The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 31: Presidential election (Part 1)

【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

The Spanish Civil War came to an abrupt end to Franz's surprise. According to normal development, this war should last for a long time. At that time, Britain and France may be stuck in the quagmire and have no time to take care of Austria, which is growing in strength, and win valuable opportunities for its continued development.

The war has been going on for more than a year, and both sides have continued to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, especially the see-saw battle in the Pyrenees Mountains, which has greatly affected the morale of the army like a meat grinder.

It is precisely because of this that Carlos, the initiator of the war, was shaken in his heart. He believed that if he continued to consume like this, his side would become more and more dependent on the British. Ordered to make a wedding dress for England, he found an opportunity to send a shocking announcement to the whole army.

"Don Carlos is ready to end the Civil War."

In the end, Carlos reached an agreement with Queen Regent Christiana, Insabella II pardoned all members of the Carlos faction, Don Carlos went into self-exile, and at the same time announced his renunciation of the Spanish throne.

The reason why the Spanish Civil War turned into this result is entirely to blame the British. In their eyes, Spain is just a proving ground to hold back and consume the energy of the French. Obviously, supporting Don Carlos has never been profit-oriented The real purpose of the Anglo-Saxons.

Even an idiot who doesn't understand the game of national politics should suddenly understand after being tricked for seven years.

Ever since, the marionette in the hands of the British suddenly broke free from the shackles that bound him, and directly made the situation develop in the direction they least wanted to see.

In this regard, Franz can only lament the impermanence of the world, but his layout will not change because of this, because he believes that the British will not be willing to watch their old opponents on the other side regain their supremacy in Europe.

Meanwhile, the United States, Virginia.

In an unremarkable log cabin, sit a group of people who will influence the future of American history.

One of them, a bearded old man wearing a general uniform but a cowboy hat, is the ninth president of the United States in history, William Henry Harrison.

Sitting on his left and right are all the top leaders of the Whig Party, and sitting opposite him is his running mate, the tenth president of the United States in history, John Tyler.

John Tyler was originally a political star of the American Democratic Party, but due to the great differences between him and President Jackson, a madman full of war thoughts and a believer in the supremacy of force, he gave up the position of Vice President at his fingertips and turned into a Whig party.

William Henry Harrison and John Tyler stood behind them with the planters' clique of the American South.

It was these planters who propped up the U.S. economy during the economic crisis after 1837. Although Martin Van Buren joined forces with Friedrich List to stabilize the decline of the American economy after his succession, his diplomatic concessions to Britain caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Members of the Senate and House of Representatives also complained about a surge in military spending following a series of disastrous defeats with the French in the Scramble for Texas.

After all, the continuous increase in military expenditure means that the corresponding taxes will increase, and on the contrary, subsidies in other areas will naturally decrease. This is not what the funders behind the congressmen want to see.

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

The contradictions and challenges facing the United States today are that factory owners in the North want to reduce military spending, while farmers in the South want to increase military spending for their own safety.

Although the above-mentioned differences cannot be reconciled, the two sides rarely agree on one point, that is, they firmly oppose the weak foreign policy of the current government, such as the two concessions to the former suzerain, especially the recent new ones in Maine in the United States and in British Canada. On the demarcation of the border between Brunswick.

Faced with Britain's aggressive attitude, Martin Van Buren once again chose to back down, which completely disappointed the northerners.

Excited people took to the streets to parade and hold high banners, shouting "Down with traitors" and "Down with cowards, cowards, Xiao Fan!".

Public places such as pubs, coffee shops, restaurants, any place where the public gathers are filled with angry crowds, they all talk about "When Martin Van Buren that son of a **** is going to sell America."

Inside the cabin.

Harrison put down his cigar, picked up a glass full of spirits and drank it down, and said.

"Martin Van Buren is a jerk. He has an army in his garden and a navy in his bathtub. This guy knows nothing but luxury, he can't protect this great country. Now America needs a real man to defend Her territory and safety, and I'm the one."

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"Very good! Mr. Harrison, you will definitely win the election." John Taylor said while applauding.

"Your judgment is correct, my Mr. Vice President."

Although the two tried their best to appear confident and relaxed, the farmers who were the gold owners were not happy at all at the moment.

In fact, both Friedrich Liszt and Martin Van Buren themselves knew that the hope of re-election in this general election was slim, but unwilling to fail, they introduced a military background like Harrison from the Democratic Party. s.

Later, Lister offered a quid pro quo that would lower tariffs on agricultural exports and demanded that southern planters stop supporting Harrison and John Taylor.

These southern planters all believed in Friedrich List. After all, if he hadn’t reached a deal with the Russians and argued with the British on the issue of cotton tariffs, they might not be able to make money at this time. So much, so I owe him a favor.

Moreover, in the hearts of these slave owners, Friedrich List had no obvious political attributes and inclinations. He neither belonged to the Democratic Party nor the Whig Party, but he had always cared about the safety and future of the United States. Such a talent Be real American.

However, they would not put all their chips on Friedrich List because of their trust. In addition to him, they still needed to continue to use the Whig Party as a target, so they made a decision to cut campaign funding.

This made the confident Harrison and John Taylor extremely dissatisfied, because although money is not everything, it is absolutely impossible to have no money, especially the game of the rich like the presidential campaign.

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

Without sufficient financial support, it is simply impossible to win. To the disappointment of the two, the high-ranking Whig party sitting here did not say a word at this seemed to have acquiesced to this result.

"Short-sighted idiot!" Harrison was furious. He felt sorry for those people.

"The French are gearing up to invade our great United States of America at any time, just like they did with the Commonwealth of North Africa and Central America. Cass is a fool, he thinks he can defeat the British, this is the funniest century joke."

As a former member of the Democratic Party, John Taylor certainly knows what virtues those guys are. Those guys are all slaves to money, and as long as the money is in place, even the noose that strangles themselves will be sold.

The high-level Whig party remained unmoved, and Harrison, who was straightforward in words and deeds, slammed the door without saying a word. The hero of the Anglo-American War and the butcher who slaughtered the Indians was already sixty-eight years old at this time.

The purpose of participating in the presidential election at the age of nearly 70 is more to worry about the future of the motherland. Because he once fought against the British and witnessed the strength of the French army when he traveled in Europe, this old general is better than most Americans. They all know how serious the situation they are facing now is.

John Taylor also looked contemptuously at the money slaves, snorted, and quickly caught up with the former.

In fact, John Taylor’s ability to govern was very good in history. He tried his best to oppose the establishment of the National Bank and thwarted the conspiracy of the big industrial and commercial bourgeoisie to manipulate finance and monopolize federal power. This incident really saved American democracy at the time.

Of course, because of this incident, John Tyler became one of the worst presidents in American history.

As soon as the two left the cabin, a broker found them and offered to provide a large sum of money to help them campaign.

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