. After all, the earth is so vast. Even if it has an overwhelming advantage, it will not be able to completely occupy it for a while.

However, Qiao Li didn't come to help, and there was no need for it. It was enough to hand over the work of the mechanical life to the Zerg and the Crescent base, and he didn't need to intervene.

He was here to visit the Pascal village mentioned by Anne Mourning, the leader of the Resistance last time, to see if the group of self-proclaimed pacifist mechanical life forms really did not pose any threat.

When Qiao Ru came to Paska Village, all the mechanical life-forms in the village were waving the white flag proudly and waving in the wind. There was a feeling of eating the pot to greet the king. There really was no meaning of resistance.

Anne Mourning had already arrived here in advance and was talking to a special type of mechanical lifeform.

The shape of this mechanical lifeform looks like an ancient steam robot, like a walking iron bucket, with some decorations such as steam valves and chimneys, and is not equipped with any weapons.

"Joel, 2B, you're here." Anne Monin stepped forward and greeted, "Introduce you, this is the village chief Pascal, who built the village and contained the mechanical life-flights fleeing the war, and We have always had material deals in our resistance camps. "

Pascal also took the initiative to greet, "Hello, thank you very much for letting us go. We live here to escape the war. It is great to love peace."

Most of the mechanical lifeforms in the village are just small individuals like children. They do not have any reliable fighting power. It seems that they are indeed a group of pacifists.

If it didn't pose a threat, Qiao Li didn't mind leaving them. After all, the ability to imitate mechanical life forms is obvious to all. Maybe in the future, the cottage is also a talent.

2B is still a bit uneasy, picking up a weapon and saying vigilantly: "The words of the mechanical life form cannot be believed! Who knows when they will betray us!"

Anne Mourning defended Pascal: "Relax, their village is special and will not harm us."

Pascal also said sincerely: "Indeed, to us, our mechanical life forms are enemies, but here are all peace elements who have cut off the network of mechanical life forms. If you can, please confirm with your own eyes. . "

Qiao Li really did not see any particularly threatening targets, leaving only the mechanical life form of such a village, and could not turn much storm.

Just for the sake of insurance, Jolly asked Pascal: "In the future, we will re-plan your scope of activities. If you need to leave a certain range of activities, you must first register with us and explain the reason; at the same time, you cannot produce new mechanical life without authorization. We will inspect your village regularly. If these conditions can be agreed, I can consider letting you live. "

Pascal said quickly: "Of course, if that's the case, that would be great."

In this way, Qiao Li can also treat them as a mechanical life plant for cottage. It just needs to be strictly monitored, and they can't make small actions.

Even if Pascal is a peace-loving mechanical life form, due to the instability of the network of mechanical life forms, Qiao Li cannot completely relax his vigilance, and it is impossible to bring it to the wandering earth like the Yoyo troops.

Just leaving them in this world may have any unexpected effects.

Seeing that Qiao Ru promised to let Pascal Village go, 2B didn't say much, but just silently put away his arms and followed behind Qiao Ru.

After dealing with the affairs of Pascal Village, Jolly also planned to look at the alien graves that created the mechanical life forms. In fact, deep in the ruins of the city, it was bombarded by a gun during the war.

On the way to follow Jolly to the alien grave, 2B was a bit reluctant to ask Jolly:

"Well, how is 9S? I haven't seen him at the base of the Yeye unit."

Qiao Ru replied: "He joined the Wandering Earth Investigation Team. According to his personal wishes, he hoped to be independent of the establishment of the Yaya force, so he was not assigned to the Yaya force management. 9S is a technology that is good at hacking It is estimated that he will no longer be sent to the front line for dangerous combat tasks. "

"is it······"

After learning that 9S is safe and okay ~ ~, she was also relieved. She was always a little bit relieved about this, and she once killed her companion again and again as 2E.

Qiao Lu said to her, "You just continue to live with guilt, this is the price of hurting others. Not everything can be forgiven, I'm afraid 9S hasn't figured out how to face you That ’s why it is required to leave the establishment of the Yoyo unit. "

There is also A2, which is also separated from the establishment of the Yeye Forces. In her case, she is used to being alone and unwilling to accept the instructions of the Yeye Forces.

She returned to Neil alone, and now she doesn't know where to drift. Maybe this is the way A2 chooses to survive.

Just before leaving, she left her own contact method. If necessary, she can call her back at any time. This is how A2 expresses her gratitude.

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