The Way of the Center

Chapter 589: : Temporary Golden Cup

At 7:30 pm on June 18th, Portland Rose Garden Stadium. At this moment, the roads around the rose garden are already congested. And on the square outside the Rose Garden, crowds of fans are gathering here to watch the game through a few temporary large LED screens and cheer for their team.

Some fans who have tickets but have not yet entered due to traffic jams are anxiously moving forward in the crowd. Now the players on both sides should have begun to warm up. If they go late, they might miss the beginning of the game.

Catherine and his father were the two fans who were bothered by the traffic jam. The father dragged his daughter to shuttle among the avid Trailblazer fans. And some bright-eyed fans also saw that the beautiful girl in front of them was An Jie's girlfriend.

"Is that Catherine?"

"Really? Ann's girlfriend?"

"Oh, this can't be true?"

The fans looked at the father and daughter with surprised eyes, and Catherine felt that something was not good. Will this group of fans surround themselves? Will those reporters block their way?

However, a few seconds later, Catherine was very moved by the fans' actions. This group of fanatical guys voluntarily gave up a path, and also blocked the reporters from the "wall" by the way.

In this way, Catherine and her father could easily walk to the ticket gate and enter the arena.

"Go girl, bring more power to Ann!" Fans began to shout Catherine's name. Sure enough, in Portland, anyone who has a relationship with An Jie can enjoy privileges.

"Oh, God! I have never seen such a sight in Portland!" After an espn correspondent got out of the taxi, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The huge square was full of people, and these guys gathered around the large LED screens to enjoy themselves.

The scene on the scene shows An Jie who is warming up with a replacement hook under the basket. Suddenly, the Portland fans gathered here exploded. As soon as the camera reaches An Jie, it is destined to cause a small climax.

The police are like enemies, for fear that these crazy guys will do something. I hope the Blazers can win today, otherwise, the Heat may have a hard time getting out of the Rose Garden.

On the front of the Rose Garden Arena, huge posters of all the players were hung, and An Jie, who was in the middle, raised his head proudly. And these fans inside and outside the arena are all faithful believers of Anjie!

They gathered here frantically, just like facing a god, praying that Anjie can lead the team to create miracles. The reporter of espn was killed and he could not imagine that a basketball player from a foreign country could have such a huge influence.

Nowitzki is the only international player in this league that can compare with Anjie in terms of popularity.

But the side that is popular is not necessarily the side that plays better in the game. During the warm-up, Anjie couldn't help but glanced at the position where Catherine was sitting.

While still in the locker room, Catherine gave the news that she would be arriving later. But now it's not a few minutes before the start of the game, why is that position still vacant?

An Jie couldn't help being a little worried, but this occasion made him have to show his 1oo% strength, and couldn't tolerate the slightest distraction.

At this moment, Catherine and her father emerged from the crowd. The tall and beautiful figure hasn't sat down yet, the first thing is to cast his gaze on the court.

She saw An Jie warming up under the basket at a glance, Catherine beckoned to An Jie excitedly, and An Jie responded with a smile.

Okay, don't worry. Now that everything is ready, Anjie can put all his energy into the game!

The scene of Catherine cheering on An Jie naturally did not escape the eyes of the on-site cameraman. The interaction between her and Anjie was immediately put on the big screen, and the Blazers fans at the scene also shouted for it.

"Listen, if the Heat players make free throws later, we must leave no room to interfere with them! But if our players take free throws, then keep quiet!" The taxi driver who was favored by Ricard took him. With his son, he organized the backboard refueling work in the stands.

This guy is wearing a white T-shirt with the words "Rip, city" printed on it, the city of tears, this is the name of the city when Bill Wharton led the team to win the championship in 1977.

But since then, this name has been gradually forgotten as the Trail Blazers drifted away.

Now, the arrival of Anjie has ignited the passion of Portland fans, and also gave this team the hope of looking forward to the championship and reappearing glory. The name "RIpcITy" was also called again at the Portland Rose Arena.

This is an honor that belongs to Portland fans, this is the unique name of the Trail Blazers and Portland City. The taxi driver is proud to be able to wear this short sleeve. At this moment, he is the sixth player of the Trail Blazers to fight on the field!

"Come on! Here today, let's take away the O'Brien Cup!" James gathered his teammates together and started the agitation preparations before the game.

At this moment, the O'Brien Cup, David Stern and Bill Russell are definitely on the scene! It's all here, James doesn't want them to wait one more time.

"This year's finals are really popular." In the luxurious box of the Rose Garden, a white old man looked at the attendance rate of the Rose Garden with satisfaction.

"The two best teams, this is really a matchup." And an old black man put his attention on the players.

On the table between the two elderly men is the golden O'Brien Cup!

Nell Orsi is next door to this box at the moment, and he personally entertained David Stern and Bill Russell. Of course, Orsi also hopes that his lads will work harder and leave that O'Brien Cup permanently in Portland and in the Rose Garden!

When the Trail Blazers won the championship, the O'Brien Cup had just begun, and the name was still different.

At that time, the winning team could only keep the championship trophy for one year. So at the moment in the Blazers showroom, you can't see the O'Brien Cup.

Orsi really hopes that this time, the O'Brien Cup will not only temporarily settle in the Rose Garden.

"Boom!" Just when Orsi wanted to be fascinated, all the lights on the scene were dimmed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the luxurious box. Singing the national anthem ceremony, there is no running part in every game.

An Jie has never caught a cold for the American national anthem singing ceremony. If the live performance is "The March of Volunteers", maybe An Jie will sing along seriously, but "The Stars and Stripes Never Fall"? An Jie has a respectful attitude.

Anjie, like everyone else, put his right hand on his chest. But his attention was all on the trailblazer team logo under the big screen.

When An Jie first joined the team, Nell Orsi told An Jie that the Trail Blazers marked the ten lines in a circle, representing courage, determination, and pioneering spirit. This icon also indicates The five players on both sides of the game formed a 1vs1 duel.

Courage, determination, pioneering spirit...An Jie may not be able to fully understand the meaning of this, but An Jie can still do it by bringing these things to the basketball court!

At the end of the ceremony, the lights at the scene turned on again. An Jie took a deep breath and patted his palm vigorously.

"Bring out our courage and determination! We can't and will never allow the Heat to take the O'Brien Cup at home!" An Jie shouted loudly, so that James in the other half could hear clearly. Chu.

"Roar!" Everyone responded to An Jie with a powerful roar. A game of in, or, go, home must be equipped with the warmest decisive atmosphere!

"Boom..." Catherine couldn't help feeling nervous for An Jie, if... if he lost today, how lost this big boy would be.

"Boom..." Orsi couldn't help but drank a glass of red wine to keep himself calm, behind 3 to 2, this is really a terrible" The taxi driver stopped yelling. He could hear his heartbeat in this noisy environment. He was very nervous, and the basketball that decided the Blazers’ life and death was ready.

"Boom..." Anjie looked at Bosh, looked at James, and looked at Wade. These three guys are definitely the best trio in the league. The pain of being crushed by them at the American Airlines Center in the first two games has not been forgotten by Angel.

But no matter how strong the opponent is, today, there is only one desperate move!

"Beep!" The referee's whistle finally sounded, and the ball flew straight into the air.

Lost or tiebreak? Failure or counterattack? The most important game in Anjie's career has officially started!


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