The Wandering Planet

Chapter 698: Advantages of Wandering Earth

The effect of water drops is basically expected. If the singer civilization can be easily resolved in this way, it will not be their turn to initiate a dimensionality reduction strike.

For the singer, this is just a trivial matter.

At the junction of the mother world and the marginal world, a large number of low-light-speed black holes merge into one, tens of millions of light years, forming an interstellar Great Wall, only to obtain two-dimensional time for their civilization.

The low-light-speed defense system on the seed is just a simplified version of this technology. The gap between the fighter engine and the planetary engine is also sufficient to deal with the attack of water droplets.

The singer still hummed the ballad casually, as if he had just driven away a few mosquitoes.

The Wandering Earth Fleet clearly observed the encounter of water droplets. It can also be understood that the technology of the singer civilization and the three-body civilization are not on the same level at all.

Even if it is just a spaceship, it is destructive to lower civilizations!

Fortunately, he rushed straight up without any recklessness, otherwise how many warships were just dead.

Of course, the situation is not much better now. After seeing the powerful strength of the singer civilization, the confidence of the Wandering Earth Fleet has inevitably shaken.

Is it really possible for humans to try to intercept a spaceship of this higher civilization?

Qiao Li is one of the few who is not surprised. Without this patience, the singer civilization is not qualified to clean up in this dark forest.

I just didn't expect that it would use a low-light-speed black hole as a defense method. If there is no way to break through this low-light-speed area, any attack cannot reach the singer's civilization.

When civilization reaches this level, only the law of the universe is the most powerful weapon, and other things can't be compared with it.

The space dimension and the reduction of the speed of light are the most commonly used methods. The dimensional reduction strike is used to attack and reduce the speed of light for defense. Together, they constitute the combat system of the singer's civilization spacecraft, which is enough to easily destroy any low-level civilization.

The Wandering Earth Fleet is facing such a god-like enemy, and it is impossible to confront it with conventional fighting ideas.

Fortunately, all of this can be understood. No matter the technology of reducing the dimension of the blow or reducing the speed of light, the Wandering Earth has mastered some, but it has not yet reached the level of singer civilization.

As long as it is not completely incomprehensible, there is hope for cracking.

The low light speed black hole is not impeccable, at least the spacecraft of the singer's civilization passes through it, only water droplets are trapped inside.

So the key lies in how the Singer Civilization Spaceship uses low-speed black holes to wrap itself while ensuring that it does not fall into it.

Fortunately, it left obvious clues, a huge black line, even on the dark space background, the deeper black lines are clearly visible.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted the analysis for the first time, and Zhang Bin told Qiao Li the conclusion.

"It's a curvature-driven track, and it's super-powered. The speed of light in the track is close to zero, which is almost a miracle."

"Almost what?"

Zhang Bin replied: "If the speed of light is really reduced to zero, then it is the dead line, death in the true sense, absolute death, 100% death. In it, every elementary particle, every quark, is dead. There is no slight vibration. Even if there is no gravitational source inside the dead line, it is also a black hole with zero gravity. It is impossible for anything to come out after entering. "

This probability, like absolute zero, is only possible if molecular and atomic vibrations are completely gone.

Zero speed of light is far more terrible than that, because it represents not only molecular vibrations, but even light is frozen and stopped.

"As long as the speed of light is reduced to more than ten kilometers per second, it is enough to form a low light speed black hole, or black domain. However, the black domain can still be driven by the curvature of higher power. The spaceship of this civilization is somewhere in between, so it can pass through low-speed black holes. "

The puzzle was solved at once, or easier than expected.

The black domain is only the limit that the curvature drive of the three-body civilization can reach, but for the higher civilizations in the universe, the dead line is the limit of the curvature drive.

Although the singer civilization did not reach this limit, it was enough to pass through the dark domain at will.

Qiao Lu asked: "In this case, can we also break through their low-speed defense and directly attack the spacecraft?"

"To be honest, it is very difficult. Our curvature drive is far from this level, and it is difficult to break through low-speed black holes in the same way."

This is also expected. If this curvature drive technology is so easy to develop, the black domain will not be a life-saving means for the lower civilizations in the universe.

"But we have another possibility. The space folding generated by the dark matter wormhole can theoretically skip the low light speed area. If we can locate the spacecraft of the singer civilization, we may be able to break through this defense."

Sure enough, this magical dark matter technology still needs to be used. In the three-body universe, even at the level of singer civilization, it is still driven by curvature, which is no more convenient than the dark matter wormhole.

The existence of a solution made Qiao Li excited, but also puzzled him:

"If that's the case, why didn't the civilization of the singers think about it? Their level of civilization and technology is so high, but it has not produced the corresponding wormhole technology?"

Zhang Bin thought for a moment and replied: "I can't answer this question accurately because there is no scientific basis, but there is a speculation, I can talk a little."

"First of all, we have to say that the consequences of dimensionality reduction and the reduction of the speed of light will gradually increase the proportion of two-dimensional space in the universe and eventually exceed three-dimensional space. One day, the third macro dimension will completely disappear and the universe will become two. As for the attack and defense of the speed of light, the low-light-speed areas will continue to increase. These areas will eventually become integrated in the diffusion, and the different slow light speeds will be balanced to the same value. This value is the new constant light speed in the universe; At that time, science in our infancy like us would think that the speed of vacuum light at a dozen kilometers per second is an iron-like cosmic constant, just like our current 300,000 kilometers per second. "

"Of course, these are just two examples. There are other cosmic laws that are used as weapons, but so far we do n’t know what they are. It is possible that all laws can be weaponized. In part, the laws used as weapons may even include mathematical laws. "

"But these are our imagination of the future, so what is the past of this universe? For example, the universe was originally dimensional? What should the speed of vacuum light be? Even the laws of mathematics at that time have been tampered with, and now Can civilization imagine what kind of technology it once possessed? "

This is of course impossible. The laws of mathematics are the foundation of all science. If even such things can be rewritten, then the development of science and technology can only embark on a crooked path and never look back.

"Do you mean that the singer civilization was born in this situation?"

Qiao Li immediately understood what Zhang Bin meant, and only in this way could he explain this technical deviation.

Zhang Bin nodded and said, "Well ~ ~ Singer civilization may already be a god-like advanced civilization in our opinion, but it is far from the height of the original civilization of the universe. It is also in the universe. It was born when it was reduced to four or even three dimensions, and has been developing all the way. So for the singer civilization, all the laws of the universe have been disturbed. No matter how their technology develops, their thoughts have existed since the birth of civilization. The laws of the universe are locked in a deadlock. "

"So aren't we the same?" Qiao Li asked in confusion.

"We are fortunate. In the process of crossing, we were exposed to the technology of different planes, mastered the cosmic laws of more than one plane, and fundamentally avoided this kind of thought imprisonment. Moreover, there are many from ancient times. The creation of the world gives us a glimpse of the original truth of the universe. For example, our dark matter technology comes from infinite gems, which existed almost at the beginning of the universe's birth. It is passed down to technology that other civilizations can no longer master. "

Traversing between different planes has always been the biggest advantage of Wandering Earth, and now this advantage has been given a deeper meaning.

The original truth of the universe, this kind of thing is far beyond the imagination of Qiao Li, but I do not know when it has been in the hands of human beings!

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