The Wandering Planet

Chapter 670: Choice of 3 body fleet

After all, the water droplets could not escape the fire coverage of the Asian fleet. Under constant attack, they were destroyed by the anti-material armor-piercing bombs mixed in the rain of gunfire.

Mankind has achieved a hearty victory, not only revenge for the United Fleet annihilated by the entire army under the water drops, but also successfully eliminated the front and back pinch of the three-body civilization. Now only the three-body fleet needs to worry.

When the news reached Earth, countless people were shocked. It is unbelievable that the human fleet that was once destroyed by a drop of water can now eliminate nine drops of water from a three-body civilization.

At first no one had high hopes for this fleet. After all, even the Asian fleet itself believed that this trip was to gain time and use life to delay the speed of water droplets reaching the earth.

However, it is the courage to face such a powerful opponent and still dare to brighten the sword, and the command that human beings have trained for thousands of years, this human fleet has created a miracle.

The drop of water is precisely because Qiao Lu, who is only a face-offer, and the spaceship Ark, which has mysterious alien technology, did not put this human fleet equivalent to his defeat.

After all, it is a sentence, it is too underestimated humans!

Unexpected victory naturally brought great excitement. At a time, human beings were full of hope again, and at the same time, they had a new understanding of Qiao Li's choice to stay on the earth.

Now that the Asian fleet can solve the water drops, then he must stay here to deal with the upcoming trisomy fleet!

In a sense, this judgment is not wrong. After the water droplets are eliminated, all that humans need to deal with is the three-body fleet.

After solving this fleet, the three-body civilization did not move at all!

The ending of the water droplets naturally caused a great upheaval in the three-body world. Its impact was no less than that of the human fleet was destroyed by a water droplet group. They were originally weak opponents in their eyes and easily defeated the things they caused themselves.

The three-body civilization did not expect such a result. In their eyes, sending water droplets to the solar system is like sending a modern tank back to ancient times. It should be able to walk sideways.

Now it is said that this tank was actually destroyed by the ancient army still using cold weapons. How can this be accepted?

Of course, the three-ship fleet is the one that is most affected. They are confident that they can join the remaining nine water droplets on the Earth to triumph. The water droplets destroy all human space forces, and then the three-body fleet completes the landing on the ground, thereby realizing the occupied.

But now that this plan has been half-broken, naturally the tri-squadron is worried about its prospects.

After both Water Drop and Tomoko failed in succession, many members of the tri-squadron have begun to doubt the odds of the operation, and even feel that it is heading to their own grave.

When they have such thoughts, the brain waves will expose their thoughts, so the commander of the three-body fleet is certainly aware of it.

So less than an hour after the water droplets were destroyed, the three-body commander called all the captains to the flagship to have a meeting to redefine the goals of the fleet and the future of the three-body civilization.

At the beginning of the meeting, the three-body commander told everyone:

"I first make it clear that the fleet cannot retreat. We shoulder the hope of regenerating the entire three-body civilization, so that our civilization can escape from that hell-like galaxy. To this end, we have sailed for more than two hundred years and spent An unimaginable resource. If we choose to retreat at this time, it will not be home, but the death penalty waiting for us all! "

A captain said: "But the water droplets have been eliminated. Our fleet is mainly a means of transportation. Water droplets are the main space combat force. In this case, how should we respond if the human fleet returns?"

This is the basis of the fear of the tri-squadron. The water droplets as the main space combat force have been eliminated. With the tri-squadron alone, is there really a way to defeat humans?

"So don't panic, you need to analyze the information carefully, and we still have a pretty good chance."

The three-body commander came up with a report of the water droplets being destroyed, and the basic intelligence analysis above said:

"First of all, this time we still lost in the strategy. We did not expect that humans would actually mix anti-matter bombs in ordinary ammunition, which caused the water droplets to fail to analyze which ammunitions needed to be evaded and which ammunitions could be ignored. In addition, the quantity was already at a disadvantage, which led to being They are pinned down and eliminated. "

"But it also revealed that once, human beings, as we originally imagined, had a serious shortage of antimatter production. According to the report, there was only one round containing antimatter in about one thousand artillery shells. Such a probability has shown the scientific and technological aspects of human civilization. They are still at a disadvantage compared to us. "

"We still don't have to overestimate the power of human beings. They are still just a group of ants that only use mean means. It won't be a big deal at all. Even if the human fleet backs up, it will not be an opponent of our trisomy fleet. This time Instead, we have a numerical advantage, and the overall level of technology is higher than that of the human fleet. The same strategy will be meaningless! "

In some ways, this analysis is not unreasonable. Even if the three-body fleet is not mainly responsible for combat tasks, in order to have certain self-protection capabilities, they are also equipped with weapon systems.

For example, a kinetic energy weapon capable of launching a strong interaction material can penetrate the earth like a water droplet through a cheese like a water droplet, but without the powerful acute-angle turning ability like a water droplet, it is more than enough to deal with the human fleet.

"But ..." the captain still said with concern: "How do we know that human beings will have no other means? So many accidents have happened so far."

"No but ~ ~ I stress again that we have no retreat! For this day, our civilization has paid an incalculable price, and this action carries the hope of the entire trisomy civilization. Only in this way, our Civilization can only continue. If you give up, you will be swallowed up by three stars! "

This is the fundamental reason why the three-body fleet cannot stop. They cannot afford such a price, and the three-body civilization cannot give up occupying the earth, no matter how much sacrifice it has to pay.

The three-body commander further said, "If you can't accept it, give up the job to someone and dehydrate yourself."

Since the trisomy could not hide his thinking, the captain had no choice but to nod his acquiescence after finally finding that he could not accept this statement:

"Well, I'll go back and transfer the job, and it will be done as soon as possible."

This is the cruelty of the three-body civilization. Anyone can be sacrificed at any time without even the opportunity to change his choice.

Guided by such thinking, the tri-squadron can only go all the way to black, and never give up occupying the earth!

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