The Wandering Planet

Chapter 702: Take the boat!

The singer was very surprised to find that the three warships of the Wandering Earth had not been wiped out by the army under the impact of dimensionality reduction.

The remaining two warships actually dared to go back and continue their attacks, which made the singer even more surprised and even puzzled.

If you do n’t know the terrible impact of dimensionality reduction, it can be said that it is justifiable, but both battleships were destroyed by two-way foil, and the two remaining battleships dared to come back. This ca n’t be explained by ignorance. Yes.

For all low-entropy bodies, fear is a guarantee of survival.

This group of low-entropy bodies does not know what is fear?

A large number of TIE fighters swept through like waves, so that the singer's civilized spacecraft could not immediately break through.

However, under the defense of low-speed black holes, there is no attack that can threaten him. It is meaningless to do so.

This makes the singer even more confused, knowing that it is meaningless behavior, and so going forward and refusing to care about what is going on.

The singer really wanted to take a good look at what happened with this group of low-entropy bodies with big eyes, but his work did not run him to do so.

So far, he has destroyed countless low-entropy civilizations and destroyed countless galaxies, but all can only be seen from a distance. Any observation based on curiosity is not allowed.

What's more, in the increasingly fierce battle between the mother world and the marginal world, big eyes have too many more important targets to observe, but they will not be used to satisfy his curiosity as a cleaner.

Despite the great regret for this, the singer can only take out a few pieces of two-way foil, and still can only look at the Wandering Earth Fleet from a distance, preparing to blow them all into two dimensions in one breath.

The fall caused by a two-way foil is already similar to a black hole, and there is a chance to escape if you continue to accelerate in one direction.

Once multiple two-dimensional foils are unfolded at the same time, the resulting gravity will be as chaotic as the three stars in the three-body world, and it will be inevitable no matter which direction to escape.

The wandering earth is already so embarrassed in the face of a two-dimensional foil, and the following dimensionality reduction attacks cannot be avoided.

Just as the singer waved the tentacles of the force field and was about to throw all the remaining two-way foils to the Wandering Earth Fleet, the main core suddenly sounded another kind of alarm. It was a short-range collision alarm. Something was about to hit!

This caused the singer to panic for a moment, obviously he was already wrapped in a low-light-speed black hole, what else could break in?

I don't know when, from the vicinity of the singer's civilization space, a surging dark matter gradually formed a dark wormhole, over the low-speed area of ​​the outer layer, allowing a stray earth warship to rush in.

It was the expedition that Qiao Lu was riding!

The Expedition had already accelerated to a certain degree before entering the wormhole. After coming over, it still remained undiminished, and it hit the spacecraft of the singer's civilization.

This crazy behavior basically gave the singer no reaction time, and the expedition had already hit the moment the impact alarm sounded!

Just as modern warships basically abandoned the heavy armor of modern battleships, the Singer civilization ship, which mainly relied on reducing the speed of light, did not spend much effort on armor and shields. After all, this is no longer necessary.

However, at this moment, in the face of the brutal impact of the Expedition, the singer's civilization's dependence on the weapons of the law of the universe has become the biggest dead spot.

Just like a weak sparrow can also crash the aircraft's engine, a large aircraft with countless high technology can sometimes be knocked down by an angry bird!

The head of the Expedition is like a sharp knife, and it is firmly embedded in the hull of the Singer Civilization Spacecraft. Even half of the bridges have fallen into the Singer Civilization Spacecraft.

The steel was twisted and deformed at this moment, and the entire hull of the Singer Civilization spacecraft was cut out of a large hole, so that the two ships were tightly connected.

The wire burst into a dazzling fire, the glass broke and shattered in an instant, both sides felt a huge impact, countless objects were thrown away by inertia, and the liquid was splashed all over.

This sudden impact was completely unexpected by the singer. He had no way to imagine such a weak low-entropy civilization. There was a way to break through the low-speed defense of the seed, or even attacked by the original means of impact.

But this is just the beginning. After successfully colliding with the Singer Civilization Spacecraft, the landing troops on the Expedition jumped to help. From the breach of the Singer Civilization Spacecraft, board the ship full of mysteries and unknowns. Battleship.

As Qiao Lu thought, in this zero-distance situation, the singer did not dare to use dimensionality reduction strikes, because while reducing the dimensionality of the Expedition, he also had no way to escape.

Although the mother world of the singer's civilization has been prepared for two-dimensionalization, this spaceship called the seed also has another mission, and it cannot temporarily fall into two-dimensionality.

This allowed the landing troops of the Wandering Earth to successfully board the Singer Civilization spaceship with the impact of the Expedition. From this point on, it is no longer a fleet battle in space, but a battle for ships in the Tiger Cave!

Soldiers wearing nano-power collisions penetrated through the corridors of this singer's civilization spaceship, which of course included the leader of Qiao Lu. This time he was going to face the owner of this spaceship and get the landing from him. Dimensionally combat everything.

At this time, the singer has also noticed the uninvited guests on the spaceship, and realized that the other party's purpose is not to destroy his own spaceship, but to occupy the spaceship itself!

This made the singer feel extremely frightened. Even if the low-entropy body entered this spaceship, he was already seriously neglected.

It is said that the duty of the cleaner is to hide himself ~ ~ to do a good job of cleaning up. If it was just taken a distance, it would n’t be a big deal, and it would be enough to just look at his job.

But the other party rushed to the spaceship and saw the interior of this spaceship, so the information obtained was too much!

Just glancing at the civilization indicated by the coordinates, this establishes a connection with that civilization. Then being boarded on the spaceship may even cause direct communication, which is a total violation of the Dark Forest Law.

If the elder knew this, he had to swallow him alive!

The singer hastily ordered the main nucleus to rule out the intruder. He is now afraid that the other party will not rush in and kill him, but that anyone can leave the ship after boarding the spaceship.

He is just a cleaner who is responsible for trivial work. It is not his responsibility to fight at risk. That is what the soldiers stationed in the mother world and the marginal world should do. Unfortunately, no one has time to rescue him.

The dust of the age has now finally fallen on his head!

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