The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: Sneak attack

Ever since Meng Zhang came near this battlefield, he deliberately concealed his deeds and restrained his aura.

   If he did not know his existence in advance, and deliberately searched, it would be difficult to find his trace.

  Especially when the cultivators below were fighting against the monsters, all the movement was basically concentrated on the battlefield.

   Neither the enemy nor the enemy should have much spare capacity to take care of the others.

   Yang Xueyi practiced such excellent classics. Not only a very clever rune, but also a strong talent in the five elements, so that she is good at casting all kinds of five element spells.

   Yang Xueyi casts spells continuously, and the spells like squalls and rains have not been interrupted, and the suppressed two Tier 4 monsters can't be dealt with at all.

   As soon as the opponent is about to show off his power, Yang Xueyi will release a Tier 4 talisman in time to continue to suppress the opponent.

  Before Jin Qiao'er arrived, Yang Xueyi relied on one person to defeat two Tier 4 monsters and stabilize the overall situation of the human race.

   However, there are so many monsters that they can almost be killed.

   This monk's coalition has been struggling for many days, with heavy casualties, and it is almost overwhelming.

   Just in time, Jin Qiao'er appeared in time, and repeatedly used powerful thunder methods to wipe out a large number of monsters on a large scale, and only temporarily stabilized the line of defense.

  In a group of monsters, there will only be one monster with the highest level.

   If there are several high-level monsters of the same level, they will fight each other and try to swallow each other.

   Before, a monster group led by a Tier 4 monster was about to invade the area where Maple Leaf Mountain City was located.

  The coalition of monks led by Yang Xueyi not only defeated this monster group, but Yang Xueyi even injured the Tier 4 monster.

   There are also cruel battles among the monster groups.

   The main way of evolution of monsters is to fight each other and swallow each other.

  It is really rare for different groups of monsters to join forces to attack this place. I don't know what the attraction of this place is, it has attracted more than one group of monsters.

   Moreover, according to the report from the Taiyimen spies, there are more groups of monsters approaching here.

   If there are more groups of monsters participating in the battle, it will not only increase the number of monsters, but also mean that there will be more Tier 4 monsters participating in the battle.

   In terms of high-level combat power, the Human race will not have any advantage.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The two Tier 4 monsters are both in human form.

   Generally speaking, this means that they are likely to be human monks who were transformed after being demonized.

   has the consciousness of being a human cultivator before. Such monsters are often not low in intelligence and are not completely affected by instinctive trends, and their harm is especially great.

   This kind of monster is a special kind of magic repair, very difficult.

   In many previous battles, Yang Xueyi wounded such a monster more than once, but it was difficult to completely kill it.

   For a monster, even if it is seriously injured, as long as it swallows a large number of low-level monsters in time, it can slowly get rid of the trouble of the injury.

   The Tier 4 monster that was injured by Yang Xueyi will soon appear in front of Yang Xueyi again.

  Because of Yang Xueyi's cover, Jin Qiaoer didn't care about the monster that tried to attack her, she still focused on casting spells, killing the monster group.

   The thunder rumbling in the sky, the electric snakes dancing wildly, the thunder and lightning seemed to have never been cut off.

  The overwhelming thunder and lightning, after destroying the flying monsters in the sky, did not stop, and continued to hack towards the monsters on the ground.

   I saw that as the thunder and lightning went, hordes of monsters were destroyed one by one, and the ground was full of scorched corpses.

   Yang Xueyi blocked the two Tier 4 monsters with one enemy and two, preventing Jin Qiaoer from being disturbed, and can cast spells without distraction.

   On such a large-scale battlefield, a powerhouse at the level of True Sovereign Primordial Sovereign is the power that can make a final decision.

   As long as there is no force of the same level to contend with, you can unscrupulously kill and reverse the balance of the battle.

   If you are a human monk from a large sect, you can also set up a formation, with the help of the power of the formation, concentrate the power of many monks, and compete with the high-level monks.

   If it is a regular demon army from the demon world in the legend, most of them also have this ability.

   But the source of these monsters is complicated. After various creatures have been demonized, they have successively converted.

   The monster army seems to be numerous, but the inside is too chaotic.

   These monsters often kill each other and devour each other.

   If it weren't for the suppression of Tier 4 monsters, this group of monsters would either dissipate long ago, or after swallowing each other, a new Tier 4 monster would be born.

   A group of monsters that are too chaotic is not an army at all.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tier 4 monsters treat groups of monsters controlled by themselves as objects of use, which can be expended cannon fodder.

   No matter how great the loss of monsters is, Tier 4 monsters will not feel heartache.

   The monsters can fight each other and swallow each other. But among the monster groups, no new Tier 4 monsters are allowed to appear.

   Yang Xueyi suppressed the two Tier 4 monsters, and Jin Qiaoer assisted the monks' coalition forces and repelled the monsters that came in madness.

  If this continues, today’s battle will be the same as usual, with the human monks paying a huge price, the monsters suffering heavy casualties and being forced to retreat and end.

   Just when almost everyone thought that As a bystander, Meng Zhang keenly discovered something wrong.

   Seeing that after the monster group has paid huge casualties, the subsequent monster group not only did not continue to rush up, but had a tendency to retreat.

   Jin Qiao'er slowly lowered the flying height, and flew towards the monsters on the ground.

   She knew in her heart that even though the two Tier 4 monsters were temporarily suppressed by Yang Xueyi, Tier 4 monsters had a strong ability to survive. Even if he helped in the past, it would be difficult to leave these two Tier 4 monsters behind.

  Instead of this, it is better to continue to kill as many low-level monsters as possible against opponents of the monster group.

  No matter how many monsters there are, as long as they continue to kill, there will always be a day of killing.

   You don’t even need to wipe out all the monsters. As long as you get rid of most of them and eliminate their quantitative advantages against the human monks, the monster group will not be a problem.

  While Jin Qiaoer was casting a large-scale spell to kill the monsters on a large scale, a long tentacle suddenly shot out from the corpses of the monsters that were all over the ground.

   This tentacle is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced hundreds of feet and stab Jin Qiao'er in the air from below the ground.

  The battle with monsters didn't last long, but Jin Qiaoer had already seen all sorts of strange monsters, and had seen more of all kinds of weird methods of monsters.

   No matter what kind of sneak attack, what kind of strange secret technique, she can't be surprised.

   She is always wary in her heart, never careless.

   The monster's sneak attack method, although a little unexpected, was not enough to hurt her.

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