Fall in Love with You Read Books, War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Côte d'Ivoire, Kru tribe.

Chief Pons was still excited about the deal just now, and he changed to 600 guns and 20,000 rounds of ammunition at one time. But now that the Akan tribe is finished, the French can only make a deal with themselves. If this trend continues, he will be able to organize an invincible army sooner or later...

While Chief Pons was still dreaming of his spring and autumn dream, other nearby tribes had already sent envoys to the Austrian army's camp, explaining the whole incident with elaboration, and expressed their willingness to send troops to support the Austrian offensive.

Abidjan, Austrian imperial camp, former Spanish trading post.

Friedrich was annoyed by the constant arrival of messengers reporting the same thing.

"Frantz, it seems that they regard us as idiots. Those natives want to use our hands to eliminate dissidents. If all the natives are united, it will be extremely detrimental to us. After all, our army cannot Staying here for a long time will cost too much.”

"Uncle Friedrich, I'm glad you didn't say: 'That's just right, let's get them all together at once.' But maybe it's not as complicated as you think, there are dozens of tribes in this area, and hundreds of languages , It is not an easy task to unify.

After the previous battles, Franz is now very confident that even if all the natives of Côte d'Ivoire unite together, they can defeat him.

To be honest, Franz really didn't think about maintaining the occupation fee. He really wanted to do business. After all, history has proved that forcible plunder is far less profitable than joint development.

And even if it is to be localized, it needs enough manpower. At this time, the concept of Austrians is changing. Before the construction of the railway, many Austrians never left the province where they were born, even the cities and villages. Pass.

But now Franz still has no way to recruit enough manpower to develop these colonies.

At this moment, Franz noticed that Miss Shanyin was looking at him expectantly, probably she had her own thoughts.

"Miss Shanyin, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, Archduke Franz. I suppose you have come to do business, and those Frenchmen have obviously come to spoil it, not only to your business, but to the rules you have made. They must be punished, and Those Aboriginal people could come in handy."

"It's good not to forget the original intention." Franz praised.

"Use the natives to kill the French?!" Friedrich looked shocked, obviously he had just used the hands of the British to trick the French once before, but now it was just replaced by the natives.

"But what if the French know that we ordered the natives to do it?" Friedrich said very worriedly.

"This matter was conspired by the Akan tribe and the Crewe tribe. Because of the uneven distribution of the slave trade, there was internal strife. So the French trading station sent an envoy to us for help, but it was too late when we arrived , so we imposed sanctions on the Akan and Kru tribes."

There is nothing wrong with Franz's statement, because in this era, in the eyes of Westerners, the African natives are primitive people, not to mention the uneven distribution of spoils, even if those tribes took the initiative to attack the trading post, the French government would believe it.

And whether they believe it or not, as long as Franz puts up a sum of money, the officials of the French Colonial Bureau will be very willing to sell this trading post that is not very profitable and has been attacked by indigenous tribes to the Austrian Empire.

At night, a French trading post.

Captain Flor was very depressed. His hard work in the past few years was all in vain, but it was not easy to survive the British. After all, if the money is gone, you can continue to make money. If you die, everything will be lost. retired.

After all the ups and downs during this period, Captain Flor swore that after he made this last vote, he would go back to France and find an honest woman to live in the country, work at sunrise and rest at sunset...

The garrison of the trading post was very empty, and the oil lamps and candles were very expensive. Except for a few people who guarded the slaves on shift, most of them had already gone to bed.

Today the woods are very quiet, only the mosquitoes on the beach keep screaming, Thomas has to drive the mosquitoes away with his hands, although the entire trading post was extorted by the British for 2 million francs, but for him, a newcomer , not only did not scare him, but made him full of motivation.

Thomas even began to fantasize that after working for a few years, he could have tens of thousands of francs. At that time, he would first live in the Moulin Rouge for a month, and then go to the blue silk...

Tutubayo is the leader of a small tribe. There are only more than 500 people in their tribe, but most of them are brave and good at fighting. Tutubayue is the bravest warrior among them. His apron is made of the mane of the most brutal lion on the grassland.

However, due to the appearance of muskets and the small population of the tribe, Tutubayo was destined not to become a great chief. And as those already powerful tribes grew stronger, the fate of his tribe being annexed seemed inevitable.

At that time, the annexation between tribes usually ended when all the men of one side were killed or sold as slaves.

After seeing the strength of the Austrians, Tutubayor decided to take a gamble, so when other tribes were still hesitating, he took the initiative to stand up and ask to be a pioneer.

Although Tutubayor's actions aroused the dissatisfaction of the leaders of the Mande and Voldak tribes, they did not dare to do anything because of the presence of Franz and Friedrich.

Franz readily agreed to his request. After all, Austria needs an agent in Côte d'Ivoire, and this young man with great ambitions ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and a shallow foundation is very suitable.

Although the leaders of the Mande and Voldak tribes are respectful to Franz now, that is only a superficial phenomenon.

When Franz asked them to rescue their trapped compatriots, the two leaders were reluctant to accept the nomination certificate, and when Tutubayo stepped forward, the two guys tried to overwhelm others .

What Franz hates the most is this kind of guy who wants to get benefits without doing anything, and who wants to save face and doesn't want others to show off.

"The First Minister of Ming Dynasty"

This kind of people is of no help to the construction of the colony, and is the main force of future rebellion. After that, countries will definitely infiltrate each other's colonies, and at that time these guys will be easily bought, or they will become self-reliant after receiving the support of other countries.

Under the cover of night in the woods, Tutubayue climbed over the fence set by France and arrived at the main entrance of the trading post.

The two guards were dozing off, and from time to time they used their hands to repel the mosquitoes. He took down the bow and arrow and pulled the string to the full.

There was just a "whoosh", and an arrow went straight into a guard's throat. The arrow was smeared with poison, and the guard who was shot fell down without even humming.

As soon as the other guard turned his head to look at his collapsing companion, a **** hand covered his mouth, and then the neck was sliced ​​by a cold blade.

Thomas wanted to say something, but blood blocked his throat and he could only make a grunt.

After the two guards fell down, Tutubayo imitated a bird call, and then a group of indigenous people with big knives and spears came out of the woods and filed into the French trading post.

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