The Wandering Planet

Chapter 641: ? Dark matter technology

Upon receiving the command of the cursed warrior, the dark elves immediately fired full force, and mercilessly launched an offensive against the Avengers.

Their weapon is a red light energy cannon. Once it is hit, the material will turn into fly ash. Its power is greater than that of the Zetarians and the Saka Army. It is indeed more powerful in technology. Race.

What's more frightening is the singularity grenade of the Dark Elf. At the beginning, such a grenade fell in front of the Avengers.

Wanda immediately released his crimson energy, wrapped the entire grenade, tried to suppress the energy of the explosion, and transferred it to other places.

However, what is unexpected is that this grenade did not explode at all, or in other words, the way of exploding was completely different from what everyone thought.

I saw that the grenade's landing point was instantly turned into a singularity, and it was like a black hole that devoured everything around it, including the energy released by Wanda, and was immediately sucked into the singularity.

The matter near the singularity is seriously distorted, as if the entire space is distorted.

The car parked aside was drawn into it, and the metal body suddenly twisted into filaments as if melted, and was sucked into the singularity like water in the toilet.

The strong suction pulls everyone away. Even to be precise, this is not the force, but the entire space is compressed by the singularity.

So no matter how powerful you are, you are inevitably sucked in, and you can only escape from it by reaching the escape speed instantly.

"Be careful!"

Relying on the transformation of the wandering earth in the past, Captain America sensed danger in advance and stretched out the scarlet witch.

The price of doing this is that he becomes the person closest to the singularity, the entire left arm is twisted into twists, and is inhaled into the singularity.

Just when he was going to be sucked in all by himself, Kuaiyin grabbed his right hand and used his super speed to pull Captain America back, just paying the price of an arm.

The captain of the United States who successfully escaped was shocked with cold sweats. Even when facing the annihilation, he did not feel so close to death.

Fortunately, his left hand was originally a biochemical arm, and he only needed to reconnect with a new one.

小心 "Watch out for their grenades! That's not any weapon we know!" Captain America warned loudly.

This is indeed a terrible weapon. No object can survive the singularity created.

This is just a miniature black hole. If it is to be exploded in close proximity, it is definitely dead!

When I saw this type of grenade in the movie, Qiao Li already felt enough BUG, ​​and now seeing its power with his own eyes is really more terrifying than expected.

The most terrible thing is that this is not a unique artifact like an infinite gem, but a weapon that can be mass-produced. There is almost one on each dark elven, and it may not be that rare.

What technology can make such a weapon?

I was in the doubt of Qiao Li, but the physics expert Benner shouted:

"Dark matter !?"


At this moment, Joel suddenly realized that the technology of the dark elves might not be as simple as he imagined.

Dark matter is a kind of invisible matter that may exist in the universe in theory. It may be the main component of cosmic matter, but it does not belong to any known matter that forms visible celestial bodies.

Suspected violations of Newton's gravitation found in a large number of astronomical observations can be well explained on the premise of the existence of dark matter.

Modern astronomy through the motion of celestial bodies, the phenomenon of Newton's universal gravitation, the effect of gravitational lensing, the formation of the large-scale structure of the universe, the microwave background radiation and other observations show that dark matter may exist in galaxies, star clusters and the universe in large quantities, and its mass is far greater than all The total mass of the celestial body can be seen.

However, it is certain that it is a kind of cosmic matter that is more difficult to use than antimatter, and humans have not even been directly detected.

The dark elves actually possess dark matter technology, which seems to Qiao Li as if the primitive tribal people of the Stone Age actually used nuclear energy.

No matter where they look, they don't seem to be such advanced civilization!

I also had several singularity grenades thrown over. Now that I know that dark matter is in it, Qiao Li can't touch such a dangerous thing.

Qiao Li directly fixed the singularity grenade thrown in the air with psionic energy, and threw it back to the crowd of dark elves with his backhand.

Suddenly several tiny black holes erupted beside the dark elves, which in turn twisted them into twists, along with stones on the ground, cars on the road, and other messy things, all compressed into a single point.

In the end, it is like the screen of an old TV, shrinking to a point in a burst of white light and disappearing completely.

The absorbed matter is not squashed, but disappears completely in the world, just like the annihilation of positive and negative matter, no matter how hard it is originally.

Bian Qiaolu said, "Don't run into those grenades, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Although dark matter is indeed a powerful weapon, the use of dark elves is really naive and naive.

Grenade not only has a short range ~ ~, but also is easily used by the enemy in turn.

Don't say that Qiao Li is a psionic, even a human like Hawkeye can shoot down singularity grenades in the air, and let the dark elves feel the fear of being swallowed by miniature black holes.

As for the energy cannons in their hands, they are even more scarce. The single shot is really powerful, but it does not have the indestructible characteristics of dark matter.

的 The Captain America who lost his left arm can raise the shield to resist it. As for the singularity grenade that has been thrown, other people must help.

It can be said that such a team of dark elves is far from being the opponent of Qiao Li and the Avengers, they are just seeking their own way!

This made Qiao Li more certain that the Dark Elves did not rely on normal technology to master dark matter technology.

They behaved like a group of elementary school students saw a higher mathematical equation, except that they completely solved the example problem, and then they did not understand anything else.

If it is a higher civilization that has truly mastered dark matter technology, it will not be a miniature black hole, but a giant black hole that can swallow the entire earth!

This is only one explanation. The dark matter technology of the dark elves is derived from infinite gems.

Just as Wandering Earth has developed powerful materials through power gems, dark elves transform and use dark matter through realistic gems.

This made Qiao Li suddenly more interested in realistic gems. Perhaps this Marvel journey is much larger than he originally imagined!

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