The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1743: Banquet

Taiyimen mobilized materials and recruited the monks of the Hanhai Dao League to form a large army, and it will take a while before they can be dispatched.

   Meng Zhang handed these trivial matters to the middle and high level of the door, and he first came to the Xingluo Islands.

  As a newcomer, Meng Zhang will provide all kinds of support for this attack on the Xihai Sea Clan.

   He usually doesn't take action on weekdays, but when the Sea Clan's rebirth power dog jumps a wall in a hurry, it depends on his ability to see if he can withstand the opponent, and wait for the Heavenly Palace to launch the Heavenly Punishment.

   Meng Zhang is the first to rush to the Xingluo Islands to return to the void.

   is a sign of importance, Qiu Gangfeng personally came out to receive him.

   Logically speaking, because of the latest order of King Snow Sword, the predicament of the Star Rock Islands has been almost resolved, and he should be happy.

   But when Meng Zhang saw Qiu Gangfeng, his face was unconcealed with depression.

  Meng Zhang can understand Qiu Gangfeng's mood very well.

   Qiu Gangfeng had long had the strength to impact the Void Reversion Period, but because of the suppression and restriction of the Ziyang Sacred Sect, he had not been able to retreat from the impact for a long time.

   After the battle in the Black Jade Forest, he and Ziyang Shengzong tore his face, logically speaking, he can completely avoid Ziyang Shengzong, and the reckless impact returns to the virtual period.

   But at this time, due to the blockade of the Ziyang Saint Sect, he lacked all kinds of training materials, and even the resources to impact the Void Rebirth Period were far from enough.

   In desperation, he could only ask for help.

   Now, because of the orders of King Snow Sword, the cultivation resources from all over the world are sent to the Xingluo Islands continuously, and the materials he needs for cultivation are guaranteed.

   But next, he must personally lead the army out to destroy the sea clan in Xihai.

   There are many monks participating in this operation, but the monks from the Star Rock Islands are the main force. As the rulers of the Xingluo Islands, the Qiu family brothers are even more impossible to escape.

   The Qiu family brothers have fought against the Xihai Sea Clan for many years, knowing the strength of the enemy.

   Even with a steady stream of assistance, this expedition is bound to be unpredictable and unpredictable.

   Even if they can win by fluke, the Xingluo Islands will inevitably suffer heavy losses and pay a huge price.

   In such a battle, True Monarch Yang Shen dare not say that he will be able to save his life.

   In general, Ban Xue Jianjun’s order this time was a mixed blessing for the Qiu family brothers.

   Of course, no matter good or bad, their brothers only have to accept it obediently.

  In order to welcome the arrival of Meng Zhang, the Qiu brothers temporarily put aside all their affairs and gathered the main high-level monks of the Xingluo Islands to host a banquet for Meng Zhang.

   At the banquet, all the Yang Shen stage monks in the Star Luo Islands appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

   In addition to the Qiu brothers, there is also Fu Yunzi who is dealing with for the first time.

   Fuyunzi is a Yang Shenqi monk fostered by the Ziyang Saint Sect. He has been against the Qiu brothers before.

   This time the Qiu family brothers returned, there were also several more Yang Shenqi monks under them.

   Fuyunzi is a guy who knows the current affairs, put his posture very low, and actively bowed his head to the Qiu brothers.

   The Qiu family brothers can't understand this guy very much, but out of various considerations, they can't attack him, and can only tolerate his existence temporarily.

   Fuyunzi is very honest now, everything is only the head of the Qiu family.

   Among the several Yang Shenji monks fostered by the Qiu family brothers, except True Monarch Chilong, everyone else is here.

   No one thought that a character like True Monarch Chilong was actually a traitor to the sea clan.

   This time True Monarch Red Dragon colluded with the Sea Clan, and the inside should be combined with the outside, causing irreparable damage to the Xingluo Islands, greatly hurting his vitality, and shaking his foundation.

   From this, it can be seen that the Sea Clan's penetration into the Xingluo Islands is deep, and the Sea Clan's ability is strong.

  Even no one can be sure whether there are spies from the Sea Clan in the current Star Rock Islands.

   It is not uncommon for a wise race like the Hai Clan to use various means to develop a traitor within the human race.

   With the extremely selfish nature of the cultivator, facing the coercion and temptation of the Sea Clan, there is really no resistance.

  Especially those who are in casual cultivators, who have no worries, and are even easier to start.

   Of course, a traitor like True Monarch Chilong should not have a low status within the Sea Clan.

   Judging from his breath, either he himself is a descendant of a true dragon, with true dragon blood on his body. Either the dragon secret technique, such as blood thaumaturgy, was used on the body to gain a part of the true dragon's power.

   For many human cultivators, it is not surprising at all to abandon human blood in order to obtain part of the true dragon power.

   Speaking of True Monarch Chilong, the traitor, everyone present was itchy with hatred.

   The Qiu brothers didn't talk about other cultivation, and they also paid a secret technique of crossing the triumph, which completely became an act of adversary.

   Meng Zhang listened to everyone's discussion, and remembered that he had gone deep into the depths of the West Sea before and conducted simple investigations.

  According to Meng Zhang’s knowledge at the time, the great forces within the human race colluded with the sea race and provided them with assistance in all aspects.

   Including helping the sea clan build a construction base, build various war tools, etc.

  Meng Zhang really wants to know how these human comprehension forces who colluded with the Sea Clan will react with the cleaning order issued by King Snow Sword.

   If these comprehension forces are a little smarter, they should immediately cut off contact with the Sea Clan and draw a clear line.

  Meng Zhang did not spread these things around.

   The serious problem of Dali Dynasty’s containment magic repair is almost cleaned up now.

   In the past, many comprehension forces have done things like colluding with foreign races and colluding with demons, and not many people care about it.

   But as long as the heavenly palace and the sacred sects of the major sects are serious ~ this kind of things will naturally disappear soon.

   Meng Zhang and the monks present here exchanged information about the Xihai Sea Clan.

   In the previous attacks on the Star Rock Islands, the Xihai Sea Clan had never used the Void Rebirth Stage powerhouse, and not many Yangshen Stage powerhouses had even been dispatched.

   In this case, relying on the strong support of Ziyang Shengzong, the Xingluo Islands can persevere.

   In recent years, although the Xihai Sea Clan has increased the pressure on the Xingluo Islands, it is far from going all out.

   The last time he cooperated with Chilong Zhenjun to attack from outside, the Sea Clan was really the main force.

   Not to mention the huge number of sea clan army, there are nearly ten powerhouses of Yangshen level alone.

   If it weren't for the Yang God powerhouse of the Royal Beast Sect, it would be the right time, and the Yang God stage monks of the Xingluo Islands alone would not be able to resist the opponent.

   For the sacred sect of the Royal Beast Sect, Meng Zhang has also long admired its name.

   It is said that the monks of the Royal Beast Sect are proficient in various secrets of beasts, and they are good at keeping and entrusting various spirit beasts.

   A cultivator of the Royal Beast Sect is out in the battle, and there may be several spirit beasts of equal strength around him.

   Therefore, the Royal Beast Sect monk is notoriously powerful in the realm of comprehension.

   The royal beast sect is also recognized as the strongest sect in the cultivation world.

   Of course, although the Royal Beast Sect is recognized as the strongest, its behavior is not particularly overbearing.

   is always fair and keeps promises, which is the impression given by the monks of the Royal Beast Sect.

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