The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1259: Emptiness

Meng Zhang and his party almost tried their best to force out all their potential.

In the battle, Meng Zhang, as a great monk in the late Yuanshen, played the role of a mainstay.

He has expressed his power many times to cover everyone's smooth progress.

When the pressure was greatest, he took out his last hole card and summoned the Taoist soldiers that were nurtured in the Yin and Yang spirit gourd.

Two Yin-Yang Dao soldiers with the strength of the Primordial God Stage, leading a group of Yin-Yang Dao soldiers with the strength of the Golden Core Stage, guarded everyone around them firmly, blocking all the terracotta warriors that came in.

The Yin and Yang Dao soldiers of Jin Dan stage strength did not persist for too long, and they were swallowed by the terracotta warriors that flooded like a tide.

Meng Zhang didn't have time to feel distressed anymore, and kept taking action to disperse the terracotta warriors that came in.

If it is in the outside environment, they only need to spend a little effort to break out of the terracotta warriors.

As long as they are willing to pay the price, it is not impossible to wipe out the terracotta warriors.

But they were severely suppressed in all aspects in the big battle.

These almost endless terracotta warriors have almost become their reminders.

Fortunately, everyone is a man who has experienced many battles, and has experienced all kinds of difficult tests.

After half a day of hard work, no matter how slow the advancing speed was, they still came to the light curtain.

According to Wen Qiansuan's calculations, Xu Kongzi's induction, behind that light curtain, is the small world, which is also the ultimate goal of their adventure.

There must be a goddess hidden in the small world, but they don't know the specific situation.

How many gods are there, and how strong is it?

Will they be besieged by many powerful gods as soon as they enter?

Meng Zhang and the others have no time to think about it slowly.

If they stayed among the terracotta warriors for a long time and were continuously besieged, they might really be in danger of falling.

As soon as Meng Zhang gritted his teeth and greeted everyone, he took the lead and jumped into the light curtain in front of him.

The other four people did not hesitate, and jumped in one after another.

After a flower in front of him, the scene in his eyes changed rapidly, and Meng Zhang's feet stepped on the ground.

He hurriedly looked around and found that the place where he was standing was a huge empty square.

Around the square, there are many buildings such as houses.

Before Meng Zhang had time to take a closer look, the other four companions appeared beside him one after another.

When they arrived at this place, their feelings finally returned to normal, and they were no longer suppressed by the forces of the big formation.

They simply scanned the surroundings and found no enemy or danger.

They didn't care about anything else, they quickly took out the medicine pill, the jade clear spirit, and the essence of nine days, busy absorbing refining, hoping to restore their full strength in the shortest time.

Just now when they were under the siege of the terracotta warriors, due to the suppression of the power of the large formation, the recovery speed of the true essence in their bodies was greatly affected.

Now that he is in a seemingly safe place, he is about to face an unknown strong enemy, and of course he must return to his best condition as soon as possible.

No one was hurt, it was just a little bit overwhelmed.

After a period of adjustment, they have recovered.

At this time, they began to carefully explore the surroundings.

Meng Zhang led everyone to the sky and flew in one direction at will.

Along the way, they found a lot of various buildings.

Most of these buildings are used for residential houses.

But the houses are empty, and no one lives.

Everyone is a good hand looking for traces. Judging from the traces left in the house, the residents inside leave very hastily.

This discovery cast doubts in everyone's hearts.

Could it be that this small world has other exits to the outside, and the gods have already evacuated here in time?

Meng Zhang and the others did not fly forward in a straight line, their flight trajectory was closer to an arc, and they made a big turn.

They have to fly over as much land as possible in a short time.

Judging from the place where Meng Zhang and the others flew over, the area of ​​this small world is not small, and the radius is at least hundreds of miles.

Such a large area is enough to build cities and villages for the gods to thrive here.

Judging from the surrounding traces, there are indeed many settlements in the small world.

After making a big turn, they finally found a group of living people in a settlement the size of an ordinary village.

Of course, it seems a bit difficult to call this group of creatures humans.

The so-called descendants of gods are the descendants of the gods of Junchen Realm.

These gods themselves came from different races, and looked very strange.

The gods are naturally not a separate race, and they look the same as they are far apart.

As the descendants of the gods slowly multiplied and passed on from generation to generation, the blood of the gods flowing in them naturally became thinner and thinner.

Even if the gods only intermarried within a small circle, they even breed offspring between close relatives. The blood of the gods became thinner and thinner, and it was unavoidable.

There are many restrictions on the inheritance of the blood of the gods, and special rules need to be followed.

In terms of bloodline strength alone, the gods will only be weaker from one generation to the next The gods have been passed down for many generations, and the blood of the gods on the body is so thin that it is almost impossible to play a role.

At this time, such descendants can no longer be called gods, but fall into the ranks of ordinary creatures.

The group of creatures that appeared in front of Meng Zhang's eyes were just such creatures.

Although they are still long and weird, they have many obvious alien characteristics. But their looks are already very close to ordinary humans.

The two gods who appeared in the Valley of No Rift before, and the two gods who were fighting for them, had a strong aura of divine power, showing a strong fighting power.

But the group of people in front of them were pitiful and weak, and they couldn't feel any breath of divine power.

Moreover, their hairs are all white, they are already very big in the next year, and they are already at the end of their lives, not far from death.

Meng Zhang and the others are about to fly over to capture this group of people, and interrogate the intelligence of the gods from their mouths.

But when these people saw Meng Zhang and the others flying there, they committed suicide one after another.

Because they were too far away and they moved too fast, Meng Zhang and the others had no time to save them, they just harvested a bunch of live corpses.

This group of guys just died, their souls are not completely separated.

If Meng Zhang and the others used the means of capturing their souls, capturing their souls, and searching for their souls, they should be able to obtain some useful information.

However, Meng Zhang hesitated a little.

Directly attacking the soul is a taboo in the cultivation world.

Except for ghost repairs and demonic repairs, other cultivators generally don't do this in an upright manner.

It's been a long time for a man of righteousness, and in full view, Meng Zhang is a bit unaccustomed to using this method.

Of course, the other monks present did not have the leadership burden of Meng Zhang.

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