The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1701: discover

I saw that authority turned into a light and shadow, and before everyone could react, it took the initiative to fly into the wonderful bosom.

  Tao Miao didn't actually join the battlefield directly, just passing by the battlefield at high speed.

   After getting the authority to take the initiative to cast, although he was a bit surprised, he responded quickly enough without any influence.

   He allowed the authority to fall on him, without any pause, still maintaining the original high speed, flew away from the battlefield in the blink of an eye, and flew towards the distance.

   At this time, the Situ family and the cultivators of the Jiuxuan Pavilion suddenly reacted.

   Their family was fighting desperately here, beating them to death, but letting the fishermen hiding in the dark profit, and successfully seizing power, they all felt frightened and angry.

  Especially the Nine Profound Pavilion monks, who originally thought they were the authority of the things in their pockets, were taken away by others. The cooked ducks could fly away, and they were completely furious.

   The seven monks chased them in the direction of Tai Miao's escape, a gesture that they would not give up even if they chased them to the ends of the world.

   Seeing this scene in the field, the True Lord of Slaughter who was watching the battle on the ground did not react.

   Between the electric light and flint, the authority changed hands again, and the successful fisherman fled far away, so that he didn't know what to say.

   At this time, Meng Zhang, who had been hiding in the dark before, suddenly appeared in front of True Lord Canslaughter.

  Meng Zhangke has never forgotten that this demon cultivator is a huge threat, and his main goal before this is to destroy this demon cultivator.

   As for how to escape from the opponent's chase after Tai Miao seized power, Meng Zhang was unable to interfere temporarily.

   He can only hope that the magical power of stealing the sky and changing the sun will be stronger, so that the wonderful Yang God level strength can last a little longer and have enough time to escape.

   Although a large part of the power has been poured into the wonderful body through the magical power of stealing the sky and changing the sun, the remaining power of Meng Zhang can at least maintain the combat effectiveness of the mid-primary spirit.

   True Lord Canslaughter was seriously injured, and he couldn't even maintain the fighting power of the soul level.

   In the face of Meng Zhang, who was beating the dog in the water, True Monarch Can Slaughter had almost no resistance.

   True Monarch Cannibalism displays various magic ways and secret techniques to resist Meng Zhang's attacks with all his strength.

  Meng Zhang has a wealth of experience in fighting against magic repairs and magic repairs. Not only is he proficient in various magic doors, he also has magic weapons such as the magic mirror that specializes in restraining magic.

   True Lord Cannibal couldn't resist seeing that, he had to use the secret method of self-harm, trying to stimulate his potential, and fleeing away.

   Meng Zhangji took off and landed on the Magic Mirror, chasing after him.

   They chased and fled, and after escaping from the Frost Mountain, the True Lord Cannibal was still caught up by Meng Zhang.

   After another fight, True Lord Cruel Slaughter was completely refined by the magic mirror.

   As a Yang God level demon repair, True Lord Slaughter originally had many secrets of life-saving, many of which can escape from the dead, and even resurrect after death.

  Meng Zhang, who has a wealth of experience, resolved these secret methods one by one, completely ending this Yang God level magic cultivation.

   After True Lord Cannibal punished him, Meng Zhang could clearly sense that a lot of heavenly merits fell on him.

   Not to mention anything else, just for this one gain, Meng Zhang's trip is worthwhile.

   After True Lord Cannibal was killed, Tai Miao was still desperately fleeing from the enemy's pursuit.

   Meng Zhang sensed a wonderful situation, but he was really unable to help.

   Not to mention that Meng Zhang's current strength is not good, even if he still retains the strength of the Yang God level, he is unwilling to confront the Situ family and the Jiuxuan Pavilion head-on.

   The Situ family has always acted in a low-key manner.

   With the domineering style of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, Meng Zhang offended them, maybe he would send someone to kill the Taiyimen.

  诛 killed True Lord Cruel Slaughter, and didn't get any loot.

   The corpse of True Monarch Canslaughter, as well as the magical tools on his body, were all refined by Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang flew back to the location of Hanshuang Mountain.

   General Zoe Heng had already left here with the remaining Taoist soldiers and embarked on a journey back to Yindu City.

   Their goal this time was achieved by the small half, helping Meng Zhang defeat the Heavenly Stone Society and True Lord Canslaughter.

   But their main goal, that authority has fallen into the hands of others.

   The casualties of the two Dao soldiers were not small, and the dead general was even more seriously injured.

   There is no point in staying here, they didn't even bother to say hello, and left directly.

   It is far away from Yindu City and it is not in the same area.

   They need to spend a lot of effort if they want to return to Yindu City safely.

   Of course, with the strength of the Great Li Dynasty in the underworld, they are unlikely to be in danger on their way.

   Although Emperor Wudi had another plan this time, without the Taoist soldiers and treasures he lent, Meng Zhanghe would have been defeated long ago.

  Meng Zhang will recognize this favor.

   As for everything else, Meng Zhang doesn't care about it.

   Meng Zhang glanced at his surroundings, Hanshuang Mountain has long ceased to exist, and the terrain here is totally different.

   Although Tai Miao’s army of ghosts suffered heavy casualties, there are still many who fled here.

   There is a group of guardians who came from the Taiyi Sect, and that army will be reorganized soon.

  Since the Frost Mountain has been destroyed, after Taimiao gets out, they can completely reunite with Taimiao and find another foothold.

   Speaking of how wonderful, Meng Zhang was very worried.

   Faced with the chase of the monks of the sect of the Holy Land and the family, I don’t know if Tai Miao can escape safely.

  Also, although Tai Miao changed the form of the ghost and god, and tried to hide it, I don't know if he can completely hide his to prevent the opponent from guessing his true identity.

   If too Miao’s true identity is revealed, then Taiyimen will be in great trouble.

  Even though Taiyimen will try to distinguish the relationship with the wonderful, but the temptation of authority will still provoke countless pretenders.

   Meng Zhang put aside these annoying things and was about to leave here.

   Suddenly, his spiritual sense originating from the celestial jigsaw was touched, and his heart felt something.

   Meng Zhang stopped and flew into an unfathomable huge crack on the ground.

   Previously, True Lord Cannibals launched the arrangement, which directly caused the wind to hit the earth, causing the earth to turn upside down. Numerous potholes and cracks appeared on the ground, almost overturning the entire land.

   After that, everyone's attention was focused on the struggle for authority, and after the impact, the breath here was disordered, and the remaining power of the wind had a strong damage to the divine mind.

   Therefore, no one continues to pay attention to the scene after the impact.

   Now, the power of the wind began to dissipate, and Meng Zhang's spiritual sense was touched.

   Meng Zhang started to penetrate the ground quickly from this crack.

   The yin in the underworld is stronger than on the ground, and it hurts people like Meng Zhang a lot.

   In the depths of the earth, the rich Yin Qi condenses into a liquid, and enough liquid will even converge into a river, which is called the Yin River.

   There are many huge yin rivers in the underworld, which can cause changes in the rules of heaven and earth. Not only can they seriously harm the visitors of the Yang world, but even the ghosts and ghosts of the underworld will retreat to the yin river.

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