The Way of the Center

Chapter 302: : Do you still want to win?

Back home, An Jie threw himself directly on the sand. E novel Ww%W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM has too many things in his mind now, and all three years in the Thunder team flashed back in An Jie's mind.

The lore failed and failed to enter the playoffs. After the conflict with Stoudemire, Morris was loyal to fight for his own injustice. When Durant was injured, An Jie was alone in carrying the banner of the core of the Thunder.. .... All these scenes clearly appeared in An Jie's mind. But Anjie knows that one can't just look back, the road, but also go forward.

Since Anjie entered the house, Meslav has been on the phone non-stop. Now it is impossible for him to rush around the United States to discuss with the managers of each team. Meslav must confirm the cooperation intention of the other party through the phone, and then he will discuss in person with the appropriate team.

More than an hour after An Jie entered the house, Meslav finally hung up the phone. He looked at An Jie with a serious expression. The next conversation between the two men will directly affect their future.

"How about Mr. Meslav, which teams are interested in me?" Anjie and Meslav were sitting side by side on the sand, and outside the French windows in front of them, it was the night view of the entire Oklahoma.

"Last season's championship, the Dallas Mavericks were very sincere. You know that Cuban is not a stingy guy. He said on the phone that as long as you are willing to come, he will renew your contract with your maximum salary in advance."

"Puff!" As soon as Moslav finished speaking, An Jie sprayed out all the water he had just drunk in. What is the concept of maximum salary, which means that his next contract may be ten times the current salary. This guy Cuban really deserves his name.

"Although the Mavericks were the championship last season, this season was miserable." Anjie knew that now the Mavericks' championship team has been almost completely dismantled, and Nowitzki's career is beginning to go downhill. The Mavericks desperately need a new core, and the German also expressed that he is willing to be the second child. Think about it carefully, the Mavericks are willing to give money and status, and they are really sincere.

"Yes, they won the championship by surprise last season, but this season, I am not optimistic about their ability to defend. However, Cuban's sincerity really moved me." In fact, Meslav liked the Mavericks most, so he put the Mavericks in the team. In the first place.

"Hmm...what else?" Although the Mavericks' conditions are very attractive, Anjie still wants to hear what other teams have to say.

"And... by the way, and the Houston Rockets. The iconic figure of your country, Yao Ming's old club. Since Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady both left, the Rockets have always been a civilian team. Now they You also need a pillar, and you, who are also Chinese, are their best choice. To put it harder, even if you can’t make it, the Rockets can continue to monopolize the Chinese market. If you can make it, Morey is even more so Both fame and fortune.” Moslav finished speaking and looked at An Jie, but An Jie didn't seem to be impressed.

After that, Meslav told Anjie in detail about the situation of several teams. The 76ers are too loose, An Jie doesn't like it. knight? An Jie didn't want to clean up the mess left by the little emperor. The Lakers are pretty good, but Meslav disagrees with the conditions they can offer. Secondly, Anjie's tactical status in the Lakers may not be much higher than it is now. Looking at Gasol now, you know what Anjie will become after going to the Lakers.

After talking about several teams, Anjie didn't like it. Maybe in the end, he still has to choose one among the Rockets and the Mavericks.

"Oh, yes, and the Portland Trail Blazers." Just when Anjie thought the conversation was over, Meslav suddenly remembered something.

"Pioneer?" Thinking of this name, An Jie's first reaction was sadness. Brandon Roy and the Blazers had unlimited potential, but this season, Roy officially announced the reimbursement of the season, and Greg Oden faded out of people's vision. The Trail Blazers, which were originally a model of the Youth Guards like the Thunder, are now out there. Finding a guy who has also been reimbursed for the season may be their only way out.

"The Blazers' invitation is also very sincere, but to be honest, I am not optimistic about the team's show. In comparison, the Rockets and Mavericks are closer to the playoffs, or the championship."

"Yeah." An Jie nodded. Although he had a good feeling for the indomitable Trailblazer in his heart, Meslav was right. It is difficult for the current Trailblazers to do anything.

"Okay, let me think about it? What about your suggestion?" An Jie knew that this kind of thing can't be decided casually. He needs to ask the opinions of many people, including Meslav.

"Dallas." Meslav said without thinking about his best goal. Money, opportunity, Anjie can have all the advantages in Dallas.

"Well, I will remember. Okay, maybe in a few days, I'll give you an answer." An Jie got up and tidied up his clothes. In the future, it's really time to choose.

Which team are you going to? An Jie had no bottom at all. He has no feelings for those teams because he has invested all his feelings in Oklahoma in the past few years. So in front of Anjie, the only difference between these backup options is that the team names are different. Although Meslav said that the Rockets and Mavericks show better, who knows what will happen in the future? Just like back then, almost everyone was optimistic about the Cavaliers where James was, but in the end?

Anjie knocked on Morris' door, and he decided to talk to his brother.

"I **** hope you don't leave." Morris has been eavesdropping on the conversation between Anjie and Moslav, what a bullshit, what a **** maximum salary, these are not as good as letting Anjie stay for Morris. Reliable down.

"But I have to go, Presti has already made it clear."

"If you have to go, I hope you **** roll to the East. Because I don't want to meet you too early in the playoffs. Who the **** is willing to be your opponent." Although Anjie has accepted the reality, But Morris was still fantasizing that Anjie could stay and fight alongside him. Because of this, Morris's suggestion is not constructive, but at any rate, it can be considered a suggestion.

Afterwards, Anjie took out his cell phone and called Divac. Not long after the phone rang, it was connected.

"Ann! I'm just about to call you!? I heard the guy from Meslav say that the Thunder are going to trade you!?" Anjie almost forgot, Meslav and Divac, they are friends from childhood to life. . How could Meslav not ventilate Divac for this kind of thing.

"Yes, I just called to discuss with you where I should go to the exhibition."

"It's a son of a bitch!" Divac first yelled, and this incident reminded him of the scene when he was abandoned by the Lakers.

"I tell you, you must find a place where you are absolutely respected and you are the absolute core. Otherwise, this kind of thing will happen in the future! The Mavericks won't be the first one! Even if the German says he is willing to retreat to second place, But the Mavericks still belong to Nowitzki. There, you can never be the real owner." Divac's analysis made Anjie not unreasonable.

"To put it bluntly, the Mavericks are still building a lineup around Nowitzki. The team you need to find is a team that is willing to build a lineup around you. No matter how vulnerable that team is now, but As long as they want to rise up and they need you to be the backbone, then your performance in this team will definitely be very good!"

"So, the Rockets and the Trail Blazers, you can really consider it. The stars of these two teams are completely lost due to injuries. Now, it is the moment when they need stars and pillars." Divac said. Upon analysis, An Jie's thinking became clearer again.

"Thank you, old man, I thought you would ask me to go to the Lakers or the Kings." Anjie knew that Divac was a nostalgic person, and the Lakers and Kings were supreme in Divac's heart.

"If I want to transfer, I will definitely give priority to these two teams. But this matter is about you, your own future." Although Divac is usually not serious, he talks about business. , He is meticulous.

After hanging up the phone, An Jie dialed another number, which was also his last stop for inquiries. This guy can always lead him out of difficulties, and hope that this time, there will be no exceptions.

"Hey, boss." An Jie's last call was not to someone else, but to his mentor, George Ricard.

"Ann, I've been waiting for your call for a long time." Anjie didn't say anything, but Ricard seemed to see everything through.

"Oh? You know I want to call you?" Anjie smiled, he thought Ricard was joking with himself.

"Yes, I know you will definitely call me. Because you are now facing transfer confusion." Ricard said, Anjie's hippie smile suddenly became serious. Now he and a few related people know about the matter that he wants to transfer. Even the great Yahoo god, Adrian Wonarovsky did not know any news. Anjie didn't understand where Ricard heard the wind.

"Tell me, do you have an answer?" Before the surprised Anjie could speak, Ricard asked first.

"Not yet." An Jie answered truthfully.

"Ann, tell me. After experiencing so many things, do you want to make money easily, or still long for honor, longing for victory, longing for championship! In other words, do you still want to win?" Ricard A series of questions left An Jie confused.

"Answer me." Seeing Anjie did not respond, Ricard asked on the phone again.

"I still want to win, I don't care about money, I don't care, I just want to play basketball as hard as I can, and try my best to win, because I love basketball." An Jie did not expect that Ricard would make the topic so heavy. . Therefore, he also followed his own heart and answered Ricard's question heavily.

"Hmm..." Ricard thought for a few seconds. "Want to hear my advice, Ann?"

"Of course." Anjie now has no time to consider why Ricard knew that he was about to transfer, and suddenly made the atmosphere so heavy. The only thing he knew was that Ricard would do it for his good.

"Ann, go to Portland. If what you just said is true, if you still want to win, you still want to create a brilliance of your own. Instead of being muddled and having no desire for an annual salary. Then, go Portland." Ricard was firm in German, making Anjie feel that this proposal seemed beyond doubt.

"But...why?" An Jie was puzzled. What is so special about the Trail Blazers? Now they can't compare with the Rockets and Mavericks.

"Because I want to win too, Ann."

"Huh?" An Jie was even more confused when Ricard said that.

"I have decided, I am going to coach at nBa. The day before yesterday, I signed with the Trail Blazers. If we can join forces again, I am confident that we can win many, many games, we can win many honors, even It's the **** O'Brien Cup!" It turned out that Ricard knew that Anjie was going to transfer not by accident, but because he was already a participant in the deal.

"You? Coach Portland?" Anjie couldn't believe his I coach, you play. My team will be tailor-made for you, all staffing, all tactics, all around you. Then, we win together. "Richard is full of confidence in An Jie, but he doesn't know whether he can influence An Jie's choice.

"Haha, don't say it soon." An Jie was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed. "Let's go win, let's win those **** games!"

An Jie clenched his fists and looked at the scenery outside the window. The night view of Oklahoma is not what he needs, only victory can make Anjie truly satisfied.

The invitation from Ricard was an offer that Anjie couldn't refuse.

"Mr. Moslav, pack up things. Tomorrow, we will go to Portland!" Anjie exclaimed to Moslav in excitement, and his future seemed to change from hazy to clear.

If Ricard and Anjie join forces again, will this alliance be smooth, or will it be swept up in waves? The butterfly effect started completely at the moment Anjie decided to rejoin Ricard!

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