The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 59: "Poison King" Victoria

Popular recommendation:

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

For Britain, it is the golden age, the pinnacle of the colonial rule of the British Empire, and the period of "the sun never sets" that the British miss.

Britain was the first to complete the industrial revolution, and the name of the world's factory is true.

In the eyes of the Europeans at that time, the British naval strength had reached a level of incomprehension. Even if the entire European navy was organized into a fleet, the British would still have a way to sink it! This is the best evaluation of the strength of the British Navy.

For the British upper-middle class, they can say with pride.

"The plains of North America and Russia are our cornfields; Chicago and Odessa are our granaries; Canada and the Baltic Sea are our forest farms; Australia and West Asia are our sheeplands; Argentina and the western steppes of North America are our cattle herds ;Peru sent its silver; South African and Australian gold flowed to London;

The Hindoos and Qings planted our tea; and our coffee, sugar, and spice plantations spread throughout the Indies; Spain and France our vineyards; the Mediterranean our orchards; Cotton fields are expanding to all warm regions of the earth. "

If you are a big nobleman or a big businessman, you can spend all day drinking and drinking, and occasionally meet up with three or five friends and bring dozens of hounds to hunt in your friend's hunting ground.

For middle-level people, such as lawyers, civil servants, mid-level military officers, priests, etc., this is an era with a foreseeable future.

Marry a wife decades older than you, hire a maid, rent a room in the city, have kids and put them through high school. Life is hard, but you can have a decent life.

For the bottom of the British people, it is not so good. Eighteen hours of work a day, a little carelessness may be involved in the machine.

If you survive, you will be sent to a poorhouse to die, usually from an infected wound, or from a cold, pneumonia, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, or of course from being forgotten and starving die.

Even if you are born with supernatural powers and can maintain a strong experience forever, you will not die from fatigue, but the poisonous smoke and waste water in factories and cities will still make you sick.

Doctors in this era usually choose to bleed you. If the bloodletting is ineffective, they will consider amputating a certain part of you until you can't afford the consultation fee or die.

You don't want to just die doing nothing, you think of what Bacon said "knowledge is power", but you find that you have no time to study at all, you have to work eighteen hours a day, if you don't work, you have nothing to eat.

Fortunately, you have unlimited energy, and you can study during the few hours when others take a break. When you think you are already a talent, you went to take the British civil service examination, but the people in the examination room refused to let you in. Because you have no fixed property.

If you time travel as a child, then congratulations, you no longer have to worry about finding a job. You can start working at the age of six or seven.

Sweeping chimneys and working in coal mines were popular occupations for children at that time. You only need to do twelve hours of heavy physical labor in a small, dirty space, and you can get fivepence. How about it? Fair enough.

If you don't want to work, you're usually sent to an orphanage by your parents, where you'll see a group of fat managers feasting on one side, and you'll have half a sprouted potato in your bowl.

Even so, half of your potato will be bitten by the "boss" first. As for how much to bite, it depends entirely on the mood of the "boss". In the courtyard, your roommates will steal your clothes and shoes, so that you can truly "come naked and leave naked, without taking half of the cloud with you".

I don't know if the lower-class people in the UK will confidently puff up their chests when they think of the industry and wealth of the British Empire.

But I think they must want to say "FUCK! Bloodyhell"

For the Irish, the Boers, the Afghans, the people of the two ancient civilizations in the East, and the tens of thousands of people who were exploited by the British colonization, it was a worse time.

It is true that the British do not smoke opium, but they drink opium soup, have a cup for a headache, a cup for backache and leg pain, and their bodies are hollowed out? Have a drink! Baby crying and refusing to eat? Have a drink!

There are indeed several countries on the European continent that prohibit their citizens from smoking opium, but they care more about the outflow of gold and silver than their national health.

The "Poison King" once condemned opium, but it was not banned at the legal level, and even the condemnation was done in private.

The "Poison King" has indeed witnessed the glory of the British Empire. At the same time, she signed an evil document, knocked on the door of the ancient country with two wars, and spread the poison of opium to the whole world.

At this time, the main force of drug trafficking for the "drug king" is the Jews. The streets and alleys of Europe are full of Jews who sell opium and alcohol. This group of people poisons the people to make huge profits.

Several Jewish families in the East contribute millions of pounds in taxes to the British government every year. Among them is the Sassoon family, which accounts for half of the opium trade. It has poisoned tens of millions of people in its lifetime. As a result, no one knows his sins. , and got a good death.

David Sassoon was originally a magistrate of the Ottoman In order to avoid the persecution of anti-Semites, his family fled to Mumbai, where he bought a British nationality, and he started cheating life.

When the first box of opium arrived in the Eastern Continent, gold came like snowflakes. In a few years, David Sassoon earned money that his ancestors could not make for generations.

There was once an honest official who destroyed his opium. He united all the opium dealers in this ocean and made a wish to the British, but this was not enough to convince the British.

So he found his in-laws and the biggest patron behind him, the Rothschild family.

After paying a large sum of money, Britain finally decided to send troops. After that, Sassoon's business went smoothly without hindrance, and even won him the title of "Little Emperor of Bombay", and his family was also called The Rothschild of the East is worshiped by the Jews.

Franz didn't like opium, much less the opium dealers, and he decided to do something about it.

The problem in Vienna is easy to solve. After all, the emperor's imperial order can even prohibit smoking, let alone opium.

Historically, Vienna was the first city in the world to ban smoking, on the grounds that the emperor believed in a prophecy that "a smoker will capture Vienna."

We need to find a solution to Austria's problem, and we can only entrust the church to do things in Asia.

After all, for religious fanatics, there is nothing more glorious than destroying evil heretics.

Franz is also very willing to see that the wicked will be punished. As for procedural justice, Franz is not the Holy Mother. As long as the wicked can get the punishment they deserve, why should they care about the means?

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