The Wandering Planet

Chapter 650: Reverse the future

Qiao Ruma kept rushing back to the waves, telling the end of the Avengers the good news, they can go home.

Until six infinite gems are in sight, the Avengers of the final battle cannot believe this is true.

After a long hard work, they finally got everything they needed.

就是 "That's it? All we do is for this?"

尼 Tony said incredulously in the final battle timeline.

He was the first of the four to return home early, but when the day really came, he felt the most illusory and unreal.

没 "Yes, Tony, we succeeded." Dr. Hulk patted his shoulder happily.

Ant-Man Scott said as if he was free: "Since it succeeds, what are we waiting for, half of the universe's life is waiting for us to save it!"

Half of the disappeared people include his lover, father-in-law and mother-in-law, and Scott can't wait to see them again.

Captain America Rogers denied: "Wait a minute, we have to notify others and tell them that the infinite gem has been taken away by us, otherwise they will never get the infinite gem."

The end of the Avengers is not only four of them, but also Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, Rocket Raccoon, Nebula, War Machine, etc., divided into various teams to compete for infinite gems.

Now all six infinite gems are in Qiao Li's hands, and the rest of them will surely return without help. Without telling them, there may be trouble.

Biao Qiaolu nodded and said, "Then find a way to leave a message for them, should you be prepared?"

"Of course, I will handle it."

As if Tony finally reacted, he immediately began to prepare for all this.

Qi Qiaolu took them back to the Marvel Universe. At this time, the earth was undergoing rebuilding after the war. The nine kingdoms had basically returned to peace, and the vision of the celestial bodies had completely disappeared.

The end of the Avengers put on their uniform white uniform, Tony used the uniform to send a message telling others not to find anymore, the infinite gems are all in their hands.

The remaining problem is to go back and reverse the future and change the tragic ending on their timeline.

Only then did the Avengers find a problem, that is, they did not prepare Qiao Li's quantum uniform.

This means that Qiao Li can't follow them back to the timeline of the final battle, maybe this is the time to say goodbye.

"It's okay, I believe you."

Qiao Li took off the Tinder Source Gloves and reduced it to a cube of cubes. Each face was inlaid with an infinite gem and delivered to Captain America's Rogers.

"Let's save your world."

Rogers carefully took over the source of fire and infinite gems, solemnly promised:

"Once we run out of these infinite gems, we will return immediately to the original owner. And Dr. Hank Pimm, I will ask him to go with me."


Qiaolu and Rogers successfully completed the transfer. This time, it is impossible to kill the bully again, so they should be able to complete their mission very smoothly.

All four of the Avengers in the final round are wearing white quantum uniforms, and even Dr. Hulk has a suitable uniform.

The four of them checked each other's table, and then pressed the buttons on their hands. They instantly shrank to an unobservable level and entered the quantum field and disappeared in Qiao Li's field of vision.

After a long effort, they are finally going home!

Jiao Li silently watched them leave, he knew he didn't need to wait long, because no matter how much time passed there, they could return to this point in time.

So for Qiao Li, this is a fleeting moment.

Although I spent several years here, when Rogers returned to their timeline, they also returned at the same time with other teams.

The other three squadrons received Tony's information and came back without receiving infinite gems.

The results did not disappoint them either. Six infinite gems were set on the source of the fire, and they were brought back by Rogers.

When everyone saw the light of infinite gems, everyone was relieved.

"I don't believe you have succeeded," said War Machine Rhodes. "You got all the infinite gems in the New York War. How did you do that?"

Rogers and Tony looked at each other and smiled. They were more than just going through the New York War.

"We got help, from a group of brave people," Rogers replied.

Tony said impatiently: "Anyway, don't worry about so much, let's do what we should do, we have to go back when we run out."

They changed the Tinder source into infinite gloves according to the method given by Qiao Li. At least the material of Tinder source is relatively hard, which can slightly reduce the burden on users.

The remaining question is who is going to hit this terrible ring finger, they have also seen the tragic situation after the extermination of the tyrant.

"Let me come," Dr. Hulk volunteered, which was something he had already prepared.

After a shocking ringing finger, Dr. Hulk fell to the ground suddenly, his huge energy still caused him serious injuries, but at least they succeeded.

Half of the life in the universe that has disappeared for five years has been brought back to today. The Winter Soldier, Black Panther, and Spider-Man ... All those who have been wiped out by Extermination ~ ~ return safely .

Of course, this includes Dr. Hank Pimm, the end timeline, and his wife and daughter.

Everyone couldn't help but smile, there was no more satisfactory ending.

After 's brief meeting, Rogers confirmed that everyone had returned, and immediately began to return the infinite gems and the Tinder source.

Of course, there is also Dr. Hank Pimm, and only he can produce new Pimm particles.

他们 For them, it has been several days after bringing everyone back with infinite gems.

But for Jolly, Rogers just disappeared in front of him for five seconds, and then returned with infinite gems and sources of fire, and Dr. Hank Pimm.

"Did you succeed?" Jolly asked Rogers.

Rogers gave him a hug in excitement and nodded and said, "Thank you, we will never forget this kindness."

"You paid it back, Captain."

Joel turned to Dr. Pym aside and said politely:

"I took the liberty to invite you over, doc. Welcome to Wandering Earth."

Hanke Pim quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, I haven't been stubborn enough to refuse to meet the beneficiaries. This is my honor."

After all this, Qiao Li finally fulfilled his promise and was ready to return to the three-body world!

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