October 15, 1842.

Austria, University of Vienna.

Lawford Williamson Lange is an unknown American doctor, and today he was invited to come to one of the highest universities in the world at this time, the Austrian Imperial University of Vienna, to announce his research results.

In fact, as early as March 20, 1842, Lawford had already performed such an operation. He used ether gas to successfully anesthetize a young man named James Webb and excised the tumor.

But the achievements of this Lawford Williamson Lange are not well known. In fact, in the following years, many doctors claimed to have invented ether anesthesia.

In particular, Dr. William Thomas Green Morton's successful performance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made many people see the effect of ether anesthesia, and regarded him as the first person to experiment with inhalation anesthesia.

Even Morton's epitaph reads: "Because of him, the pain of surgery can be prevented and eliminated. Before him, surgery was extremely painful; after him, science defeated pain."

But in fact, whether it is Morton or the aforementioned Langer, after the two people invented ether anesthesia, they were obsessed with fighting for patent rights, and they failed to achieve anything afterwards, which is embarrassing.

However, Franz is not interested in who invented inhalational anesthesia. If he likes it, he could have done it a few years ago, but it is better for a professional to do such a risky thing.

Anesthesia is still a technology with great risks even today when the technology is mature.

Franz is concerned about the concept of asepsis and anesthesia techniques, how many civilians and wounded soldiers can be saved in the future.

Lawford Williamson Lange's use of ether was completely accidental. When he was studying at school, he found that at some parties, many participants entertained by inhaling laughing gas or ether. Not only did they dance and look funny, but they often fell down. Or feel no pain when you touch something.

So he just used ether gas with an attitude of giving it a try. There was no scientific proof before, and he didn't even know how much to use.

At this time, Lawford Williamson Lange accepted a $10,000 bonus from the University of Vienna, and he had to bite the bullet and perform his "little trick" in front of countless experts and scholars.

For safety and success rate considerations, Lawford Williamson Lange found a gout patient. Lawford promised the patient free relief from the pain of gout and would give him $500 in return.

But the gouty patient never dreamed that he would never be able to open his eyes again.

At first Lawford Williamson Lange's American opening remarks were counterproductive. After all, people who came to watch his demonstration took time out of their busy schedules to see scientific progress, not to hear him talk about vulgarity. joke.

The old-fashioned American opening is to start with dirty jokes and funny sarcasm.

Lawford compared a gout patient's foot to a beautiful woman, and he said that as long as the tube is inserted into the patient's mouth, and after 30 seconds, you can do whatever you want.

However, the English skills of the Austrian doctors and scholars present were generally not very good, and they watched the demonstration in a very formal manner, so they didn't find it funny.

In fact, Franz also felt that Lawford's opening remarks were not very good. This kind of metaphor is not funny at all, on the contrary it is a bit disgusting.

Thalia and Ajani, who were watching the demonstration together, looked at Franz with strange eyes. The former felt that there was a mysterious powder brought back from the Amazon rainforest by a certain Costa explorer, why would he do anything with ether? ?

The latter felt that Franz must have some ulterior hobby, so he needed the other party to lose consciousness. In short, both felt that Franz was up to no good.

"Scientific progress! What do you know! Think about when you pull out your teeth in the future, the doctor will clamp your caries with pliers and spin like a crocodile, and you will know the greatness of this invention."

As soon as Franz finished speaking, Thalia and Ajani deliberately showed their white teeth.

According to Franz's thinking, people who often eat sugar should have poor teeth.

In fact, this idea is wrong. People who often eat sugar do not necessarily have bad teeth, but people who often eat bad food must have bad teeth.

During this period, it is not uncommon for the poor to lose their teeth in their thirties, because the food they eat is too rough, which seriously wears down the teeth, and things such as toothpaste and tooth powder have not yet been popularized.

The demonstration began with Lawford Williamson Lange having the subject inhale a large amount of ether gas for thirty seconds to ensure he would not wake up during the procedure.

After confirming that the other party was unconscious, Dr. Lawford began his performance. He deliberately made the incision very large so that the doctors present could feel the pain of cutting the flesh.

However, Dr. Lawford was not in a hurry to remove the tophi, but deliberately cut and searched the patient's foot with a knife, and then sutured it.

Although Austrian doctors and scholars had disdain for this American boss before, they did realize the magic of this new technology at this time, and they all began to watch the operation process seriously.

In the end, a total of 12 large and small tophi stones were taken out, and the operation was very successful. When the applause was thundering, someone found something wrong~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There were some special changes in the body of the subject, only Changes that happen to the dead. A Hungarian medical student at the University of Vienna, Semmelweis Ingnaz Philippe, noticed the anomaly and immediately asked Lawford Williamson Lange about it.

The latter, still basking in his success, didn't notice the change in the subject, and sat down as Dr. Lawford examined him.

"He...he died..."

There was an uproar in the audience. It is not uncommon for people to die from excessive inhalation of ether gas, but it happened under the watchful eyes of the public, which sounded the alarm for the Austrian medical community.

Is ether a magical gas that saves lives, or a poisonous gas that kills people invisible?

The medical community in Vienna launched a comprehensive debate on this, and the result of the debate was naturally the code of safe use of ether anesthetic gas. The code stipulates that ether is a dangerous drug and must be prescribed and used by professional doctors.

At the same time, a series of more in-depth studies on the hazards and dosage of ether were also carried out, which made great contributions to the anesthesia of the Austrian Empire in the future.

As for Dr. Lawford Williamson Lange, although one person died due to his negligence, because the legal regulations at that time were not perfect and there were no relevant punishment regulations, and the person who died was not an Austrian, so he still Returned to the United States with his winnings.

Franz deeply regretted the death of the gout patient, but he was also thankful that he did not have the enthusiasm to do this experiment himself, otherwise he would not be able to escape the notoriety of a murderer in the future.

Thalia thinks that this thing is too dangerous, and she should consider oral anesthesia, such as laudanum, but Ajani thinks that ether gas can be used as an interrogation tool in the future.

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