In the main house of the second room, Aunt Xue and Mrs. Wang were discussing things together.

"What, Breguet is going to run for the princess?"

Mrs. Wang was surprised and curious, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Sister, I don't know, this is the latest news from the Home Office!"

Aunt Xue laughed; "Baoyu and I thought the opportunity was good, so they wanted to try it!"

"I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Madam Wang was not pleased, but her face was not revealed at all.

She already regarded Xue Baodi as one of Baoyu's daughter-in-law backup candidates. How could she support Xue Baodi as a princess companion?

If she was chosen, Xue Baodi would get rid of the status of a business woman, and with the Xue family's wealth as the basis, she might be able to climb high branches.

This is not possible!

Xue Baozhen is a backup candidate for her wife-in-law, how could she easily let go?

More importantly, she has regarded Xue's property as something in her pocket, but it is a huge property with millions of dollars and two silver coins, which just made her son Baoyu suffer. How can it be cheaper for others?

What, you said Xue Xue's property will be inherited by Xue Yan?

With just such a fool's goods, as long as Mrs. Wang slightly moves her hands and feet, he can make him die unclearly. When Xue Baodi marries Bao Yu, how can Xue Xue's property run away?

With such a vicious mind, Madam Wang not only figured it out, but even calculated the action plan that killed Xue Yan. As for the intimate relationship between the two, compared with the huge sum of millions of two silver?

What was supposed to be foolproof, suddenly there were twists and turns, and Xue Baozhen was going to choose which princess to accompany, which is simply not the case.

My heart was angry, all sorts of vicious thoughts came one after another, but there was a kind-hearted gesture on the face, and it was hard for outsiders to see the slightest.

Of course Aunt Xue wouldn't know. Madam Wang was so vicious in her mind that she had been eyeing Xue's property for a long time.

"Yeah, it's not easy to get Baodi to be selected. Shouldn't I beg for my sister!"

Following Mrs. Wang's words, she opened her mouth with a bitter smile and took out a large stack of silver tickets directly from her cuff. She begged: "Here are thirty-two thousand silver tickets, which are counted as the operating expenses of my sister. "

Mrs. Wang's eyes flashed, looking deep into the thirty-two thousand silver ticket, all greedy and determined.

The Xue family is really rich. The shots are thirty-two thousand. This is only the silver for the operation of the event. If you feel old, you must not give a thank-you fee of about fifty thousand?

In my heart, I became more determined to hold Xue's thoughts firmly in my hands.

Xue Baozhen, this daughter-in-law, she is going to order!

Even in Mrs. Wang's mind, Xue Baozhen was not the object of choice for her daughter-in-law, but the target candidate for Mrs. Erfang. If possible, it was not bad to be an aunt.

Anyway, in her mind, Baoyu will have great fortunes in the future. Naturally, she has to marry a noble girl from high door. Xue Baozhen's birth is really too low. She wants to be a good lady in Baoyu's election.

The thought of destroying Bao's selection was in her heart, but her face was calm and she agreed quickly.

Aunt Xue was very happy, thanked and thanked for leaving in a hurry.

"Ma'am, are we really going to help Mrs. Xue?"

When there was no outsider nearby, even the maidservant who was next to the waitress left, Zhou Rui's family, who had been playing the role of background board, hand-to-hand replenished the tea in front of Madam Wang, and asked curiously.

On the table, the stack of large silver tickets was thirty-two thousand, which was a bit eye-catching. From time to time, she glanced at her with the urge to be jealous. She wanted to **** it and count it.

Although her family is not short of money, I can see the thirty-two large silver tickets for the first time. If you do n’t want to be hot, it ’s fake, but unfortunately you can only get hot in your heart.

Mrs. Wang's disposition is clearer than that of Zhou Rui's.

Definitely a money lover, or the kind that sees the money open, dare to get any money, dare to do anything for the money.

If Mrs. Wang knew her mind, she might have to wait for her.

"Huh, what works?"

Mrs. Wang put away the silver ticket, and said, "Good girl, it's a good job to be sent to the palace to be a waiter, but it's better to be a girl at home!"

The Zhou Rui family bowed their heads and didn't dare to hum, but their hearts were full of absurdities, and they spoke well. What is Yuanchun doing in the palace now?

The history of the queen in the queen's palace is nice, but it is actually only a senior maid.

The reason is such a reason, can the Zhou Rui family dare to say it? I am afraid that it is Madam Wang who will destroy her.

At this time, it is obviously not a good time to talk.

Mrs. Wang didn't think about the idea of ​​Zhou Rui's family, and she said directly, "I think of a way to break this up. How can a good girl like Baodi send it to the palace for rubbing?"

Zhou Rui's mouth opened wide, and she looked at Madam Wang with an incredible look.

I've seen people turning their faces ruthlessly, but I haven't seen people turning their faces so fast. Just now I promised Aunt Xue that turning my face not only benefits me, but also hurts the good things of others. Is this good?

"Why, haven't you heard?"

Seeing the appearance of Zhou Rui's family, Madam Wang's eyes were cold and dissatisfied: "If Baodi really entered the palace as a princess companion, in the future you still want to get money from the Xue family frequently, dream it!"

Zhou Rui's sorrow, nodded again and again to accompany not.

There was a charming smile on his face, but it was cold in his heart. The original owner came from Xue's money.

And yes, with Mrs. Wang's love of money, how could it be possible to let a big sheep like Xue's?

But Aunt Xue seems to be Mrs. Wang's sister. The previous benefits have not been underestimated. Is it too vicious to have swallowed Xue's money?

Zhou Rui's family was frightened. She did not dare to behave abnormally in front of Mrs. Wang, and it would be awful if Madame Wang's suspicion was attracted.

It's not vicious, it's not against yourself anyway, Zhou Rui's family just feels worthless for Aunt Xue, so she doesn't want to listen to Mrs. Wang, she is not so bold.

It can only be said that the Xue family digged their own pits and buried themselves.

Who is the Xue family? Since it settled in Rongguo Mansion, various silver-spreading men have shown off their wealth and won a good reputation. At the same time, they have also attracted Madam Wang's greedy nature.

Based on Zhou Rui's understanding of Mrs. Wang, Madam Wang had thought of killing Xue Xie and swallowing Xue's money. Thinking of this, she could not help fighting a shiver, and did not dare to think about it anymore.


Here, Aunt Xue asked Mrs. Wang to help with the operation. On the other side, Xue Baozhen visited Wang Xifeng in person, the same purpose was to be selected for the Princess's companionship.

She has a different idea from her mother. She is not optimistic about her aunt's ability to operate. She might as well ask her second cousin, who works in Sipin, to be assured.

If it is the original book, Mrs. Wang has the sole right of Rongfu government, and has mastered many resources and connections in the government. Maybe Xue Baodi recognized the operation ability of her aunt Wang.

But things are different now. The Xue family has been living in Ronggufu for almost two years. What is happening in Rongfu is almost clear.

Do not look at the second room is still arrogant in the house, but in Xue Baoyu's view, it is just a grasshopper after the autumn, can not reach a few days.

If it were not for the old lady to support her, she would have been kicked out of Rongfu because of the energy of the second room.

However, the old lady is not too old. In her early sixties, she is definitely old age. No one knows how long the old lady can live.

As long as you know the situation of Rongguo Palace, once the old lady has gone, the second room will immediately get out of Rongfu. Do you really think the anger in the heart of Dafang is a joke?

Besides, the second wife does not own the house at this time, and how much power can she have outside the house with the energy of the second room?

There is an old lady supporting them in the government, but there is no such mother and daughter outside the government to continue to support the arrogance and domineering of the second room. Obviously, the second room's ability to move outside is very ordinary.

On the other hand, even if it is placed in the capital, it is a force that makes people dare not neglect, especially the grand master makes people dare not to be underestimated.

Xue Baodi did not expect to be able to call on Grandpa, as long as his second cousin can help inquire about the news.

How to say, Cousin's cousin is also an official from Siping. He has a lot of relationships and relationships in Beijing. It is quite easy to explore the situation at the House of Government.

Of course, Xue Baozhen has great eyesight, and the same thirty thousand silver shots, but the effect is much stronger than Aunt Xue's side.

At least, Wang Xifeng, whether in terms of love of relatives or the expenses of thirty-two thousand silver, laughed with a sincere smile, and promised to let Er Er help out the situation, whether it was successful or not, he would tell the truth.

Such a statement made Xue Baozhen very satisfied, and naturally he returned happily.

Waiting for Er Er to return to the government ~ ~ After listening to Wang Xifeng's narration, I saw the thirty-two thousand silver ticket in person. I can't help praising the great girl Xue for being open enough, but it is not difficult to inquire about the news and help the operation. Wang Xifeng told Xue Baozhen that he took it.

Twenty-two is much stronger than the original. For many years, the officials of Suncheon Mansion came down. In addition, he was also a lord of the Rongguo Mansion. He was quite smooth and smart, and he made some so-called friends.

Don't even think about these friends and relationships, but ask them to help inquire about some secrets, which is quite easy.

Choosing something to read for the princess is not a big deal at all, and the House of Ministers also gave me face recognition. It is easy to get some core information.

After returning to his home, he passed the information on to Xue Baozhen through Wang Xifeng, and asked Xue Baozhen to read the princess's companionship at the House Affairs Department, and he knew all the first-hand information.

On the other hand, Mrs. Wang, when Aunt Xue inquired each time, she was persuaded by the excuse that she was helping to run, but Xue Baozhen was suspicious but did not export.

It was only very soon that there was very bad news from Er Er, which made her flustered and unconscious of the others.

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