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Egypt, Alexandria.

After that fiasco, Muhammad Ali, the Pasha of Egypt, the conqueror of Sudan, made up his mind and decided to reform the navy. On the one hand, he purchased advanced warships from France, and on the other hand, he bought advanced technology to train workers himself Build warships.

Now the Egyptian Navy has a second-tier battleship, fifteen third-tier battleships, and hundreds of various light gunboats.

Ali Pasha admired his army, but his cards were actually still hidden in the dock.

In the dock, nine huge first-tier battleships are under construction, in addition to ten third-tier battleships that have already been built.

With these warships, Egypt will become the world's second largest naval power, but Ali Pasha's ambitions go far beyond that.

Just a month earlier, Ali Pasha's emissary had arrived in St. Petersburg.

Ali Pasha's envoy handed over the Egyptian credentials, and Tsar Nicholas I sneered and threw the credentials on the ground after reading it.

"That Egyptian, what's your name?"

Anyone who is familiar with Nicholas I knows that this is the tsar who is going to kill someone.

Ali Pasha stated in the letter of credence submitted to Russia that he was willing to use the Tigris River as the boundary with the Tsar to rule the river and share the inheritance of the Ottoman Empire.

Egypt is willing to ally with Russia against Britain. Egypt will give up the territory of the former Eastern Roman Empire, and is willing to surrender to the Tsar and pay tribute every year.

This is the most ridiculous joke that Nicholas I has ever heard. Egypt wants to carve up Ottoman with Russia. Why? With their sense of humor?

At this time, the messenger replied.

"Egyptians have no names, all Egyptians are servants of Ali, you may call me Abdul. But I want to remind you that you have just dropped my credential on the floor. I can pick it up for you ?"

The envoy's neither humble nor overbearing answer surprised Nicholas I. He was a very murderous person. Even those Cossack chiefs who would kill the whole family at every turn would tremble unconsciously when they saw Nicholas I.

Nicholas I did not answer, but looked at Abdul coldly.

In fact, Abdul was already in cold sweat, but his family was in the hands of Ali Pasha, so he could only succeed and not fail.

"His Majesty the Tsar, why don't you take a look at the gift that Ali Pasha prepared for you first."

Nicholas I still sat silently on the throne, with his left hand clenched into a fist and his chin resting, like a lion waiting for its prey.

Boxes of gold, silver and jewelry passed by Nicholas I, his expression did not change at all.

Until a group of trembling people prostrated themselves in front of Nicholas I, he suddenly stood up with anger in his eyes.

Nicholas I's figure is very stalwart, his height is 205 centimeters, plus he has been exercising all the year round.

When he got up, he felt very oppressed, and the Egyptian envoy couldn't help swallowing.

He knew why Nicholas I was angry. The Russian Tsar had always regarded himself as the savior of the Orthodox Church, and according to the Orthodox tradition, he had the obligation to rescue all Orthodox believers.

Even in the darkest moment in Eastern Europe, when the Tatars, Crimeans, and Ottomans were rampant, the Tsar would spend money from his small treasury every year to redeem people from the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Khanate .

Now that Nicholas I saw a group of Russian slaves appearing in his palace, he could not accept it emotionally or morally.

However, this was Abdul's gift. He knew that Ali Pasha's gold and silver could not impress the tsar at all. Only these Russian slaves could arouse the tsar's anger and choose to reach a secret agreement with Egypt.

"Your Majesty the Tsar, I bought them in the slave market of the Ottoman Empire. I now hand over your subjects to you, and I hope you..."

Before Abdul could finish speaking, the Tsar grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

In the hands of Nicholas I, who is 2.05 meters, Abdul, who is 1.55 meters, is like a child.

"Tell Muhammad Ali that I accepted his gift, but one day I found a Russian slave on Egyptian soil, and I promise my army will crush Cairo. Dogs will never be spared."

Abdul was thrown out by Nicholas I like trash, and turned to the Russians and said, "Get up, you are free."

The slaves looked at each other and stood up cautiously. In fact, they had lived in the Ottoman Empire for several generations. Apart from their appearance, they could not even understand Russian, and they had never seen the Tsar.

They only know that they were bought by an Egyptian master, and now they have been sold to a more powerful master. The strange thing is that this master looks very similar to them, but it is a little scary.

Nicholas I didn't care about the strangeness of these slaves, he just waved his hand and let his confidant, Grand Duke Liubai, take them away.

In fact, Nicholas I didn't care about any secret agreements. The secret agreements that Russia tore up can pile up into mountains, and this one is not bad for him.

It's better to accept the gift first and see what the Egyptians are going to do. If the Egyptians can severely damage the British fleet, it would be great for Russia.

What if the Egyptians lost? Then just pretend it never happened, the gift was accepted anyway.

Ali Pasha was overjoyed that Nicholas I agreed to a secret agreement with Egypt, because just now the Thiers government had assured Ali that if war broke out between Britain and Egypt, France could intervene if necessary.

But Ali's Egyptian government must guarantee France's interests in Egypt, and Ali Pasha knew what Thiers wanted.

Now Egypt has become the second largest cotton exporter after the United States, and France has also become the second largest cotton importer in the world. France's textile industry cannot do without Egypt for a day.

When Egypt was invaded by France, Napoleon's strength is still fresh in his memory. But Ali Pasha did not expect the French to send troops directly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but he thought that as long as the French saw the opportunity to defeat the British, the French would let this opportunity go.

Speaking of Napoleon, Ali Pasha always believed that Egypt was the cemetery of powerful empires. The Roman Empire was defeated by Cleopatra, the Mongol Empire was defeated by Mamluks, and Napoleon was defeated by the mob. At the end of the overlord of the world's oceans—Britain, create his own legend.

Ali Pasha, looking at the huge ship under construction in the dock, suddenly felt a surge of pride in his chest.

Because no one knew the existence of these warships, he could use this information gap to defeat the mighty British.

Because the British did not know the existence of these warships, it was impossible to send all the main forces to the battlefield at once.

According to the previous experience, the British would only send two to three first-tier battleships to sit in command, supplemented by some third-tier battleships as escorts.

Then what the Egyptian navy has to do is to wipe them out. If possible, it is best to let the British surrender, so that the Egyptian navy will be even stronger.

After the British suffered a disastrous defeat, they would inevitably come to revenge in anger. As long as they are not stupid, they must ask the Ottomans to help. At that time, the real killer in Ali's hands will come into play, because the British will never expect it. The fleet has long been bought by Ali.

When the self-righteous British were attacked from two sides, they could only choose to surrender.

Eliminate the British Navy, then the Egyptian Navy will be able to dominate the ocean.

At that time, it will be able to annex the heritage of the Ottoman Empire and draw the Tigris River as the boundary with Russia.

In another ten years, he will be able to build an army of one million, go north to defeat Russia, and dominate Europe, Asia and Africa.

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