The Wandering Planet

Chapter 644: ? The only way

The sky was torn apart by Dom's power, and at the same time his face became clearer, and a pair of eyes comparable to the stars opened.

在 At this moment, a golden portal appeared next to Qiao Li, and Dr. Strange appeared from it, apparently also aware that the vision had arrived.

"Why did you hit Doma directly?" Dr. Kiwi blame. "Did I not say that, can't I deal with him?"

Que Qiaolu asked, "But don't you also say that he will not come until the celestial body meets?"

"That means coming to the real world. Mirror space is more susceptible to the dark dimension than reality, let alone the dark matter brought by the dark elves."

Now, Jolly is more certain that what Dr. Strange is talking about refers to dark matter.

Magic is not something that science cannot explain, it is just a technology that humans have not yet understood.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to discuss these things, Domham has approached.

A steady stream of dark mist emerged, and a pair of large hands reached out to tear the black mist in half, accompanied by a strong breath of decay and decay. In the dark central area, the contours of Dom's face appeared, covering the entire sky. .

Dr. Qi Qiwei immediately drew the spell, and put on a stance.

He looked at the tiny two, and Domma smiled wantonlyly:

"You are seeking your own way, this world is in my control, just like any other world."

The voice did not fall, countless pieces of black crystals struck like arrows from above.

Dr. Qi Weiqi raised a rune shield to resist, while Qiao Li unfolded a psionic shield and bounced all the dark crystals.

But this was only the first round of attack. Immediately Domar raised his arm, and the huge fist waved down, just like Mars hit the earth, not only Qiao Li and Dr. Strange, I am afraid that he could smash the entire earth. Crush.

毁 This devastating blow made Qiao Lu and Dr. Strange like two ants who were about to be slapped to death, and their body shapes were completely identical.

Qiao Li hurriedly raised the power gem in his hand. At this time, there was only the power of infinite gems, which was enough to compete with Domam.

For a moment, both of them were covered by Domum's giant fist, and the mirror space appeared a lot of cracks because they could not withstand such a powerful force.

The smashing of Dodom's fist covered the entire area of ​​the United States. The huge impact set off huge waves in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, just like the waves of a lake.

Rocks were smashed and took off into the outer sky. I am afraid that even the entire earth's orbit has shifted.

This is the power of Domam, a dimension dominated by strength!

Dr. Qi Qiwei has put his hand on the eye of Agomoto and is going to trace the time, but he is surprised to find that under such a fierce attack, he has not died, and the time gem has not played a role.

At this moment, a piece of purple light came, and Qiao Li took Domham's blow with the gloves of Tinder seeds.

One of his hands seemed to carry the weight of the entire sky, so that Domam's punch did not squash them like ants.

But this is the limit. After experiencing too much mamm's strength, Qiao Li realized that what Dr. Strange was saying was true.

The strength of only one or two infinite gems is not enough to defeat Domam, and at most it does not distinguish between upper and lower, forcing him to accept the terms and negotiate.

Time gems can't, neither can power gems, other infinite gems can't do it anymore.

Like now, although Qiao Li can take Domam's full blow, there is no way to do more with him.

At this time in the real world, the vision of the celestial body convergence has occurred.

巨大 A huge portal appeared above the crashed Dark Elf mothership, from which you can see the scene of Asgard, the golden palace was burning, and there was a broken eaves everywhere.

No doubt, this is Asgard after being ravaged by the death goddess Hella, the king of the gods Odin fell, and Thor the thunder has fled. This is already under the rule of Hella.

Subsequently, more portals appeared above Asgard's portal, connecting Warnerheim, Yalfheim, Nidaweiler, Jotunheim, Wat Alheim, and Musbelhae respectively. Mu waits for all planets.

At this moment, the nine great nations are united into one, and this is the vision of the universe once every five thousand years-the convergence of celestial bodies!

The death goddess Hella led her pet, the giant wolf Fenrir, and the Death Legion awakened by the Eternal Fire out of Asgard's portal.

At the same time, the real leader of the Dark Elves, Malkis, led the remaining Dark Elves from Waltheim to Earth.

似乎 They seem to have an agreement. The two sides look at each other and do each other's actions without infringement.

Malekis summoned the ether particles in the body, created countless dark matter, and rushed to the nine kingdoms.

Erhaila, holding a handful of eternal fire, came to the teleportation facade of Mosebelheim, as if tempting something.

After a short while, the flame-like giant Sultel dragged the sword of twilight and emerged from the lava of Mosbelheim.

He is like a moth attracted by candlelight, and his eyes are involuntarily attracted by the eternal fire in Hella's hands ~ ~ Yes, come here. "

Erhaila beckoned to Sirte as if she was seducing a wild animal, so that this giant that would cause the gods to dusk came to earth.

Then she suddenly changed the nature of the eternal fire, turning it into a dim green fire, attached to the crown of the flame giant Surtel, and meditating:

"The eternal fire will give you a new life. If you must bring the end, release the destruction to this planet!"

苏 The giant Sultelton, who gained the eternal fire, became extremely huge. The Twilight Sword in his hand was comparable to the original Dark Elf mothership.

At this moment, with the vision of the celestial bodies converging, the earth has become a battlefield of various forces fighting, each of them has the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and has no intention.

The Avengers couldn't resist so many bull ghosts and snake gods, and the earth was in chaos.

At this time, Qiao Li and Dr. Strange are still competing with Domam in the mirror space. Although they can see the real world situation through the mirror, there is no way to free up their hands.

Dr. Qi Qiwei murmured to himself: "I have foreseen all the results, and the coming of Domham cannot be stopped."

"How many results have you seen?" Qiao Ru asked as he carried Dom's attack.

"14000605 species."

那么 "Maybe there is another result you haven't seen," Qiao Lu said firmly, "we are on this path!"

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