The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1729: visit

Although he was extremely unwilling and even very angry in his heart, Meng Zhang knew that this was the right approach.

  As a mature cultivator, one cannot be influenced by personal likes, dislikes and feelings, and everything should be based on interests.

   The Taiyi Sect continued to fight with the Ziyang Saint Sect. It was harmful to the Taiyi Sect, and there was almost no benefit. It would only harm its own power for no reason.

   But when he thought of Ziyang Shengzong's high-pitched cheeks and aggressive approach, coupled with the fact that he almost died in the hands of Ziyang Shengzong's Void Returning Power a few years ago, Meng Zhang's thoughts were inaccessible, and he was very unhappy.

   Moreover, even if Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong make a peace, the support for the Xingluo Islands is necessary.

   In any case, the Xingluo Islands are lonely overseas, and they have done a great job in resisting the invasion of the sea clan. They are the first line of defense against the sea clan army.

   If the Xingluo Islands fall, there will be no obstacles between the Sea Clan and the north of Junchen Realm. The Taiyi Gate, which has a long coastline, will face the invasion of the Sea Clan army.

   Regardless of whether it is from personal emotions or the interests of the sect, Meng Zhang must find a way to support the Xingluo Islands so that they can continue to persevere.

   Supporting the Xingluo Islands is simple to say, but Meng Zhang still has no clue as to where the massive amounts of supplies should come from.

   Meng Zhang had previously thought that all the problems would be solved as he progressed to the stage of returning to virtuality.

   Now it seems that I thought it was too simple.

  Void-returning stage power is not omnipotent, ability has its limit.

  Especially in the Junchen Realm, during the rebirth period, you can stop thinking about doing whatever you want.

  Meng Zhang didn't know how to use wise strategy in the first place, so let's keep discussing these issues with the middle and high level of the door slowly.

   Taiyimen's residence in Tiangong maintains close contact with Taiyimen Mountain Gate. After obtaining the latest information from here, Meng Zhang left here and went to visit the rebirth power he knew.

   The old man with silver pot he wanted to see most was not in the mansion, and he didn't know where he went.

   Meng Zhang met the long-lost mother-in-law Qiansi in the mansion of mother-in-law Qiansi.

  I haven't seen her for many years, her mother-in-law Qiansi has become a lot more haggard, and her face is full of exhaustion that can't be concealed.

   The first time the mother-in-law Qiansi saw Meng Zhang, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

  Meng Zhang can almost be said to have grown up step by step.

   How long has Meng Zhang practiced and how long has he entered Yang Shen stage?

  Meng Zhang was so young that he successfully advanced to the rebirth period and became a rebirth power capable of sitting on an equal footing with her.

   If it's not for the deep concentration, the mother-in-law Qiansi wants to see if she has hallucinations.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law is a time-tested elder, she soon calmed down, congratulated Meng Zhang generously, and wished him to be a member of my generation.

   Now that Meng Zhang has already advanced to the stage of rebirth, Granny Qiansi's attitude towards him is completely different. He is no longer regarded as a junior, but an attitude of peers.

   Meng Zhang was polite, and then generously accepted.

   This is the reality of the realm of cultivation. Everything that speaks based on cultivation, and even the intimate relationship, can't match the progress of cultivation.

   When the cultivation base is here, the respect and treatment that should be given will not be less.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law asked about Meng Zhang's recent experience briefly, focusing on the process before and after his breakthrough in the rebirth period.

   Meng Zhang didn't have much to hide, and he said everything he could say.

   As for the specific details of the practice, he didn't say anything.

  Meng Zhang focused on his experience in the Black Jade Forest.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law cheered up and quietly listened to Meng Zhang's narration.

   After listening to Meng Zhang's words, mother-in-law Qiansi understood the problems Meng Zhang and Taiyimen were facing, and also heard Meng Zhang's request for help.

  Meng Zhang has not only had friendship with Mother-in-law Qiansi for many years, but also joined the Immortal Association behind her under the recommendation of Mother-in-law Qiansi.

  With the huge power of the Dengxianhui, if they can help each other with all their strength, all the problems Meng Zhang faces can be solved quickly.

   To be honest, although Meng Zhang has become a great power in the rebirth period, he is still an out-and-out newcomer in the Dengxianhui, and he can't enjoy too good treatment.

  Dengxianhui organization seems to be loose, but the internal rules are strict, and it will not break the existing rules just because of a rebirth monk.

  The members of the Dengxian Society will take care of each other and help each other, but all these have their limits.

   Regardless of Meng Zhang’s qualifications and status, or his contribution to the Dengxianhui, it is not enough for Dengxianhui to stand up for him and go against Ziyang Shengzong.

  Meng Zhang knows this, and mother-in-law Qiansi knows this too.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law pondered for a moment, and told Meng Zhang a terribly bad news.

   Ziyang Shengzong and Dali Dynasty have been fighting for many years, but they have been unable to beat each other.

   At the senior level of the Ziyang Saint Sect, there has been a voice that wants to make peace with the Dali Dynasty.

   Originally, Ziyang Shengzong was the ruler of the northern part of Junchen Realm. In order to maintain the stability of the rule, it is not allowed to have too strong cultivation forces in the north of Junchen Realm.

The emergence of    Great Li Dynasty broke the balance of power in the northern part of Junchen Realm and affected the rule of Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Therefore, Ziyang Shengzong will attack the Dali Dynasty.

   But Ziyang Saint Sect didn't expect that the Dali Dynasty was strong enough, and there was support from many forces behind it.

   has been attacked by the Ziyang Saint Sect for many years, although the Dali Dynasty has worked a little harder, it has been able to sustain it.

   Now, Ziyang Shengzong has a tendency to ride a Within Ziyang Shengzong, there are already high-level officials who feel that Ziyang Shengzong and the Great Li Dynasty are fighting, and they are completely exhausted by false names. This battle is actually meaningless.

   Since the Dynasty of Great Li had already possessed a strong strength, it should have a corresponding status.

   The great change of Junchen Realm is imminent, Ziyang Saint Sect needs to concentrate his strength to respond, there is really no need to waste energy on Dali Dynasty.

   The war with the Dali Dynasty has been spreading for a long time, and it has not made much progress. There is no gain. It is no wonder that some high-level people in the door will have the idea of ​​a truce.

   Of course, although there was a truce in Ziyang Shengzong and the Dali Dynasty, there is still a long way to go before the two sides truly truce.

   There are many hardliners in the Ziyang Saint Sect, which is very difficult to convince.

   They have made up their minds to take the Great Li Dynasty.

   After so many years of fighting between the two major forces, the various enmities that have accumulated are not so easy to eliminate.

   Even if the two sides are in a truce, how to proceed and how to deal with the aftermath is a lot of trouble.


When    Qiansi's mother-in-law told Meng Zhang the bad news, she also directly stated her own judgment. It is very difficult for a peaceful scene between the Great Li Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong within a short period of time.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law's qualifications and seniority are much higher than Meng Zhang, and she is even more veteran in the Dengxianhui.

  The information channels she has mastered are far above those of Meng Zhang.

   The information she provided is still very credible.

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