The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1752: Tao Yun

After the great supernatural power person refined this magic weapon, he refined it into his life magic weapon, nourished with divine thought and true essence from time to time.

   In Meng Zhang's induction, all the experiences of this sacred iron were vague and not very clear.

   Besides, there are many blank spaces in it.

  Especially at those critical moments, the sensed information became intermittent, causing Meng Zhang to scream in his heart that it was a pity that he almost broke away from this wonderful feeling.

   Meng Zhang knew that there was a rare opportunity, tried to stabilize his mind, and continued to perceive it carefully.

   Later, this great supernatural power seemed to have experienced some earth-shattering battle. Not only did he die, but his life magic weapon was also broken into pieces.

   Among them, the most core piece of debris fell into the void. After many years, it adsorbed a lot of rubble and dust and turned into a meteorite again.

   I don't know how many years this meteorite has wandered in the void. When it passed through the great world of Junchen Realm, it was captured by Junchen Realm's gravity and fell directly into Junchen Realm.

   Junchen Realm has arranged a tight defense, constantly monitoring the void, and the main target is the invaders outside the territory, but it is not an inconspicuous meteorite.

In fact, in order to increase the origin of Junchen Realm, the Void Returning Powers of Junchen Realm often take the initiative to capture some small worlds or meteorite groups, and let them fall into Junchen Realm and be swallowed by Junchen Realm. absorb.

   This meteorite fell into the Junchen Realm and became the so-called outer meteorite iron.

   Later, the outer meteorite gave birth to spirituality and became a spirit like the Black Gold Demon.

   As for what happened after that, although it was vague, Meng Zhang knew it a long time ago.

   This meteorite has gone through several twists and turns, and it has experienced a long time of wandering in the void, which really opened Meng Zhang's eyes.

   Feeling the long journey of the meteorite in the void is also beneficial to Meng Zhang.

   But what Meng Zhang really cares about is not these, but the Tao Yun hidden in the depths of this meteorite iron outside the sky.

   Almost every magic weapon in the realm of cultivation contains at least one complete Taoist rhyme.

   The so-called Dao Yun is the rhythm of the Dao, and it is a way of expressing the Dao.

  The most important thing in refining magic weapons is not the materials, but the ability to master the appropriate rhyme.

   In many cases, even if the material of a magic weapon is slightly different, if Dao Yun is smart enough, it can not only make up for it, but also greatly enhance the power of the magic weapon.

   Although this piece of outer meteorite iron is only a fragment of a magic weapon, the Taoist rhyme contained in it is relatively complete.

   Dao Yun is a very mysterious and superb power in the realm of comprehension.

   When the monk arrives at the Primordial Spirit Stage, he can mobilize the power of the Great Dao for the first time.

   Dao Yun is a very high-end application of the power of Dao.

   The monks below the rebirth period, not to mention cultivation and application, even if the Daoyun is put in front of them, it is difficult to feel clearly.

   For Da Neng in the rebirth period, Dao Yun is a unique power.

   Mastering a rhyme is a powerful assassin.

   Meng Zhang did not have enough level of cultivation at the beginning, and he could not sense the Taoist rhyme contained in this piece of meteorite iron from the outside world.

   After his advanced stage of Void Return, he not only sensed the many experiences of this meteorite iron from outside the sky, but also vaguely sensed the Taoist rhyme contained in it.

   In the past five years, apart from the routine practice of the rebirth period, Meng Zhang's main energy was to comprehend the rhyme of Taoism.

  Meng Zhang didn't even think that he would have such a chance, under such circumstances, to obtain this rhyme.

   Compared with a magic weapon, the rhyme of the rhyme seems to be more important.

   It took five years for Meng Zhang to get a glimpse of the door.

   Now back to the Star Rock Islands, he once again began to realize this rhyme.

   The rhyme of this Taoist rhyme is extremely concealed, and the Black Gold Demon who was born out of this meteorite iron from the outside world also knew nothing about it.

   Even after the Black Gold Demon fell into the magic way, his whole body was infested by the magic energy, and the magic energy couldn't penetrate the rhyme of the Taoism.

  Speaking of which, this is also the path chosen by the Black Gold Demon.

  The meteorite iron outside the sky can give birth to a sage and become a spirit, it is hard to say whether it has been secretly affected by this Taoist rhyme.

  If the Black Gold Demon has been practicing normally, he has not fallen into the magic way. Not only can he continue to benefit from this hidden Taoist rhyme. When the cultivation base is reached in the future, it will be possible to thoroughly refine this Dao Yun and fully grasp its power.

   It is a pity that he fell into the magic way, and was naturally disgusted by this Tao Yun, and forever lost the opportunity to benefit from it.

   The Tao Yun hidden in the depths of the meteorite outside the sky is intangible and intangible, but it has a special power.

   The more Meng Zhang studied in depth, the more he found it extraordinary.

   If you can thoroughly master the power of this Dao Yun, Meng Zhang will have one more effective method available when he fights against the monks of the same rank in the future.

   When Meng Zhang felt the rhyme of Taoism, the Xingluo Islands were still calm.

   Even because of the arrival of support from all parties, a large number of monks and materials gathered here. Within a short period of time, a deformed scene of prosperity appeared.

  Ahead, the three-way cultivator army desperately searched for the whereabouts of the main force of the sea clan, and wanted to fight it.

   But the main force of the Sea Clan has been engaged in guerrilla warfare, taking the initiative to avoid frontal combat.

  Occasionally, there is contact between the marine army and the human army.

   Many years of hard work to find no results, the main force of the Sea Clan has been avoiding and not fighting.

   Even if there are some small-scale conflicts and fierce battles, the results are very limited.

   The farther the monks' army is from the Star Rock Islands the longer the front line drags, the greater the loss of various materials.

   Tiangong is very dissatisfied with this, and can't help but start urging.

  Meng Zhang is only the least experienced among the four rebirth powers, and the Qiu family brothers and others are responsible for the specific combat.

   Even if Tiangong urged, he couldn't find him.

   Meng Zhang knows the truth that haste is not good, and he disagrees with Tiangong's practice.

   will be subject to the orders of the foreign emperor, and the high-level Tiangong do not understand the actual battle situation on the front line, how can he urge so blindly?

   Of course, Meng Zhang wouldn't come out casually, he simply pretended to be confused, and left him indifferent, watching him coldly.

   Ziyang Shengzong’s anode Taoist seized the opportunity, and it was another wave of accusations and attacks on the Qiu brothers.

   Yudie Daogu of the Imperial Beast Sect is fairly fair in dealing with people.

   She conveyed the meaning of Tiangong's urging to the army of monks in front of her.

   As for how to respond to Tiangong's urging, and what to do next, it depends on the commanders on the front line.

   Of course, if the cultivators on the front line have not responded to this, then Daoist Jade Butterfly will have to go to the front line herself and put pressure on everyone.

   The three-way monk army each has its own commander, and the whole army is nominally Qiu brothers.

   They felt the pressure from Tiangong, and felt that it was impossible to disobey, and they had to respond as soon as possible.

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