The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1709: Highly guarded

Since the Qiu family brothers reached a consensus with everyone present to capture the fruits of the Jiazi Dryad together, except for the master Qiu family brothers, the rest must gather together and are not allowed to leave alone to prevent leakage of the news.

   Fortunately, for monks of their level, it is not surprising that it takes dozens or even hundreds of years to retreat or go out for a wandering trip.

   Before they left their respective sects, they had greeted the monks in the sect, so there was no need to worry about the inconvenience caused.

   They stayed together in this secret manor for more than two years.

  In the meantime, only the Qiu brothers occasionally left alone to deal with the outside situation.

   In addition to responding to the increasingly urgent threats of the Ziyang Sacred Sect, he also has to inquire about the latest news.

   In addition to meditating, the rest of the people also exchanged their own practice experience and so on at the call of the Qiu brothers.

  Because considering that they will fight side by side next, the Qiu family brothers hope that everyone can deepen their understanding and get acquainted with each other's fighting methods.

   Although no one will show all the methods honestly, there are still many benefits to more communication.

   More than two years of time passed in a flash, and the day of departure soon came.

   What should have been said is almost the same. Brother Qiu didn't talk nonsense. They led everyone directly and began to use the space teleportation. After a few teleportations, they came to the outskirts of the Black Jade Forest.

   Meng Zhang spent many years in the Daheng cultivation world, but he has never been familiar with the Black Jade Forest, nor has he penetrated into it.

   After the Qiu family brothers led everyone here, in order to avoid alarming the Jiazi Dryad, everyone began to sneak into the Black Jade Forest cautiously.

   A large group of Yang Shenqi cultivators tried their best to hide their deeds and sneak in, but nothing happened.

   As far as Meng Zhang knows, many years ago, the monster beasts in the Black Jade Forest began to shrink in an all-round way to strengthen the defense inside the Black Jade Forest.

   As soon as they entered the Black Jade Forest, they found a lot of guarding monsters, and there were many monster teams patrolling back and forth.

  The deeper the black jade forest, the tighter the guard and the tighter the defense.

   Although the monster beasts are not as proficient as human beings in the formation of the restriction, but many high-level monsters still have some similar skills.

   It can be seen that in order to strengthen the defense, the monster beasts in the Black Jade Forest have spent their money, almost trying their best.

   Of course, this level of defensive means can be used against ordinary monks, and it is almost useless in front of the Yang Shen stage powerhouses who have been prepared.

  Because the Qiu family brothers have long reminded everyone that the Jiazi Dryad has the power of the rebirth period.

   Therefore, all the infiltrating monks dare not be the slightest carelessness, they have always been trembling and careful enough.

   Soon, everyone crossed the periphery of the black jade forest and came to the depths of the black jade forest.

   Here, Meng Zhang finally found an old acquaintance who had dealt with.

   Black Jade Forest monsters nominally command the Grey Peng King, and there is also the Golden Monkey King, who is almost on par with the Grey Peng King, leading dozens of carefully selected powerful demon kings to patrol the periphery of an area uninterruptedly.

   The area behind them is the real core of the Black Jade Forest and the place where the Jiazi Dryad takes root.

   The trees in that area seem to be far thinner than the outside, and you can almost see the depths at a glance.

   An unusually tall tree stands in the center of this area, like a hill inserted into the sky.

   The big branches are luxuriant, and the tall and dense canopy covers almost a hundred li.

   The area under the canopy of the tree was pitch black, revealing a deep chill.

  Meng Zhang and the others just glanced at the huge tree from a distance, and felt the huge pressure oppressing the soul, and they felt breathless.

   Needless to say, that huge tree is the legendary Jiazi Dryad.

   It is said that this Jiazi Dryad has a life span of tens of thousands of years.

   Everyone just glanced from a distance, and didn't dare to look too much at the Jiazi Dryad.

   This old demon who has survived for a long time has an unfathomable cultivation base and feels extremely keen.

   Look at it more, maybe it will touch its induction and make it alert.

   Qiu brothers led everyone to a temporary stop nearby and did not move on.

   Next, they will wait here silently. Waiting for that Jiazi Dryad to bear fruit, and waiting for Monk Ziyang Shengzong to come and grab the fruit.

   At that time, they will come out from behind, and a praying mantis will catch the cicada, and the oriole will be behind.

   Everyone hid their figures according to the plan, without revealing the slightest clue.

   With their patience, there is less than half a year left, but only a short moment.

   Judging from the scene of entering the Black Jade Forest, the Jiazi Dryad was clearly prepared and tried hard to prepare.

   It's a pity, for this group of Yang Shenqi cultivators, apart from the Jiazi Dryad, there are many other monsters, but they are simply vulnerable.

   Everyone is quietly replenishing their energy, waiting for the tragic fight that is coming.

   In the depths of the black jade forest where everyone did not continue to pay attention, the Jiazi Dryad was gently vomiting the vitality of the world according to the usual practice.

   Every time it swallows the vitality of the world, it will cause a small tide of vitality around it.

   Massive vitality essence is sucked into the body by it, and then slowly refined.

   This Jiazi Dryad had an independent consciousness more than 10,000 years knows to practice according to instinct.

   The longer it survives, the stronger the cultivation base, the deeper it takes root, and the harder it is to move.

   Now, its roots have gone deep into the ground, and it is about to touch the magma layer of the earth's core.

   The underground of this area in the depths of the Black Jade Forest is full of its roots.

   All the movement here, no matter how secretive, can't escape the induction of the roots.

   Due to innate restrictions, this Jiazi Dryad is difficult to move.

  Because of this, it has been hiding in the depths of the Black Jade Forest and has escaped countless ups and downs in the Junchen Realm.

   From the time when the immortal preached to Junchen Realm and fought against the native gods of Junchen Realm, later the various sacred sects rose to sweep the Junchen Realm.

   None of this series of events threatened it.

After    Ziyang Shengzong became the ruler of the northern part of Junchen Realm, he slowly stepped up his investigation of various areas in the north and discovered the existence of this Jiazi Tree.

   But by this time, this Jiazi Dryad has become a climate.

  The Jiazi Dryad rooted in the depths of the Black Jade Forest, with the help of the convenient location, can exert a strength that is not inferior to the power of returning to the void.

   The immortals have been sleeping for a long time, and the monks in the Void Returning Period are the strongest combat power in Junchen Realm, and they have to be subject to various restrictions.

   Ziyang Saint Sect, after failing the first few trials, knew that it would not happen overnight to kill this Jiazi Dryad.

   requires a long wait, and it takes thousands of years to slowly layout.

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