The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: debt

   The transfer between Youhuan Zhenjun and Nanzhu Zhenjun is very simple, it can be said that just a few words, nothing else.

   Before True Monarch You Huan left, Meng Zhang gave a gift in addition to the reward he had promised in advance.

   You Huan Zhenjun didn't say much, he just gave Meng Zhang a deep look and left like this.

   From then on, it was Zhenjun Nanzhu who was sitting on the outskirts of Yunwu Daze, monitoring the movements of invaders inside and outside the territory.

  Meng Zhang didn't stay here for too long, so he directly teleported back to Daheng Cultivation Realm.

   The true monarch Nan Zhu, who was born in scattered cultivation, has been in the realm of cultivation for many years. He has very rich experience in all aspects. Meng Zhang has nothing to worry about.

   After Meng Zhang returned to Zhiyuan City, he began to pay attention to the situation of the evil disaster.

   When Meng Zhang was in retreat to refine the exotic flowers and fruits, Niu Dawei and Yang Xueyi led an army of cultivators on many expeditions and achieved a lot of results.

   There is no trend of large-scale alliance among the major monster groups in the Daheng cultivation world, but conflicts and even wars between each other broke out.

   There is a tradition of devouring each other among monsters.

  The closer the monsters are, the more they target each other.

  Because of swallowing the opponent, it is of the greatest benefit to oneself and can greatly enhance one's own strength.

   If there is no such kind of monster with absolutely powerful strength that can overwhelm the monsters on all sides with an overwhelming advantage, then it will be difficult for these monster groups to truly unite.

   Even because of interests, occasionally a few groups of monsters temporarily unite.

   Firstly, it cannot last, secondly, they cannot trust each other too much, and thirdly, the scale will not be too large.

   In the current Daheng Cultivation Realm, there are more than hundreds of monsters, large and small.

   The temporary alliance of a few monster groups does not affect the overall situation at all.

   Unless there is a powerful monster like the Black Gold Demon or Xiang Huanan, which unifies most of the monster group, can it pose a fatal threat to the current expeditionary army.

   With the current state of the major monster groups, it is only a matter of time before the human monks are defeated.

  Since Niu Dawei had delegated the work of sweeping monsters to them, and they had done a good job, Meng Zhang stopped paying attention.

   In addition, in the process of sweeping away the monsters, the Taiyi Sect began to occupy the territory of the great realm of cultivation, seizing important resource points, and even occupying the gates of various cultivation forces.

   Taiyimen’s biggest worry at the moment is the serious shortage of manpower.

   The monsters have not been completely wiped out, and the combat effectiveness of the expedition army must be guaranteed, and too many monks cannot be drawn from it.

   The number of monks performing occupation tasks is too small, let alone organizing a minimum defense system, or maintaining a formal occupation, it is far from enough.

   The Daheng Cultivation Realm is too big, and there is too much space left after the disaster.

   Hundreds of monks spread out like a bowl of pepper noodles, and soon disappeared.

   In addition, the area where the monsters have been entrenched has strange aura and rich demon energy, so it must be purified as soon as possible.

   Taiyimen wants to control the Daheng Cultivation Realm in the future, and this has also become an inescapable responsibility.

  To purify these areas, countless manpower and material resources are required.

   Taiyi Sect had to pay a lot before completely swallowing the fat piece of Daheng Comprehension Realm, with an extremely heavy burden on its back.

   Even though the Taiyimen has a huge territory support behind it, in the past few years, it has been secretly helped by the silver pot old man. At this time, it is beginning to feel more difficult.

  The savings of the sect for many years have long been exhausted. In addition to soliciting materials from the major cultivation forces under it, the Taiyi Sect has also taken a heavy debt outside.

   The current situation of the ether gate, there are not many borrowers that can be found.

   Meng Zhang walked around a few years ago, pulled his face down, and finally gained some gains.

   The Dark League branch in Taiyimen has always been presided over by True Monarch Shushan who had been close to Meng Zhang.

   After Meng Zhang spoke cheekyly, Shushan Zhenjun also did his best to support him.

   Of course, the resources that True Monarch Shushan can mobilize are limited, and he cannot borrow a large amount.

  In the heavenly palace, Taiyimen borrowed a large amount of spiritual stones and various materials from the Hailing faction using its own industry in Junchen Realm as a collateral.

   Because the Hailing School is facing tremendous pressure from the Holy Land Zongmen Zhenhaidian, the assistance given to Taiyimen is very limited.

   In addition, Qianying Zhenjun introduced that Taiyimen borrowed a large amount of spiritual stones, essence of nine days and jade clear spirits from the dark alliance branch of Tiangong with its property in Tiangong as collateral.


   The interest of the True Monarch of Book Mountain and the Hailing School is calculated as a friendly price, but the Dark Alliance branch in the Heavenly Palace slaughtered the Taiyimen severely.

   In an emergency, Meng Zhang only recognized the high interest rate.

   Taiyimen paid such a high price in order to capture Daheng Cultivation Realm, but did not get any income for a long time, so he always paid.

   Among the high-level members of Taiyimen, although no one dared to publicly oppose Meng Zhang’s decision, it is inevitable that there would be quite a bit of criticism in private.

  Meng Zhang has always believed that the difficulties are only temporary, and as long as the immediate difficulties are overcome, the Taiyi Sect will usher in new development.

  From the perspective of the overall situation, Taiyimen's various actions in the Daheng Cultivation World are getting more and more smooth.

  The expedition army led by Taiyimen is currently the most powerful force in the Daheng cultivation world.

Any other power of cultivation has neither the ability nor the courage to dare to confront Taiyi Sect After these years of changes, the remaining power of cultivation in the Great Heng cultivation world has long been seven. It's all sorts of things.

   If you are more acquainted and surrender to the Taiyi Sect early, you can still keep the sect or family inheritance, and at most you will lose some benefits.

   But if you don’t know how to live or die, blindly xenophobic like before, and have to secretly resist Taiyimen, there is only a dead end.

   In troubled times, no one will be soft-hearted.

   Anyway, the monsters are still raging across the realm of cultivation. Some uninteresting cultivation forces suddenly disappeared and disappeared. It must have been caused by the monsters and has nothing to do with others.

   Please help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

   At this time, Taiyimen was in short supply of manpower, and watched as many resources were unable to develop.

   The Taiyi Sect is very welcome to the monks from all sides.

  Even, Taiyi Sect is still willing to pay some price to actively recruit a large number of monks for their own use.

   These recruited monks cannot enter the Taiyi Gate, but can serve as vassals of the Taiyi Gate and help Taiyi Gate to develop resources in various places. They only need to ensure that the tribute is handed in on time and in amount.

   If it were not for the devastation that had not completely subsided, Meng Zhangdu planned to transfer some of the cultivation forces in the south of Jiuqu Province to the Daheng cultivation realm in the name of confession.

   This will not only help Taiyimen completely control the south of Jiuqu province, but also help develop the resources of Daheng Cultivation Realm.

   These comprehension forces have migrated to the Daheng Cultivation Realm, and they are completely outsiders.

   If you want to gain a foothold here, you must rely on the Taiyi Gate closely.

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