The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 79: America's back garden with 0 sores and 0 holes

Fall in Love with You Read Books, War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

London, England.

The cabinet was very excited about getting such a huge bargain. Not only did they get a colony rich in gold, silver, and high-quality wood, but they didn't even have to pay for it themselves. This simply cannot be described as lucky.

But unlike others, Palmerston was not satisfied with this victory, and he seemed to have found a pattern, that is, the French did not dare to be tough on Britain.

"Gentlemen! Are you satisfied with this?"

The cabinet members all turned their heads to look at Palmerston and couldn't help thinking to themselves.

"What bad idea does this guy have? How can he be dissatisfied with such a big victory without a single soldier? What a lunatic!"

"What do you want to say, Viscount Palmerston?"

"There are Nicaragua and Costa Rica in Central America," said Palmerston.

"You want us to invade two independent countries?"

John Russell has always opposed Palmerston's radical expansion policy. He believes that internal relations should be strengthened first to prevent worker riots and colonial rebellions.

At the same time, John Russell was very jealous of Palmerston's talent, because it was what he lacked.

"No! It's protection! Just like we protect Honduras."

Palmerston is not afraid of being questioned at all, on the contrary he enjoys the feeling of this challenge.

Hearing Palmerston's explanation, the members of the British cabinet laughed, only Russell still had a gloomy face and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ever since, the United Kingdom threw olive branches to Nicaragua and Costa Rica, hoping that these two weak countries could accept the protection of Great Britain.

But it was rejected, so Britain is going to send troops to conduct some "friendly" negotiations.

The negotiable result was surprising, that is, two troop carriers, one of which ran aground, so the two ships were forced to anchor on the coast, and they were ambushed by local armed forces as soon as they landed. 700 soldiers, 130 75 people were missing, 201 were injured.

The British had to temporarily abandon the idea of ​​negotiation, or send a larger negotiation team. But soon they understood the reason for the fiasco, as the two countries declared Austrian protectorates and released the British prisoners.

Although Austria is not a naval power, let alone a colonial power, Britain will not go to war with great powers casually, even if it is a landlubber.

Moreover, it is the routine operation of this era for emerging independent countries to find a big brother in Europe. It is understandable that Nicaragua and Costa Rica chose Austria.

Palmerston was extremely dissatisfied. He felt that this was an Austrian conspiracy and asked to send troops to attack Nicaragua and Costa Rica from land and seize Austrian merchant ships.

But this time his proposal was strongly opposed by the cabinet. It is impossible for Britain to fall out with Austria for two bad lands, and the influence of the French has also extended into Central America. If the two countries join forces, the situation will be unfavorable to Britain.

From the perspective of global hegemony, both France and Austria are targets that Britain needs to win over, and they cannot be allowed to fall to Russia. In addition, the experience of the French in Central America and their own experience in Afghanistan made the British government very afraid of fighting in the mountains.

Palmerston insisted that "the French would never dare to make an enemy of Britain!" But no one wants to take this risk, let alone take this risk.

At the same time, the President of the United States once again protested against the colonial behavior of European powers in the Americas, which was a blasphemy against the Monroe Declaration.

The then President of the United States, John Tyler, reiterated the contents of the Monroe Declaration.

1. Require European countries not to colonize the Western Hemisphere. This principle not only expresses opposition to the expansion of Western European countries to Latin America, but also to the expansion of Russia on the west coast of North America;

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

2. Demand that Europe not intervene in the affairs of independent American countries;

3. To ensure that the United States does not interfere in European affairs, including the affairs of Europe's existing colonies in America.

But for the European powers, this is just a joke that is not funny. Austria and the United Kingdom have not made a clear statement because they have close trade ties with the United States.

However, because France is in an alliance with Spain, and both parties have a lot of interests in the Americas, it is impossible to accept the so-called "Monroe Declaration", so they openly accused the United States of wanting to monopolize the American continent, and resolutely refused to accept the intimidation of the Americans. There is a big disagreement The posture of going to war.

The previous disastrous defeat in Texas is still fresh in the memory of the generals of the U.S. Army. Although the size of the U.S. Army has expanded by more than five times than that at that time, no general dares to say that he can win Texas. Taking San Antonio can't do it.

In fact, not to mention San Antonio, even Fort Dallas, the northern gate of Texas, the US military is not sure to capture, because the French built a huge group of bastion fortresses here.

Regarding the declaration of war on France, there were even conflicts within the US military. The army demanded to blockade France at sea, but at this time there were six French battleships moored in the port of Houston. These big guys were not something that American small-tonnage cruisers could handle~ At this time, the Port of Houston has been named "Port Phillip" by the French to commemorate their great king.

John Tyler's historical evaluation as the president of the United States is not high, not because of lack of ability, but because he simply stood on the wrong team and was "whipped" by Lincoln after his death, making him the most unpopular man in American history president.

But in fact, his ability is very strong. In history, it was John Taylor who annexed Texas, and successfully pushed the British out of Oregon, redrawn the border between the United States and Canada, and used diplomatic means to resolve the conflict between Britain and the United States. He used despicable means It forced other countries to sign one unequal treaty after another.

He brutally plundered the Indians internally and defeated the conspiracy of the big industrial and commercial bourgeoisie to manipulate finance and monopolize federal power; he signed the "Pre-purchase Act", which was the most important land measure passed by the US government since its establishment. Reform the navy, rectify taxes, and bloodily suppress rebellions.

John Taylor judged only by the rhetoric of the military that the US military was not ready for war at all, so he had to make concessions to France.

However, the United States did not recognize France's rights to Central America, and secretly funded anti-French, anti-British, and anti-Austrian forces, hoping to mobilize locals to drive Western powers out of America.

What is even more frightening is that the Americans did not know what method they used to rescue La Mosan from prison.

But at this time he is facing a much more serious situation than in history. Britain, France, and Austria have all entered the Americas. Although Mexico has more than one civil war, compared with the average of more than 100 riots a year, every four months. The current Mexico government does not know how much stronger it is.

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