The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1718: situation

Three independent spaces not far apart collapsed, and a violent space storm blew around.

   Both sides who are fighting are affected more or less.

   Even Meng Zhang, who originally planned to stay out of the matter, had to retreat again and again to avoid being affected by the space storm.

   Accompanied by intense spatial fluctuations, several figures escaped in embarrassment.

   The monks who were trapped in these three independent spaces were not lucky enough, and were swallowed up when the space collapsed, and some died in previous battles...

   Three familiar figures appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

   True Monarch Yiqi, True Monarch Xuanxin, and True Monarch Jade Sword were the first to rush into this area, and they were also the first to be trapped in the independent space.

   They were originally a group of people. When faced with the temptation of Baijia Guo, they turned their faces without hesitation and began to fight for it.

   The three of them did not give way to each other and were at odds with each other.

   I don’t know if it is their luck or misfortune.

   The space suddenly collapsed due to external forces, and the Baijia fruit at the core of the space was destroyed.

   The three of them were lucky enough to escape safely from the disaster caused by the collapse of the space and successfully escaped.

   The three people who had escaped from the space storm together looked at each other, grunted, and ignored each other, as if they were breaking up.

   In addition to the three, in the other two collapsed spaces, a total of three monks escaped safely.

   Among them is a monk from the Ziyang Saint Sect, and two casual cultivators.

   The cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect had just gotten out of trouble and joined Xiang Keshou's camp.

   The collapse of three spaces means that three Baijia fruits have been destroyed.

   Jiazi Dryad was very distressed, and the huge tree body was twisting and shaking continuously.

   These Baijia fruits were all cultivated by him after thousands of years of painstaking efforts to absorb the essence of the heavens and the earth.

   Every Baijia fruit is its painstaking effort and is related to its future.

   Every time one loses a hundred Jia Guo, the Jiazi Dryad will evolve, and the chance of further progress will be reduced by one point.

   This time, it only produced 18 Baijia Guo. Meng Zhang and Xiang Keshou each got one, and three were destroyed, which was five less.

   Jiazi Dryad brought out the hundred berries to lure the human monks to kill each other, but he was not really willing to give up these hundred berries.

   Xiang Shou clearly sensed the anger of the Jiazi Dryad, and he had a new plan in his heart.

   For a long time, the Ziyang Saint Sect had two completely different opinions on this Jiazi Dryad.

   One is to slay the Jiazi Dryad with all its strength, seize various precious materials including the tree core, and get rid of a disaster in the north of Junchen Realm.

   The second kind is like raising pigs, raising this Jiazi tree demon in captivity.

   At regular intervals, they send out monks in the door to grab the fruits they bear and transform them into martial arts resources.

  Because this Jiazi Dryad is too strong and has become stronger and stronger, the second opinion seems too dangerous, and there are not many people who agree with it.

   Now that the Jiazi Dryad has the strength of the Void Rebirth Period, if it evolves again and its strength is further improved, who can control it?

  Xiang Shou has since been ordered to come, the main task is to take advantage of the weakness of the Jiazi Dryad, kill it, and completely avoid disaster.

  The Qiu family brothers have known information about the Jiazi Dryad for a long time, but they don’t know the specific results.

   Later, Bai Zhilei's master and disciples defected and brought the latest information, so they had the exact information.

   As for Qiu Gangfeng's taking in Bai Zhilei, Ziyang Shengzong certainly wouldn't be ignorant.

   Ziyang Shengzong acted, even more without evidence.

   At that time, the senior officials of Ziyang Shengzong had murdered the Qiu family brothers.

  As a result, the situation in the Xingluo Islands is tense, and the Qiu brothers are still needed for the time being.

  Secondly, the Qiu family brothers are Yang Shenqi monks anyway, and they are among the best. Before taking his life, he will not hinder the use of its waste.

   In order to capture Baijiaguo, the Qiu brothers will inevitably come to the Black Jade Forest to hostile the Jiazi Dryad.

   At that time, it just consumed the strength of the Jiazi Dryad, saving the strength of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Of course, the world is so changeable, even the Purple Sun Saint Sect cannot count everything so accurately.

   The first thing that Ziyang Saint Sect did not expect was that the Qiu family brothers had been secretly supporting Yiqi Zhenjun and others.

   Later, with the help of Meng Zhang’s secret method of transcending the calamity, this group of people advanced to the Yang Shen stage.

   The Yang God-period cultivator team pulled out by the Qiu family brothers is strong enough for the Ziyang Saint Sect to not be underestimated.

   Without the involvement of the Ziyang Saint Sect, relying on the strength of this team alone, it might be possible to successfully take the Baijia Guo.

   This situation is absolutely not allowed by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   If the Qiu family's brothers refine Baijia Guo and can advance to the Void Rebirth Period, with the grievances between their brothers and Ziyang Shengzong, Ziyang Shengzong will soon have two more enemies.

   The second thing that Monk Ziyang Saint Sect did not expect was that the team led by Brother Qiu didn't rush into the depths of the black jade forest, and was able to stand their temper.

  Especially Meng Zhang, the head of Taiyi Sect, also joined the team of the Qiu family brothers, and directly had a showdown with Brother Ziyang Shengzong, not giving them the opportunity to be fishermen.

   Xiang Shou is himself a senior of Ziyang Shengzong, who participated in the planning and decision-making of this operation throughout the entire process.

   He has the ability to respond immediately, and he also has the power to make decisions on the fly.

  In Xiang Keshou's In addition to killing the Jiazi Dryad, we also want to prevent the Qiu brothers from taking Baijia Guo.

   With the Qiu brothers' cultivation base, it was not far from the shock return period.

   If they get Baijia Guo this time, they will soon be able to advance to the Void Rebirth Period.

   Meng Zhang has successfully seized a Baijia fruit.

  Of course, in the face of Baijiaguo, such a natural treasure, Meng Zhang will never give it to the Qiu brothers.

   Moreover, Meng Zhang entered the Yang Shen stage not long ago, and his accumulation is far from enough. Even with the help of Baijiaguo, it is difficult to break through to the rebirth period in a short time.

   After this incident, Ziyang Shengzong had some ways to use Meng Zhang.

  Because of the situation before, he agreed to Meng Zhang's proposal, and everyone went into the depths of the black jade forest together, first solved the Jiazi tree monster, and then each took the Baijia fruit with their own strength.

   Xiang Shou did not expect that the Jiazi Dryad would actually use such a countermeasure, to separate the people, and to defeat them one by one.

   Jiazi Dryad did not hesitate to take out Baijia fruit as a bait, so that everyone could not break the space forcibly, and it was even more difficult to unite.

   Now most of the cultivators are trapped in an independent space, because they are caught in cannibalism in the fight for Baijia fruit.

   The cultivator who was present alone couldn't help this Jiazi Dryad.

   Xiang Shou took out his assassin, but he was not able to severely injure the enemy.

   If time continues to drag on, and when the Jiazi Dryad passes through the period of weakness and completely recovers its strength, then their action will have to end in failure.

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