The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: Pawn division 2

Meng Zhang didn't use the secret technique to calculate this time, but instead handed over the task of detecting the enemy's situation to the hidden hall of the Taiyimen.

   Following Meng Zhang's order, the entire Taiyimen began to move up and down.

   The key to this action is a quick word, and the gang of comprehension forces must be eliminated before the big merchants such as the Datong Business League can react.

   When An Moran started investigating the conspiracy against Taiyimen such as the Datong Business League before, he paid attention to the existence of these comprehension forces.

   Now they are fully investigating these comprehension forces, and soon they have achieved results.

   The existence of this group of comprehension forces is not in itself a secret.

   Many of their situations are not kept secret.

   Meng Zhang took Sun Shengdu and Jin Qiao'er and they have been waiting for news on the Yuantu Prairie.

   It didn't take long for the specific information about that group of cultivation forces to be conveyed to Meng Zhang's hands.

   There are not many cultivating forces in this group, there are five sects in total, and there are two cultivating families.

   As early as the Jiuqu League era, this group of comprehension forces lost the last true master of the soul.

   After this, these comprehension forces have repeatedly weakened, and it is impossible to cultivate new true primordial monarchs at all.

   Seven cultivation forces, the strongest combat effectiveness is less than 20 Jindan real people.

   These comprehension forces are now mainly divided into two parts.

   Part of the mountain gate is at the junction of Jiuquxing Province and Yuantu Prairie.

   The other part of the mountain gate is in the south of Jiuquxing Province.

   The enemy doesn't even have a true primordial soul, and Taiyimen will destroy it without any effort.

   What really needs to be noticed is that most of the big merchants such as the Chase Business Alliance will provide some protection to this group of comprehension forces.

  The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, Meng Zhang decided to strike with thunder, not to give the enemy any chance of escape, nor to let the big businessmen such as the Great Trade Union have a chance to rescue.

  Sun Pengzhi has been in Taiyimen for many years and has repeatedly demonstrated his extraordinary strategy and superb strategic level.

  Especially, he still has the remnant **** of Shang Yuxia, the true primordial soul, who can use Gaowu Jianling's gaze to fill in the gaps and optimize the plan for him.

   In this operation, Meng Zhang asked him and several elders in the door to jointly formulate an action plan.

   This is not only an opportunity given to him by Meng Zhang, but also a test for him.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   After Sun Pengzhi took the lead, he immediately plunged into the intense work.

  Meng Zhang knows that he is not the kind of figure who is good at strategy.

  When encountering this kind of thing, it is often that the middle and high level of the door make some specific plans for him to choose, and finally he makes the final decision.

   It didn't take much time, and a complete action plan appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

   After reading it, Meng Zhang decided to adopt this plan without any problems.

   In this operation, Meng Zhang handed over the command to Sun Shengdu, and he himself only acted as a powerful thug.

   After the plan is formulated, it will be implemented immediately.

   Niu Dawei, who used to sit in the Tiangong Temple, took the time to come back and participate in this mission.

   This time, the Taiyimen attacked in two directions and launched an offensive at the same time.

   The first road is the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, directly sending the elite monks to the Yuantu prairie.

   This team will be commanded by Niu Dawei, the head disciple.

  The team includes three true primordial primordial monarchs, Niu Dawei, He Luo Zhenjun, and Sun Sheng.

  They will lead this capable team of Taiyimen monks to launch a raid to destroy the cultivating forces at the junction of Yuantu Prairie and Jiuqu Province.

   To deal with the strongest group of guys who are not in the Golden Core period, the Primordial Spirit True Monarch was dispatched, just to not leave this group of guys any chance to escape.

   In addition, it is also to prevent large businesses such as the Chase Business Alliance from sending people to interfere.

   The second road needs to go deep into the south of Jiuqu province.

   There is no Taiyimen's sphere of influence, and it is far away from the place where Taiyimen's influence can reach.

   The official power of the Dali Dynasty is dominant there.

The headquarters of    Datong Commercial Alliance and other big businesses in Jiuqu province are basically built there.

   In the era of the Jiuqu League, there was a deep gap between the power of cultivation in the South and the North, and there was a tendency to oppose each other.

  Until today, the cultivation forces in the south of Jiuqu Xing Province don't think much of the cultivation forces in the north.

  Taiyimen is considered to have penetrated into the enemy's territory this time, rushing for thousands of miles, just to wipe out the gang of comprehension forces willing to act as chess pieces.

   This team will be personally led by Meng Zhang, and there will also be Jin Qiao'er and Wen Qiansuan in the team.

   Killing their chess pieces under the noses of big merchants such as the Chase Business League, they will certainly not sit idly by.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The difficulty of this mission is not how to eliminate the cultivating forces, but how to block the intervention of big merchants such as the Great Trade Union.

   Meng Zhang is ready to fight with the Yuanshen Zhenjun sent by big merchants such as the Datong Business League.

   With Meng Zhang's cultivation base and combat effectiveness at this time, as long as he is not shot by the great cultivator of the late Yuanshen, he is basically fearless.

   Even facing the siege of a few true primordial primordial monarchs, he would not lose easily.

   Among the Jiuqu provinces, the only known great monks of the late Yuanshen on the human side are Governor Zhang Weineng and Qinggu Zhenjun.

   The two of them, I guess they wouldn't do it with Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang, as the head of the Taiyi Sect, gave the order to start the operation everyone immediately began to take action.

   First, Niu Dawei led a group of elite monks to the Fort Poluo, and soon took over the action here.

   Meng Zhang and Jin Qiao'er teleported back to the Lion Ridge in Taiyimen territory.

   In a hidden place outside Xiongshiling, Wen Qiansuan has led a team of elite Taiyimen, ready to set off.

   This time, Taiyimen dispatched three Tier 3 battleships to hunt sailboats.

   Among the Tier 3 warships, the sailboats are known for their speed. If you run at full speed, most Jindan real people can't catch up.

   The three sailboats were equipped with Taiyimen disciples and various war tools.

   After Meng Zhang brought Jin Qiao'er and the team together, without a word of nonsense, he directly ordered the team to set off.

   The three sailboats were almost at full speed, galloping and flying towards the south of Jiuqu Province.

   The sailboat flies high in the sky, borrowing clouds to cover his body. In addition, the hidden traces drawn on the hull of the ship.

   Normal cultivators can only find the three sailboats unless they fly close.

   As for finding the whereabouts of a sailboat on the ground, it requires a very high level of cultivation and vision.

   The Jiuqu province is so big, and the three sailboats don’t stay in the same place, they just gallop past. It shouldn’t be so unlucky, it just happened to be seen by the enemy.

   Meng Zhang stood on the bow of a sailboat, casually watching the surrounding scenery galloping back.

   He began to guess in his heart, what kind of lineup will be sent to rescue after receiving the news that the gang of cultivation forces have been attacked by the big merchants such as the Chase Business Alliance.

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