The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1712: Show up

For fear of missing the opportunity to capture Baijiaguo, Yiqi Zhenjun finally couldn't bear it.

   It is said that there are a lot of pears from that Jiazi tree.

   As a monk of the Yang Shen stage, he is not very demanding, and he can take one or two.

   For True Monarch Yiqi, the hidden dangers left behind made him lose the possibility of advancement and rebirth when he passed the thunder tribulation of the sun god.

   If he misses the opportunity in front of him, his life path may end here.

   Heaven grants it, but takes the blame.

  The road to the avenue has never been smooth sailing, and the risks that should be taken must be taken.

   For my own avenue, I spelled it this time.

   Li Ling Zhi was dizzy, the true monarch holding this thought, regardless of the Qiu brothers' previous stop, unexpectedly appeared from the dark alone and rushed forward.

   True Monarch moved with an anger, True Monarch Jade Sword and True Monarch Xuanxin hesitated.

   In their opinion, the Baijia fruit is fully ripe. At this time, every time it was delayed, it was a step closer to the restoration of the strength of the Jiazi Dryad.

   If they move fast enough, they can leave with Baijia fruit before the monk of the Ziyang Saint Sect arrives.

  If you continue to procrastinate, it will be a missed opportunity.

   True Monarch Jade Sword and True Monarch Xuanxin had almost the same idea, and followed True Monarch Yiqi leaped forward.

   Three Yang Shenqi cultivators rushed over and immediately alarmed the guarding demon kings.

   Although indulging in the aroma of the beetroot fruit, they can't extricate themselves, but when they see the enemy appear, they still try to stop it.

   Among this group of demon kings, the strongest Grey Peng King and Jinhou King are only the strength of the late Yuanshen. Even if there were a lot of Demon Kings, they still couldn't stop the impact of the Yang Shenqi cultivators.

   The three true princes of the Yangshen were unintentionally fighting against the demon kings, but they just knocked back the enemy and rushed forward quickly.

In front of    is the core area of ​​the Black Jade Forest and the area where the Jiazi Dryad takes root.

   The entire area is actually equivalent to the domain of this Jiazi Dryad.

   This area looks gray and gray, and no one knows what is going on inside.

   After the three true monarchs of Yangshen rushed in, there was no news and all contact with the outside was lost.

   The Qiu brothers who are hiding in the dark have blue faces.

   The Yangshen True Monarch that he had painstakingly cultivated was so disobedient, which made them very disappointed.

   Of course, these three guys rushed over in this way. If they can test the reality and investigate some situations, it will not be completely useless.

   At this time, everyone, including the Qiu family brothers, unscrupulously released their spirits, trying to probe the situation ahead.

   Their seemingly tyrannical minds, as soon as they hit the barrier in front, they were bounced far away.

   The Qiu family brothers used secret techniques several times to try to contact the three of Yiqi Zhenjun, but they also returned in vain.

   Now, everyone is sitting on the wax a bit.

   Jiazi Dryad is also a powerhouse at the Void Returning level, even if his vitality is severely injured and his strength drops sharply, he is not an easy one.

   The three of them had no such news. Could something happen so soon?

   Meng Zhang made a decisive decision and reacted immediately.

   He soared into the sky, flew into the sky, and shouted loudly.

   "All fellow members of the Ziyang Saint Sect, have you seen it too."

   "This Jiazi Dryad is so powerful that it would be difficult to fight against us alone, such as Yang Shenqi cultivators."

   "If everyone has their own ideas, or even kills each other, it will only make this Jiazi Dryad in vain."

   "Everyone, no matter what grudges or grievances you have, what calculations you have. If you don't give priority to this Jiazi Dryad, everything will be empty."

   "If you still don't show up, we will leave here immediately and stop participating in this matter."


   Meng Zhang's loud sound wave spread to all directions, and the power contained in the sound wave was enough to penetrate ordinary barriers.

  Meng Zhangyi appeared, it is such a high profile, the demon kings guarding below, naturally saw him at a glance.

   Feeling the aura that belongs to the monks of the Yang Shen stage released by Meng Zhang, these demon kings really didn't dare to just rush over.

   Gray Peng King looked at Meng Zhang in the air with a complicated expression.

   The comrades who fought side by side in the past have actually become enemies of the sect.

   Meng Zhang, who was similar in strength to his own back then, actually left himself far behind today.

  Meng Zhang's words are full of sincerity, which can be described as a bitter heart.

   Of course, if the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect really didn't hide nearby, then Meng Zhang would be glaring at the blind man.

   Facts have proved that Meng Zhang's guess is not wrong. The cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect has already arrived nearby and has been hiding in the distance.

   The current situation is very clear, Meng Zhang made up his mind not to enter the area ahead.

   If they have to wait forever, they might miss the opportunity.

   For the Ziyang Saint Sect, this action against the Jiazi Dryad cannot be missed, and the importance far exceeds the hostility towards Meng Zhang and the others.

   After Meng Zhang finished speaking, he didn't wait too long, so he waited for a response.

   One after another, the figures appeared in the distance, a team of nine Yang Shen stage monks, just like this, confronted Meng Zhang in the air.

  The matter is over, the Qiu family brothers did not continue to hide, they flew to Meng Zhang's side one after another.

   Although there is a big drop in the number of people, their momentum is not weak at all.

   Qiu Gangfeng recognized the monk headed by Ziyang Shengzong at a glance.

   "Xiang Keshou, I didn't expect you to lead the team personally this time."

   Qiu Gang's Xiang Keshou is a middle-aged man with a cold face wearing a Taoist gown.

   He glanced at Qiu Gangfeng indifferently, and didn't bother to talk to him.

   is another Yang Shenqi monk behind brother Xiao Mofei pointed to Meng Zhang and asked.

   "Meng Zhang, who gave you the courage to collude with the Qiu family brothers against our Ziyang Saint Sect?"

   Xiao Mofei is a monk of the Xiao family, a large family within the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   After Meng Zhang had a grievance with the Xiao family, he had specifically learned about the famous masters of the Xiao family.

   He did not answer Xiao Mofei's question, but looked at Xiang Keshou.

   Xiang Ke Shou also didn't take Meng Zhang's attention, but shouted to the Quartet.

   "You don't have to hide, come out."

After    shouted, seeing no movement around him, Xiang Keshou's tone became severe.

   "Why, can I ask you to come out in person?"

   This time, as soon as the voice fell, many monks appeared sparsely around.

   In addition to a few Yangshen cultivators, there are more than a dozen great cultivators of the Yuanshen late stage.

   Needless to say, these cultivators all learned about the results of the Jiazi Dryad, and came from all directions, wanting to pick up the cheap guys.

   Qiu Gangfeng's face is even more ugly.

   The news he finally obtained from the Ziyang Saint Sect was highly classified. Unexpectedly, there are so many people who know about it.

   At this time, Qiu Gangfeng felt a little worthless for losing the precious piece of Master Bai Zhilei.

   Seeing that all the people hiding in the dark appeared, Xiang Keshou began to get into the topic.

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