The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 84: Victory in the first battle

【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

Since its debut in West Africa more than a year ago, the Austrian rocket launcher has undergone another round of updates and improvements. The Imperial War Office and the military learned the lessons of actual combat experience.

In the summary report submitted by relevant personnel and the Friedrich weapon evaluation log, it is obvious that the five-kilometer range of the weapon is of little importance to the land battlefield.

And the hit rate in sea battles is too bad, so instead of sacrificing power to increase the attack range, it is better to maximize the three characteristics of short, flat, and fast.

With the efforts of designers, the range of the new rocket in the new round of improvement work has been reduced to only one kilometer, but its power has been nearly doubled and the launch speed has become faster. Surprisingly, the cost of the new version has not changed much.

Just before Friedrich, the commander-in-chief, ordered all Austrian rockets to target the army of Vannatubang, both the local natives and Lanfang thought that this meant that the Dutch army was coming to benefit again.

King Wannatu even judged that the Dutch army led by Captain Aryan Bonhe intended to destroy Lanfang in one fell swoop. After all, the former has long had this intention. As long as all the upper-class Chinese forces are eliminated, the millions of middle-class and lower-class Chinese will all become his slaves.

After he destroyed the Chinese company, his next target was the insidious and cunning British, and then drove the Dutch away, and then he would rule the world.

In the cognition of this "careerist", the Dutch have the strongest strength, but fortunately, their homeland is thousands of miles away, and their nature is relatively greedy, so it is easy to be bought.

Although the British have some industries in North Borneo, their strength is weak due to their small number of people. However, due to their terrain constraints, they are beyond the reach of the local king.

East Wanlu city head.

When he saw the Western-style army approaching not far away, Gu Liubo couldn't help being shocked, and the big knife that was already full of gaps in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Gu Liu, did you invite those foreigners?" Xie Guifang said slowly. At this time, he was already old and didn't want to interfere in the company's affairs anymore, but at this difficult time, he resolutely brought his family children to help guard him. city.

Xie Guifang was born in martial arts, he is good at using a pair of iron gallbladders, and can draw a three-load bow. He should have become the leader of Lanfang, but first, he has a close friendship with Liu Taier, and second, he himself has no intention of doing so.

"It's not me. Back then, Liu Taier spent 200,000 taels of silver, but he just invited 200 Dutch soldiers to help out. Now there are probably thousands of Dutch soldiers. Don't say it's Wanna local bandits, even if they are Dongwanlu, it's unknown. .”

At that time, none of the Chinese companies in Borneo, except the Dagang Company, had ever defeated the Dutch. But that was also a victory achieved at a huge price by means of an ambush on the premise that the Netherlands had an intelligence advantage.

During the Liu Taier period when Lanfang Company was the most useless, eleven Dutch soldiers and a translator dared to collect poll tax at Lanfang's headquarters.

"Gu Liu, if you put it that way, it's not yet known whether the visitor is an enemy or a friend." Xie Guifang sighed. He still remembered how beautiful Lanfang Company was when he was young, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "Wan Guo came to court."

"Yes, Xie Bo. I'm afraid this is Dagang or Sangou who invited us to destroy us. It's also possible that the remnants of Heshun Company's Tiandihui."

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

Gu Liubo's words resonated with Xie Guifang, and the atmosphere became tense again.

on the battlefield.

When the Austrian guns turned on the Vanna natives, the Vanna native King Nur Aziz sneered.

"Do these guys think we don't have cannons? Show them all and let them see them!"

Six earthen cannons made by the Dutch were pushed up, which cost Nur Aziz 1,000 catties of gold in exchange for it.

Although these six earth guns are low-tech, they look more powerful and domineering than the Austrian rocket launchers, at least they look very solid.

Friedrich at the other end couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, put down his binoculars and said to Franz next to him, "It seems that this battle is not as easy as we imagined."

"What's the situation?" Due to the haste, only 1,000 Austrian marines and 50 members of the Chenla Patriarchate came with the voyage this time, and the large force was still by the sea.

"The opponent is equipped with artillery. Although it is only an outdated old-fashioned earthen artillery, it may cause certain casualties to our side."

Franz heaved a sigh of relief, "There's nothing to worry about with just a few cannons that can't change the situation of the battle."

"Haha, I thought you were still as unwilling to kill too many people as you were in West Africa! If that's the case, let them see our big fireworks first."

"That's a rocket!" Franz corrected.

"It's almost the same. Anyway, they all fly to the sky, will they explode?"

Following Friedrich's order, 20 rocket launchers continued to fly towards King Vanatu's artillery position at a rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute.

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These new anti-infantry rodless spin rockets are equipped with a large number of steel **** to increase their power. After the explosion, hundreds of small steel **** will be scattered in all directions. Their maximum killing range is about 50 yards, while the actual effective killing range is 18 yards.

Vanna native soldiers will be baptized by 120 rounds of these anti-infantry rockets every minute, which is conceivable for the lethality of the dense formation put up by the opponent.

The first to gather up are the elite of the enemy - that is, the foreign gun team and the artillery team. And these unprepared natives wore almost no armor.

Facing the steel **** exploding in all directions at high speed, even the nimble and agile indigenous soldiers could not avoid them all. Even if there really was a spirit warrior, he would not be immune to hundreds of barrage attacks.

Some native soldiers tried in vain to block the little demons who were flying with the explosion with their hands, but ended up with a painful price of all their fingers and faces being cut off.

Where they stood all that remained was the hole of a lake of flesh mold.

A few people with extremely strong vitality were wriggling with difficulty on the ground, but as more gods of death from heaven exploded around them, this final struggle soon stopped.

Under this kind of saturated blow, apart from a piece of bright red corpses, there was no sign of any living people on the ground.

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

The picture that looks like the end of the world is like an ancient giant beast just feasting here.

The sad and ridiculous thing is that even with such terrifying firepower bombardment, the indigenous army did not choose to flee, but stood in place like a nail, and then was harvested in pieces.

So five minutes later, the Austrian Rocket Army had to stop the sea of ​​​​fire attack to prevent the launcher from being damaged due to long-term and high-intensity use.

As the smoke on the opposite side cleared, Franz observed with a telescope that although the opponent had suffered heavy losses, there seemed to be no signs of collapse.

This made him very puzzled. According to the common sense of war, this kind of primitive army that has not even achieved feudalization will lose more than 5% of its morale.

However, the tragic situation of the corpses in the place did not seem to frighten the other party. Could it be that they still have backup?

There are a total of more than 2 million indigenous people living on the land of West Borneo, so it is not impossible to organize 100,000 to 200,000 capable soldiers at once.

It seems that the weapons and troops brought by our side for this operation are a bit too thin. If we knew this, we should have let the elite dragoon regiment under our banner come to help in the battle.

However, due to the complex terrain and climate of the tropics, it is very unsuitable for temperate cavalry operations, so only a group of marines and a small number of hunters can be used.

While Franz was thinking, Friedrich had ordered the Austrian soldiers to line up to meet the All of them were equipped with the latest rear-loading rifles, but it was a pity that time It was too hasty to dig trenches, otherwise he really wanted to test the new tactics.

Just as the officers of the Austrian army were forming their troops in full swing, a heart-piercing howl suddenly sounded from the peaceful battlefield. Combined with the red-stained ground, it was a picture scroll like a Shura field.

The few indigenous people who survived by chance fled back to the mountains desperately. Perhaps only the mountain gods can save them from this horrific killing.

Shields, weapons, and armor were scattered all over the place. Everyone had only one goal, and that was to escape. Even if the person standing in front of him is a brother or a father and son, as long as anyone dares to block the way, he will be killed.

Nur Aziz's father, Roel Aziz, was described as a dog of the Tang people, because he only relied on the power of the Tang people to fight for some land that others did not want, or to take in some garbage that other tribes did not want.

Nur Aziz took over the power of the tribe from the age of sixteen, and then began his brutal path to power. He first killed his seven brothers and sisters, and then began a **** conquest that lasted for two decades.

After decades of foreign wars, the population and territory of Vannatubang has more than doubled, and it even received the support of the Dutch before. It can be said that he is only one step away from the success of his dream.

But this one-sided battle took away all ambition and soul from Noor Aziz. He wasn't sprinting into the jungle or pushing and trampling his fellows like other tribesmen.

But when a pretentious ruler loses his ambition to conquer the world, he is no different from those subordinates who only want to escape for their lives.

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