The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: Avatar

Meng Zhang was unwilling to refine an ordinary external avatar.

Now Taiyi Sect does need more true primordial monarchs, but an extra true primordial monarch will benefit the sect and the sect cannot be improved in essence.

Last time I went to the mainland of the Dali Dynasty, I had the opportunity to enter the underworld. Not only did I reach the Yindu City, but also went to the Devil May Cry Mountains outside the Yindu City.

In Meng Zhang's heart, he slowly had a new idea.

Later, Meng Zhang kept upright with the seniors in the door, the veteran ghosts and gods, and also had exchanges and learned about various aspects of the underworld.

Later, Meng Zhang learned from various sources that the Yindu City established by the Dali Dynasty in the underworld was an extremely important trump card.

Because of the existence of Yindu City, not only did Dali Dynasty obtain many special resources from the underworld, it also allowed Dali Dynasty to exchange benefits with other cultivation forces.

When Meng Zhang was in the Tiangong to inquire about the information of the Dali Dynasty, he faintly heard that the ability of the Dali Dynasty to associate with the power of returning to the void was largely due to the possession of Yindu City.

The Dali Dynasty established the Yindu City in the underworld and opened up the foundation of the underworld. Not only can it provide all kinds of help for the Yangshi, it also leaves a way for its own family.

As long as Yindu City exists for one day, Dali Dynasty will not truly perish.

In its heyday, Taiyi Sect had definitely left a lot of successors before the gate was destroyed.

But not many really played a major role, and the arrangement in the underworld played a big role.

Inspired by these, Meng Zhang also moved his mind and wanted to do some business in the underworld.

It's just that the yin and yang are separated, and when the life of the Yang world arrives in the underworld, they will naturally be suppressed by the rules of the underworld.

The time for Taiyimen to revive is too short, and no reliable ghosts have been cultivated in the door.

In the end, let the true primordial spirit in the door take the initiative to abandon the body and transform into a ghost.

Because of the seizure of natural ghosts and spirits last time, Meng Zhang became more wary of Shouzheng.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket, and Meng Zhang's management of the underworld can't all rely on being upright.

Later, the stone eggs condensed by the natural ghosts and gods accidentally fell into the hands of Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang had a chance to realize his ideas.

If you refining an external avatar with Yin attributes, you can allow it to exist in the underworld for a long time.

After that, Meng Zhang used the power of Taiyimen to even search the palace at any cost, and began to collect the materials needed to refine the outer incarnation.

Whether it was a coincidence, or Meng Zhang's luck, the idol he obtained in the barbarian camp this time happened to allow him to collect the last two required materials.

The collection of materials is complete, the strength of the soul has already met the requirements, and now the situation in Jiuqu Province is still calm.

There are too many dreams in the night, and Meng Zhang is not willing to wait any longer, and is ready to start refining the external incarnation.

Refining the avatar outside the body is not an overnight effort, and it takes a long time.

Meng Zhang explained the various affairs in the door, and after the arrangements were made, he began to retreat.

First of all, Meng Zhang is dealing with various materials.

The ethereal nephrite jade was injected into the power of the space avenue by him.

According to his own body shape, Meng Zhang kneaded this ethereal nephrite into a model about the size of an ordinary person.

In the body of this humanoid model, Fang Wannian Wenyu was placed.

Then he drew out the power of the spatial avenue in the ethereal nephrite, and the humanoid model immediately became as strong as steel, extremely stable.

On the outside of this humanoid model, Meng Zhang sprinkled the Jiuyou wind milled copper that was refined into copper juice and sprinkled it on the outside of this humanoid model.

Jiuyou wind milled copper is a special metal produced in the underworld.

This kind of metal has many strange characteristics after being blown by the Jiuyou Yinfeng all the year round.

In order to exchange this piece of Nine Nether Wind Grinding Bronze in Tiangong, Meng Zhang spent a lot of merit points.

And to refining this piece of Nine Nether Wind Grinding Copper into juice, many refiners and even alchemists in the door worked together and used a variety of spiritual fires to achieve the goal.

After pouring the copper juice from Jiuyou Wind Mill, it quickly cooled and solidified.

The entire humanoid model looks simple and vague, emitting a bronze light.

After completing these tasks, the frame of this external incarnation is finally set up.

Next, Meng Zhang is about to take the most painful step.

That is the primordial spirit that splits one's own family, and separates a distraction.

Meng Zhang's primordial spirit came out of his body, and the primordial spirit came in front of his body.

I saw a humanoid light and shadow floating quietly in the air.

Under his control, two air currents, one black and one white, rose above the yin and yang spirit gourd, intertwined, and turned into a black and white mixed sword, severely slashed at the humanoid soul.

Meng Zhang, who was strong enough in willpower, couldn't help but let out a scream.

A gleaming golden shadow broke away from Meng Zhang's primordial spirit.

On the ground next to it, three green lotus seeds were quietly placed.

The electric light flickered on the lotus seed. Listen carefully, and you can hear faint thunderous sounds coming from the lotus seed.

After Meng Zhang got a thundering green lotus, he brought it back to the door for cultivation.

In order to let this thundering green lotus bear lotus seeds as soon as possible, Meng Zhang did not drive Zhenjun Jin Li.

Jin Li, who is proficient in thunder method, not only went to high altitude to collect a lot of heavenly thunder essence, but also used the magical power of turning thunder into water, and refined a lot of thunder water.

Coupled with the meticulous care of the Taiyimen monks, they constantly put in various precious materials.

This thunderous green lotus only gave birth to lotus seeds not long ago, making Meng Zhang's plan to refine his external incarnation smoother.

I saw three lotus seeds flying into the air automatically, two dropped into Meng Zhang's primordial spirit, and the other dropped into the light and shadow that had been chopped down.

The three lotus seeds were quickly refined by Meng Zhang's primordial power.

Meng Zhang's primordial spirit was hit hard by this, and he originally needed to recuperate for decades before he could slowly recover.

But with thundering green lotus seeds that are specifically nourishing and expanding the soul, a lot of time can be saved.

The primordial soul that was chopped off does not need to spend a lot of time to slowly warm up, and it can be used now.

After absorbing the refining lotus seeds, the chopped light and shadow twisted in the air. It also changed into a human-shaped light and shadow, which was very similar to Meng Zhang’s Yuanshen deity, but its aura was much weaker. .

This humanoid light and shadow is the distraction split from Meng Zhang's Yuanshen.

If the distraction is not supported by the body, it will not be able to continue to practice, and will only gradually weaken.

And if there is not enough power to nourish, the distraction will only slowly dissipate.

Meng Zhang had encountered the distraction of a senior Yuanshen Zhenjun at the beginning, and the combat power of that distraction was not much stronger than that of the Jindan real person.

After the distraction took shape, he took the initiative to fly onto the humanoid model next to him, and then plunged into it and merged with it.

Next is the time-consuming water milling work.

Meng Zhang's distraction will slowly adapt to this brand new body until it is completely integrated with it.

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